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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. OP is asking for book recommendations. Please restrict the discussion in this thread to that topic.
  2. This discussion of the game's development has been moved to Development Discussions.
  3. Modding discussion moved to the modding subforums.
  4. Merged into the existing thread for this subject.
  5. How-to question moved to the how-to section. (And good luck! )
  6. Yes, there's more to the game than launching rockets that blow up before reaching orbit. You can also launch all kinds of ships that blow up before getting to all kinds of places, planets, and moons. Welcome to the forum.
  7. Questions about PC stats/components/abilities are traditionally put in the Space Lounge, which this thread now occupies.
  8. Hard to tell from that perspective, but maybe you're not close enough? Are you right-clicking on the seat?
  9. Could you do a burn during re-entry to help slow the ship, and/or set a fairly high aerobraking altitude and make multiple passes?
  10. This thread has wandered far from the topic and into politics and personal animosities. Time to move on to other discussions, please.
  11. Welcome to the forum, Khofax. I'm not clear what you're saying, but it looks like a suggestion, so your thread has been moved to the Suggestions subforum.
  12. There is no single, authoritative source. Squad puts out info when they feel it's ready.
  13. I also found symmetries going so completely bonkers that I could not construct an aircraft in 1.04. It was bad enough to get me past my reluctance to use mods, and I resorted to Claw's stock bug fixes. Works like a charm. (Except I still suck at spaceplanes. )
  14. There are some topics which have been discussed so many times that we've had to rule them off-limits for the sake of keeping forum discussions moving productively. Please review the list, and you'll find that additional worlds is one of them. Sorry, but this thread will be closed now.
  15. WinkAllKerb', we can change it you're sure you want it, but I can't tell if you're joking or not. Remember, everybody only gets one name change.
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