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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Discussion of moderation action are off-topic for this thread, but also, it's really nobody else's business. Please, go back to enjoying craft and let other matters sort themselves out.
  2. As the earth rotates during the day and goes around the sun during the year, the only place one observatory couldn't look is a spot too close to the opposite pole of the earth. (Example: an observatory near the north pole would not be able to see a bit of the sky around the south pole.) However, there are telescopes in the northern regions of the earth and the southern regions, so their fields of view overlap and cover the areas the other hemisphere would miss. Thus, mo telescope can see everywhere at once, but it's just geometry that no part of the sky can not be observed by any telescopes at all.
  3. Infractions have point values of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30, depending on severity. There's also a "custom" infraction which can be any number of points we enter, but that's almost never used.
  4. I would suggest you describe the issue. Also, your thread has been moved to the off-topic lounge, since it is not about the game itself.
  5. We have the ability to do either, but the only time we actually delete threads is when somebody accidentally posts something twice.
  6. Necroposting is not half as irritating as all the people who feel it necessary to post in the thread pointing out that it is necroposting.
  7. Well, I don't like your odds of getting the craft file, as the person who submitted this has not posted for over two years.
  8. Some posts have been trimmed from this thread. Keep the discussion on-topic, please.
  9. Good luck, SpaceyCLE, and welcome to the forum.
  10. Close to the ground is the most dangerous time, as that's when there's something to hit, so it's definitely spaceplane arrivals/departures. But cockpits/capsules tend to survive bad takeoffs, so bad landings is where I lose the most little green guys.
  11. I like both, and would like to see both in the game.
  12. Since this is not about KSP itself, the thread has been moved to Science Labs.
  13. I hope they're good at holding their breath.
  14. This is not a consensus. Merely an oft-repeated accusation.
  15. This has turned into a how-to thread, and so it has been moved to the how-to subforum.
  16. As this is not about KSP, the thread has been moved to the off-topic lounge.
  17. I think that's your browser doing something odd, Mad.
  18. Thread moved to the subforum for this sort of nuts-and-bolts info.
  19. This is the right place to ask, but it's not clear to me what kind of ship you're looking for. Could you be more specific?
  20. This discussion of the game's development has been moved to development discussions.
  21. Dial back the anger, guys. Which part looks better is a matter of personal opinion, and not something to get mad at each other about. Also, it's nobody else's business why someone left the Squad team. We don't know, and it doesn't matter anyway.
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