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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. I play both. My biggest project.
  2. If Ted says they can apply, they can apply. Let's please now drop that discussion and allow them to apply.
  3. Hello Planetfall. Welcome to the forum, and to online talking. (Be careful about where you talk out there, though. Some of those places are weird.)
  4. Vanamonde


    You're not bad at the game if you can make orbit. Everybody has to start somewhere.
  5. This methodological demonstration has been moved to the how-to section.
  6. I'm soooo jealous. This is the last major feat in the game that I haven't been able to achieve.
  7. Hi lukethecoder64. Welcome to the forum. (French fries are better, though. No offense.)
  8. Yes, looks like it's been taken care. Thank you for pointing it out.
  9. It's not hard, once you get the hang of it. What specifically is going wrong? Could we see a screenshot of the ships in question?
  10. Oops. Forgot I had changed my keybindings from the stock ones. Blame Claw; he proofread it for me. Fixed now. As for the chutes, didn't want to overwhelm newbies with numbers.
  11. This report of a mission has been moved to Mission Reports. And congratulations.
  12. As this does not actually seem to be about KSP (I think?), it has been moved to the off-topic lounge.
  13. Here's a suggested method and sanbox example ship to fly it with.
  14. Hello back, Just Jim. Welcome to the forum.
  15. What do you mean by the electricity being "on"? Because it sounds very much like you're out of power. Pictures of the ship with UI showing would definitely help.
  16. As the science to do this does not exist yet, the thread has been relocated to the off-topic lounge.
  17. Merged into the existing thread for this subject. Also, the title of this thread will be edited in hopes of avoiding more duplication.
  18. Overlapping threads have been merged, to keep the forum tidy.
  19. Merged into the existing thread for this subject.
  20. Take the tempers down a notch, guys. No need to get mad at each other over this.
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