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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Your words acknowledged it. Your argument ignores it. By withholding 64bit until it was put forth by others and then acceding to the demand for their official version? It was dragged from them unwillingly, which is hardly the same thing as carelessly "opening the floodgates." Sure is, if the thing in question was, to repeat this as many times as it takes to get the point across, withheld because they knew it wasn't ready, and only reluctantly released in the face of popular demand. Because Squad does not owe one segment of their players more than they owe another segment of their players. Anything they do is going to please some people and aggravate other people. Mod-makers are not a higher class of people deserving of greater consideration. And the players demanding it would have been screaming about it ceaselessly this whole time. And remember, they did not originally release the 64bit anyway. Somebody discovered a way to jury-rig it and make it available despite Squad's wishes. Don't try to play the oppression card. You were not infracted and nothing was edited from your post. You want facts? 1) They didn't release it because they knew it wasn't ready. 2) Somebody forced their hand by making a hacked version available, at which point they saw little harm in acceding to popular demand and making the official one available, despite its unfinished (or "broken", if you insist) state. 3) When people complained that the thing they had stated was unstable turned out to be unstable, they did both of the things you wanted: labeled it as unreliable, and then pulled it. There is a lot of blame to be thrown around in this mess, but this is at least one situation where it's just plain silly to try to make it Squad's fault.
  2. Indeed they do. I make lots of science probes.
  3. Could be any number of reasons. How is it not working? What other mods do you have installed? Pics of the problem? No one can help you without A LOT more information.
  4. This neglects to acknowledge that Squad sensibly withheld the 64bit version because they knew it wasn't ready for release, as you yourself point out, and that they only finally did so because the hacked version was already out there and there was widespread demand for an official version even in its unfinished state. I suspect they didn't feel a need to label this thing as unstable since it was common knowledge at the time, and people were demanding access to it anyway. Please do not try to make this all Squad's fault because they did what so many people are always nagging them to do, and "listened to the community." They knew it was a bad idea, and were badgered into it against their better judgement. "Broken" is a rather loaded and unfair term for something they had tried to withhold specifically because they knew it was unfinished. Because for each of you making this demand, there were a dozen insisting on just the opposite. Ultimately, Squad did label the 64bit as unstable and did pull it, and yet despite their doing what you wanted, you're still mad at them and blaming them for the situation, when the real responsibility for the mess lies with impatient people who refused to wait for a completed 64bit build.
  5. Hello and welcome to the forum.
  6. There's no manual because they are still working on the game. No point in printing something up if it's just going to need revision again and again.
  7. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Development Discussions. As for my opinion, remember that some of us do not use mods, and would not want to see the game's development inhibited for a problem which doesn't affect me or my style of play. Also, some modders are going to lose interest and abandon their projects no matter what else is going on. That's just the nature of things.
  8. Well, we're pretty informal. But at least officially, I am in charge of the General section of the forum, and "my" team is Red Iron Crown, purpletarget, AmpsterMan, and Specialist290. Essentially, if they're unsure about how to deal with something, they ask me. And then I say, "I dunno. What do you think, Sal_vager?"
  9. Please provide more information. Has it been doing this all along, or has the game slowed down? How many parts does the ship in question have? Is it attempting to land near other ships already landed? That sort of thing.
  10. Did you "arm" the claw before attempting to grab the target? How fast were you going at contact?
  11. Give them some time, guy. Takes a while to make a rover and fly it somewhere.
  12. Yes, Live from Mission Control is the correct subforum.
  13. It's a great movie, but it's not actually about KSP. And so, moved to Space Lounge.
  14. How-to question moved to the how-to subforum.
  15. Fighting each other about this isn't going to solve anything. People who want to try this workaround are free to do so. People who don't like it don't have to. Some mod-makers want to disallow the use of their mods in 64bit, and that is their choice. Squad will resume working on a 64 bit version when and if they feel it's worth taking the time to do. And getting angry with each other about it isn't going to change anyone's mind. And this thread was created for those who wish to use this workaround, so anything other than how to do so is off-topic. Please set the arguments aside and keep the discussion here for that subject.
  16. Translation: Thank you for thoughtfully bringing our attention to this, John FX. However, there is an existing thread for it, and so these will be merged now.
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