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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Welcome TinPotKoala. The Imgur link you want to copy and use here is the BBCode one. I edited one into your post for you.
  2. Cool. (Moved to Space Lounge, since it's about real space rather than the game.)
  3. As compared to? They are worse than the fairings in The Sims, I suppose.
  4. To make the math manageable, all the formulas you'll see assume an instantaneous velocity change, which of course is not possible. The best option is your #2, to split the burn, half before and half after the precise time/location.
  5. Yep, when asking about mods, the modding subforums are the place to go. And it looks like that thread *Aqua* linked is being kept up to date.
  6. Welcome back, Mysterion. We'll see if we can get your accounts straightened out.
  7. It makes me said when new players talk about how terrible they are. Just play and enjoy.
  8. Several overlapping threads on the subject of amusing/aggravating game failures have been combined.
  9. Guys, discussions of politics turn into arguments. We're not saying it's not relevant. We're saying the discussions invariably go bad. Now please, stick to spaceflight itself.
  10. Please restrict discussion to the topic of the thread. Discussions of graphics settings belong elsewhere.
  11. F3 will open that report at any time, whether there's been a mishap or not. Only one connection between any 2 parts is at full strength. (Except for struts.) This is inherent to the way the software works, and can't be fixed. This means that only one of your decouplers is going to have much effect. The others, when fired, merely throw their ejected parts at the booster.
  12. By "fast forward," OP means the game's ability to accelerate the passage of time, "warp." with the keys: > and < for faster and slower. And by "shown," OP is talking about the point where your blue projected path line intersects the planet's surface. And yes, that is not taking into account atmospheric braking. OP is merely pointing out that the same landing site is presented to you every 6 hours.
  13. This sort of claiming of territory has a tendency to turn into nasty arguments on the forum, so please keep in mind that we've had to make a rule against "role playing" (2.2.j), and do not get overly invested in the game.
  14. Question merged into the existing thread for this subject.
  15. Yep, it's a problem. However, threads like this don't help get it fixed. In future, please gather the information needed to file a bug report, and submit to the Support forums. Or, post in the existing threads.
  16. 1. You may get some or none of them depending on the model of probe core. 2. There is a certain amount of science to be had from each experiment in each biome. Transmitting or returning the data only changes how much of it you retrieve at a time, but the total available is the same either way. 3. This is a pretty complex question. Check the Gameplay Questions/Tutorials subforums for helpful answers from other players. 4. The dV cost to go one way is the same as the cost to go the other way, except in situations where one end of the trip has an atmosphere which can help you do some of the braking. Welcome to the forum.
  17. Please keep politics out of the discussion, guys. Before getting into which country owes what to whom, remember that some people from those countries are likely to be the forum friends you're talking with.
  18. Bananas are the same size to all observers in all frames of reference. This is why they are used for scale. Update: I am not spherical yet. Somebody (who shall remain the boss) forgot to take the "global moderator" part out of the job title when putting my name in Sal_vager's old job. (Edited the title of the thread, by the way.)
  19. This is a game about spaceflight in which things can go wrong, and the promotional vids usually include some sort of mishap or other. Does this one resemble a real incident more or less than the others? That would be hard to quantify. How about we not relieve the gruesome details of this or that event, and go back to talking about the vids in general?
  20. You can get a fair amount of science by taking readings during fly-bys of Mun and Minmus without landing. There are two biomes where readings can be taken: "space near" and "high above." Some instruments will also take readings while "flying over [name of surface biome], but not all instruments. I would give you the cut-off altitudes for those, but they were changed recently and I'm not sure where they are now. Also, you can send a probe to just peak out of Kerbin's SOI for science "high above the sun," and then hop back and return.
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