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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Moved to the sub-forum for player-made vids.
  2. I would suggest you ask in the thread for whichever mod it is you're talking about.
  3. Oi. Since people can't seem to resist the temptation to try cussing in the thread about cussing, the cussing thread will now be closed before we have to start issuing infractions for cussing. The issue has been pointed out, so move along, please. This is why we can't have nice things.
  4. I doubt any kids saw it until this thread was posted. :/
  5. Used to be true, but this was fixed a version or two back. I could be misremembering, but I think I had a 2-tourist contract where one only wanted a suborbital but the other wanted a full orbit. Try reading through the whole contract text, wingnutt. Also, the contract message display on the upper right should show which conditions have not been met yet.
  6. Go to the VAB, and you'll see them as personnel you can load into the ship.
  7. Perhaps it is, but since it's not actually in the game, moved to Space Lounge.
  8. The topic of the thread is difficulty settings, please.
  9. Moved to Spacecraft Exchange: the place for showcase-typey threads.
  10. We already have at least two threads (this and that) about the PS4 thing. Please, don't let this get of hand.
  11. This thread is from before the aero revision, and therefore, current planes are not comparable to previous challenge entries. Someone could start a new such challenge, if there's interest.
  12. Moved to the section for player-made videos.
  13. Moved to the off-topic lounge, since it's not actually about KSP itself.
  14. partyphoenix, I fixed your album link, and left it below your original. If you go to "edit" the post and choose "source mode" (the little A/A) button on the left of the edit menu), you can see the differences between the two.
  15. Thread's gone off-topic, and I'm tired of people demanding that I provide justifications I've already provided, and being told that my opinion is objectively wrong. As OP I'm requesting that the thread be closed, and as a moderator, I am granting my request.
  16. Moved to Spacecraft Exchange; the place for showcase threads.
  17. The discussion here is overlapping other threads. Please reserve this one for sharing news.
  18. Moved to modded support, since that seems to be the best place for it.
  19. We knew the job was dangerous when we took it.
  20. Thanks, Camacha. And now, thread closed by OP's request.
  21. Consider what you're saying. Same physics but different part masses will result in unrealistic physics? That is nonsensical. Don't you think this maneuver would be more effective if my engine wasn't forced to point the wrong way by the airflow? Your experience differs from mine. Good for you. My play style is different. That is one response. I am proposing another. In the regard that I don't like it, and am expressing my opinion about it. Please stop mischaracterizing my argument. Is this what I said? No. I did not say new is bad. I said that this is a change I do not like. I am not obligated to dislike the other things you list out of some sort of illusory consistency. Surely there have been aspects of the game's revisions that you did not like? I am specifying one of my dislikes here.
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