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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. If you're on a Windows machine, move the KSP folder out of Program Files. If you're trying to run the game from there, Windows stashes screenshorts and saved game files in bizarre places.
  2. With regard to some removed posts, please either answer helpfully or skip to the next thread. Belittling others over their choices in software or hardware helps no one, and does not make you look superior. Also, this thread has been moved to the support section.
  3. As this thread is not about the game itself, the thread has been moved to the off-topic lounge.
  4. If you put multiple parts on an action group, and then move the parts, the action group can 'forget' to activate all the duplicates of the original part created by symmetry. If that happens, blank the action group and re-create it.
  5. As this question is specifically about mods, the thread has been moved to Add-on Affairs.
  6. ejhawman, tetryds was nice enough to show you (and remind me) how to post Imgur albums on our forum. He left a note demonstrating the format.
  7. This discussion of the game's development has been moved to Development Discussions.
  8. To make my flags, I opened a stock one in Paint, saved it under a new name, and then painted over the existing image. That way it was certain to have the same formatting and whatnot as the others.
  9. Still much too early to try to interpret those surface features. Remember: that's how a generation convinced itself that Mars had canals.
  10. Moved to the section for nuts & bolts kind of questions.
  11. We also exist. Welcome to our forum.
  12. There may be tricks to help, but really it's just a matter of practice and experience. Map view only rotates across the 180 degree arc from north to south, so when looking at its primary, every celestial object is going to be moving from left to right if it's in the foreground, and from right to left if it's behind the primary. And as the old pros told me when I was a newbie, you should do most of your flying by the navball anyway, so visual perspective is nearly irrelevant. I use the main camera view when I am within 20kms or so during docking, during the last few minutes of landings, and to take scenic screenshots, and that's about it.
  13. If we're asking you to stick to the topic or reminding you of forum rules, it's official.
  14. As this does not appear to be about KSP itself, it has been moved to the off-topic lounge.
  15. If you want to discuss other potential missions to this region, please start a thread for it. This thread is for the current New Horizons mission.
  16. There is a subforum for showing off one's ships, and this thread now occupies it.
  17. These suggestions for the game's development have been moved to Suggestions and Development.
  18. I moved it to this sub and passed the question along. Sorry I forgot to post saying so, but I was expecting an answer would come soon. While we wait for a firmer answer, I believe the wiki itself is working, and the problem might lie with your browser caching. Update: I'm told parts of it are not working.
  19. That Sal_vager has been one of our most active and helpful forum members and moderators for longer than most of us have known the game existed. And his posts are not just commenting on the game, but also helping new players figure things out, and untangling technical issues both in the game and on the forum.
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