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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. It can be used as a control part in the place of a crewed capsule, but it's lighter than a capsule, and no one dies if it crashes. Unless it crashes on someone.
  2. That is a handsome little ship, and you resisted the temptation to overbuild. Nice job.
  3. Hello AcHayes. Welcome to the forum. And while I also play stock-only and prefer to do things myself, please don't be quite so mean to the Mechjeb users, okay? Some of them are pretty nice, and we'd rather not have our members feuding over styles of play.
  4. Hello RobertR and welcome to the forum.
  5. Guys, pictures that illustrated a point about the game are good. Pictures that are jokes just clutter up the forum, and we ask that you avoid posting those, please.
  6. Hmm. This should have been moved to Mission Reports a while back. But it's here now, so it all worked out in the end.
  7. Hello mildocjr, and welcome to the forum. However, there are a number of subjects which have been suggested and discussed so many times that they're threatened to take over the forum, so we've had to create a list of things not to suggest again, in order to keep the forum functioning in a productive way. You're not in trouble, but please do look over this list before making additional suggestions, because you'll find that additional planets are one of the items on the list.
  8. It's not clear if you're aware of this, but in case it needs to be pointed out, Eeloo and Jool do not orbit on the same plane. You may actually be plotting a course that is adequate in the horizontal planes (on mapview) but missing vertically. Rotate the view angle to see if you are passing above or below the target, and try plotting a mid-course adjustment to correct for that.
  9. It's possible that you have too much control authority and are rotating the ship faster than the airflow can match attitude. I'd suggest trading the front canards for a fin-and-elevator arrangement, or doing without forward planes at all.
  10. Yes, this mod is a dead issue. It's a year old, and the originator isn't part of the community anymore. Furthermore, this thread itself doesn't seem to be going anywhere, what with all the insults flying around. Time to close the thread and move on.
  11. This post has strayed into politics once already and we removed some argumentative posts, so please avoid that aspect of the situation so that we don't have to close the thread altogether, okay guys?
  12. It is almost always helpful in diagnosing problems like this to see pictures of the craft in question. Can you post some?
  13. On map view, there's a button on the right with an I on it. Clicking it brings up information on your currently focused object, whether that is a world, moon, or ship. If it is a ship, you'll get some info which includes the current mass and part count. Also, in the VAB list of designs you've got, the name and part count of the ship design are listed, though of course, that wouldn't work for ships you've already assembled in space, like the one in your pictures.
  14. Despite its appearance, the multi-point hub does not come with built-in docking rings. If you don't add them, its sides are just inert surfaces, and you can not dock to it. Don't feel bad, though. This is an extremely common mistake, and just about everybody has done it once or twice.
  15. Actually, Ron2, female Kerbals have been placed on the forum's list of things not to suggest because, oddly enough, it's a topic that usually ends up in bitter arguments. It's been discussed endlessly without result, and is something we've just had to rule out in the interests of keeping our forum civil. Which is why this thread will be closed now.
  16. This could go a number of ways, but I think it would be most at home in the how-to section. So that's where it's going.
  17. There is no pattern to it, but KSP seems to go on sale perhaps 3 times per year or so. You shouldn't have to save your pennies for long. And welcome to the forum.
  18. You can report upon the progress of your mission, in Mission Reports, which this thread now occupies.
  19. Lots of badness just erupted all over this thrread. Locking while we look it over. Okay, upon review, this thread will stay closed, as politics is a forbidden topic on the forum. Sorry to cut off the discussion so abruptly, but things went pretty seriously off the rails, and it got ugly.
  20. Attachments have been disabled because of a security issue. For posting ship files, link to a file-sharing service like Mediafire or Dropbox, and for pics, Imgur or one of the others. Meanwhile, welcome to the forum.
  21. This looks like a job for... Science Lab! (Quick, into a nearby moderator control panel!)
  22. How to build helicopters is a how-to kind of a question, and so this thread has been moved to the how-to questions sub-forum.
  23. Materials bay, goo pod, thermometer, and gravioli. I suppose crew report and EVA as well, but I haven't sent a crewed ship there since science was added to the game.
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