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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. There is already a pretty active thread on this subject, and so they have been merged.
  2. This question about how to play the game has been moved to the how to play the game questions sub-forum.
  3. If you think it's that important and such a minor task, no one is stopping you from making a manual yourself and keeping it updated.
  4. Play career until you unlock all parts, and presto! You're now playing sandbox with science parts that work.
  5. I haven't updated the designs for a while, but these should still work.
  6. Yeah, that's about enough xenophobia and accusations of genocide for one day. Thread closed.
  7. There's no documentation because the game isn't done yet, so there's no point in making documents which will need to be revised over and over again during development. And to be fair, it's not really the part's fault that you lugged one all the way to Duna before trying it to see how it works. People, again I must ask, am I the ONLY player who tests designs at KSC before flying them all the snot way to some remote spot where it's too late to do anything about a design flaw?
  8. This new station thread has been merged into the existing station showcase thread, in ship exchange.
  9. As the discussion has long past moved away from OP's question and into the specifics of gravitation, this thread has been moved to Science Labs.
  10. If you are asking about mine, I am a stock-only purist. No mods at all. And the links are picture-iffic.
  11. This is the sort of philosophical problem you can only answer for yourself. Try it and see. And welcome to the forum.
  12. Hello FlyingStool. Only just now decided to click on the "Community" button? Welcome to the forum.
  13. Moved to the Fanworks sub-forum. Carry on.
  14. Yes, a number of us are seeing this problem, and the devs are aware of it. We're going to close this thread now and ask that you collect the information the devs need for bug diagnosis, and post in the Support and Bugs sub-forum, so they can find it.
  15. If the destination is an airless world (no aerobraking) without moons (no gravity assists), there aren't any fancy flight techniques you can use, and it's almost entirely a matter of ship design. If that's what you're asking about, here's a ship you can download which has made several interplanetary trips while hauling significant cargoes, and it is capable of visiting Dres.
  16. We can disagree with each other without throwing around terms like "idiots," guys. Watch the tone, please.
  17. Everybody is good at some aspects of the game and not so good at others. There's no call for being judgemental about it.
  18. Could you include some more information about the nature of the problem? I'm afraid I'm not following. (Also, moved to gameplay questions.)
  19. As this is not a suggestion or request for bug help, the thread has been relocated to General Discussion.
  20. Vall, Vall, the answer to this question is always Vall. (Yeah, second time I've posted that today. Sorry.)
  21. Why ever would you *want* to set yourself on a surface impact trajectory? There's no advantage to making your passage through atmosphere faster.
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