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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Yellow as it's going from red to green? What the what? Say you come around a corner and the light is yellow. How do you know whether to stop or not?
  2. New rule for this thread; you can state your own peeves, but you can't tell other people why theirs are wrong.
  3. For this to be a challenge, you'll need to add some specifics, such as determining a precise goal and a way to assign scores or specify a winner. Look over the challenge guidelines and see what you can come up with.
  4. I like the idea of more destinations to fly to, but I must also point out hat the title of this thread is somewhat misleading. There has never been a second gas giant in the game, so it can't be "brought back." It was discussed and some work may have started on it, but there is as yet nothing to bring back.
  5. I'm not clear exactly what you're describing, but when close to the poles in some camera settings, the camera POV will rotate around the craft. The craft should not rotate with respect to the skybox, though.
  6. I had something like 50 long-tested and reliable ship designs which I had been developing over the course of a couple of years. 1.00 forced me to discard them all, because even though their spaceborne components still worked, their launch vehicles could no longer get them to orbit through the new aerodynamics. Was that frustrating? Damn right it was. Am I looking forward to recreating all that lost work? No. Do I blame Squad for changing the game? Absolutely not. I appreciate that they're still working on it, still trying to make it a better experience, and not afraid even to rework fundamental aspects of the game.
  7. For every person demanding a stop to revising an aspect of the game, there is another person insisting that that aspect is unacceptable in its current state and absolutely must be changed. There have been people insisting that we get no new content until they fix the game mechanics, too. It's just the nature of game development, unfortunately. You can't please everyone.
  8. Modding discussion moved to the modding subforum.
  9. How about a clarification of what you mean by a "party"? In the old, classic games, there were several members of the party, but they were all directly under the player's control. I consider this good. Later games often have that awful mess in which the party members are semi-autonomous, are always doing stupid stuff like running in front of you in the middle of fights, conversing with each other, or leaving the party due to plot reasons. I consider this unbearable.
  10. Merged into your existing thread for this issue.
  11. I'm not a competitive person, but since I'm in charge of this section of the forum now, I figured I should try a challenge or two to see what it's like and get into the spirit of things. Rules question: Does the sprint craft have to end up on land? Because trying to brake while going down that beach slope would be, like, impossible. My entry meets your other requirements. Does not lose touch with the ground before crossing the finish line. Note that the flight timer on upper left starts counting at engine ignition, and speed is indicated on the navball. Stays under 75m while decelerating in air over the ocean. Splashes down intact. Edit: dang it. Just noticed I lost an engine. But only after crossing the line, so still counts, right? Time: 10 seconds. Speed: 377.7m/s.
  12. Dropping an asteroid on Kerbin not only does not destroy Kerbin, it does not destroy the asteroid.
  13. You have to fly it there, roll it there, or hyperedit (a mod) it there. Think of it as an extra exciting design challenge!
  14. Darklands. 24-year-old game. Clunky UI and graphics look like they were made in MS Paint. Most of the time, you're looking at static menu screens. But you can't beat the gameplay options for variety, and the game was a big part of the inspiration for Elder Scrolls.
  15. Ferram4, I have answered all of your other points already, so I'm not going to go through it all again. Go right ahead blaming Squad for the 64bit mess, and the Lindbergh kidnapping, and whatever else. It's really not unclear. "Don't do that because it's against the rules" is a moderation statement. "You're mistaken and here's why... " is an opinion.
  16. I also wish to defend GOG.com. Until recently, they only dealt in selling awesome old games for dirt-cheap prices but patched to modern standards of reliability. I love them for that. Selling new games and keeping up with patches that are coming out now instead of 10 years ago is new for them. Not that you should feel any less frustrated. Just try not to hate those nice guys, please.
  17. Jeez, guys. This forum is dead. Stop necroing it.
  18. A number of posts have been removed from this thread for a) going off-topic, and devolving into personal attacks. You are free to disagree with each other, but please leave the insults out of it, and try to remember that your fellow forum members are not enemies.
  19. If it's just the one part, you might be okay. However, I'd suggest downloading the game again, or deleting it and unzipping your download again. You can move your save and settings files into the new copy and continue where you left off.
  20. I've been playing for 3 years, and I still suck at planes. Welcome to the forum.
  21. These questions about how to play the game have been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  22. There are multiple threads on the fairings already. Please take the discussion to one of them.
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