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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. The game is still being worked on, is not in a finalized state, and therefore there is no manual.
  2. Make a little rocket that goes up. Add a stage to it to make it go higher. Try adding more fuel and see if that makes it fly better or worse. Try adding more engines and see if that makes it fly better or worse. Etc. Most of it's going to fail. But the thing is, most of the stuff experienced players try fails, too. It's just part of the game. I like to say that learning KSP is the process of crashing closer and closer to your intended destination. In short, go forth and crash, my son (or daughter).
  3. Wings in KSP produce zero lift at zero angle of attack. You can help your plane get off the runway if you adjust the landing gear so that it sits nose-high.
  4. The problem with threads where we congratulate ourselves on being better than others is that forum member A insults something forum member B loves, and then there's a big old nasty argument. Please, let's just play and enjoy the game and not worry about who is superior to whom, on the forum or off of it.
  5. Please keep this thread for real planes so that it doesn't start duplicating content elsewhere on the forum.
  6. Eh, it got to orbit and didn't crash. I wouldn't complain about that if I were you. Welcome to the forum.
  7. Please don't make it personal, guys. Keep the discussion to the sciencey stuff in question.
  8. It is not, without modding the game. Your post will therefore be moved to the modding section, in the hopes that someone there will recommend something for you.
  9. As this is not about the game itself, the thread has been moved to the off-topic lounge.
  10. Seriously, guys? Are you derailing this one on purpose? Please get back on topic. (Also, moved to Kerbal Network.)
  11. As this is not actually about KSP itself, the thread has been moved to the off-topic lounge. (I hope the rest of your evening is more exciting.)
  12. Just to clarify, folks, this is not an official thread. It's whatever ghostbuzzer7 feels like linking.
  13. Please leave the discussions of "adult content" such as liquor to other forums, folks. (2.2.c)
  14. Nah. We're a pretty chatty bunch. We've had some spammers try to post junk that got them banned on one offense, but as has been said already, it's really quite rare, and a member has to put a consistent effort into getting banned. Some bans are temporary, to get a person's attention if infractions haven't worked, but that's pretty unusual, too. Those can be for a day or a week, and once or twice, for a month or so.
  15. These works of fans have been moved to Fan Works. Carry on.
  16. Hi KerrikWolf, and welcome to the forum.
  17. Least favorite part: issuing infractions and closing threads. Seriously. We get accused of being enemies of free speech and treating members as enemies, but none of us enjoy that sort of thing. It can actually be upsetting. Sometimes, we have to issue an infraction to someone we agree with, because we're not here to see that our own opinions prevail, but to enforce the forum rules. Sometimes we have to delete a joke we laughed at, because it's too dirty for the forum. But we do it, because the forum has to have rules in order to keep it a pleasant place to visit.
  18. That's a glitch of some sort, and so, your thread has been moved to support. Sorry, I don't have anything specific to offer you about the bug itself.
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