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Everything posted by Vanamonde
It's a graphics glitch that comes up every now and then, usually when the camera has somehow managed to get beneath the surface of a world.
Ladies and gentleman, this discussions has wandered very far from laser countermeasures, and tempers are becoming heated. Please take a moment to enjoy other threads on the forum, and come back here when you can discuss the subject of laser countermeasures without insulting each others' intelligence.
Hello Fidget98160. The graphics are re-worked periodically (Mun just got a makeover), and the others will be getting additional "art passes" as well. I don't know if specific, final goals have been set yet, though. We'll also get new parts and replacements for old parts from time to time. The whole game is in-development and subject to change.
Hmm. Looks like the planned features page on the Wiki hasn't been updated for a while, but it should still give you some idea of what is planned. Plans can change, though.
This eclectic little collection of amusing recordings has been moved to the video sub-forum.
Depending on the layout of the ship, you might not need fuel lines at all. Fuel flows through many parts, including capsules.
how do you plug in your flight stick?
Vanamonde replied to ac30fspad35's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
You should be able to just stick it in a USB port, then calibrate/adjust it through Windows control panel or the software that comes with it. Then start up the game and use the settings menus to assign control functions to the device. -
That's an odd bug they haven't been able to stamp out. The report actually goes through, even though it takes quite a while for the display to change. You can also PM a moderator, though.
Post a couple more times, and your forum status will be automatically updated. Then you'll have access to profile customization options.
Mods that would make the game more challenging
Vanamonde replied to Jimmy Jazz's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
Thread moved to add-on affairs, so that the right demographic will see it and help out. -
KASRA - Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Research Agency
Vanamonde replied to KASRA's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Duplicate thread closed. -
Given how hard it is to completely eliminate roll, my approach is not to try to stamp it out, but simply to control it once it arises. A few control surfaces will do it in atmo, and in space, roll is nothing more than a minor nuisance if you're flying by the navball, which you should be anyway. But anyway, once you shed some launch stages, your existing control means become proportionally better able to stabilize the remaining mass of the ship, and the problem goes away.
This is true, though after a few run you get a feel for it, and can get close enough without the rehearsal flight.
Community colleges are under-rated. You can get a lot done there, for a fraction of the cost. And people make jokes about the quality of instructors, but a lot of them are retirees who are doing it because they like it and are good at it. My first-year physics was taught by an honest-to-goodness NASA engineer, and it was actually a much more rigorous class than the year 2 I took at a university. So yeah, Dominatus, community college would be a good way to get your GPA up before moving on to a university.
MrAnonymous, here's what I do: Save the game, launch and fly to the orbital height of the target, note how far the target has moved in that time, load the save, then launch again when the target is that margin away from KSC. lajoswinkler, please keep in mind that not everyone on the forum has the same ability to articulate questions regarding the mechanics of spaceflight, especially since English is not everyone's native language. If you have something helpful to offer, please do so. Otherwise, simply skip to the next thread.
kerbal dies after 14000 meters?
Vanamonde replied to bjacobs9944's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Let's get back to the subject of the thread, shall we folks? This issue has come up before, but I'm afraid I don't remember if the cause was found, or what it might have been. -
Mission Timer is ALWAYS Yellow
Vanamonde replied to DSM92's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Just so we're covering all possibilities, how many parts does your ship have? -
suddenly my kerbals keep floating away!
Vanamonde replied to GungaDin's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
It has happened to many of us. You just need to make sure no other parts overlap the volume where the Kerbal materializes when he goes EVA. That can be tricky because their collision boxes (if that's the right term) are a little larger than the figure you see. It may require putting spacer parts between other parts and the cabin. But as always, the best advice is TEST ON THE GROUND BEFORE YOU FLY YOUR SHIPS. Avoids all kinds of problems. -
Hello... uh... new member. What happened to your old account? Anyway, welcome back.
Leaving and returning to Kerbin SOI
Vanamonde replied to JenBurdoo's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
In career mode, you can just pop out of Kerbin's SOI and then burn a little to get back in and get quite a lot of science because it is considered "space high above the sun." Sorry I don't have the figures handy for it, but a ship which can reach the moons can probably do it. Getting close to the sun is quite a lot harder, though. -
Hope it serves you well.
How do you come up with your rocket design?
Vanamonde replied to Stealth2668's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Build a payload. Build a rocket under it. If it doesn't go fast enough, add an engine. If it doesn't go far enough, add a stage under it. Repeat as needed. -
No one has directly detected dark chocolate yet. It's merely a theory to explain the way gravity affects Milky Ways.
Could Someone Explain to Me What "Resources" Are?
Vanamonde replied to Thomas988's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Folks, asking the same questions multiple times is not going to change the answers. Squad decided the direction they were taking for resources was not going to be fun, so they scrapped the system, and right now there is no resource mining or processing in the game's development plan. Squad has said that this may be revisited, or it may not. They know many players are unhappy about this decision, but it remains the plan for now. And since that resources discussion has been hashed over many times already, and OP's question has been answered, it's time to close this thread and move on. -
It has come to the attention of the moderating team that the discussion here has become entangled in "political, ideological or religious" issues, which are off-limits for this forum (2.2.b). Please avoid these subjects in future, and as for this thread, it is closed now.