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Everything posted by Panichio

  1. Impossible. Kerbals are cross-eyed, which also explains why they're so horrible at everything.
  2. I'm blown away! Awesome design! I think you would like the Damned Robotics pack edited by (I think) Touhou Torpedo. Can't find it for you though unfortunately. What it does though is it allows you to have connections in between your modules that can turn as you turn, so the whole thing is more maneuverable.
  3. By the way, I see this mistake a lot, but it's 'Kerbin', not 'Kerbal'. Kerbals are the little green guys.
  4. Oh right... I think in the end though, the best way to get to Moho is just cram-pack as much dV as you possibly can, and design a ship with a high T/W ratio.
  5. Ah, of course. The tracking station n' back fixes most problems. With your current problem, I would think that maybe there's no pod on the lander piece? Can't really give you much help without a few pictures.
  6. Is it possible to not turn on SAS before docking? Or does it automatically enable itself when docked? I'm not familiar with RemoteTech, but there might be an issue with that, and for some reason it wont let you toggle SAS because it thinks the ship isn't controllable. At least just the SAS. Try relaunching, but this time don't use the RemoteTech dishes, and see what happens. If that doesn't work, maybe try removing the plugin from the plugin folder and see if it helps. The problem is probably something else, but I think this is worth a try, seeing that RemoteTech can make things uncontrollable if it wants. (Uh oh, look at my post count. Something baaaaad is going to happen with your ship now! )
  7. Yeah, as the others have said. The newest MechJeb does suicide burns when landing, which is much more fuel efficient than a long burn. I don't think there are many people that could match it's accuracy in timing and location when it comes to landing, so I like to use it. Some rockets though, where the center of thrust might be very low because it's a tall rocket, MechJeb can easily flip it and loose control.
  8. What would happen if you got an intercept at your ships solar apoapsis? I was thinking that it would require less dV, because you would already be at a smaller speed. I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make though, and if it would at all.
  9. That's fine and dandy, but I was thinking more along the lines of SLS. The major Russian launch vehicles have already been modelled (with the exception of a complete N1), and someone has already done the Saturn V rocket. Maybe, if you're up for it, you could design one entirely from your .
  10. How disrespectful, Bob is just 'other'?
  11. Awesome work! But I think the lighting on the shuttle could use some more work. It's very sharp.
  12. Looks very nice! Thank you. W-w-wait a minute. Is that the U.S. flag in the ground? The Kerbals never landed on Mun!
  13. They were cool, and that's about it for me. I'm excited to watch the future of the space program though, and see how NASA and private companies intertwine.
  14. I think SLS benefits more missions in the long run, and excuse my likely ignorance, but I don't see what use there is with the moon anyway.
  15. If it's good, anything. With the exception of most Rap. Don't really like it. But with most other genres, there's always at least a few songs that I like from it.
  16. Yes, and that's one good way of measuring how good one SSTO rocket is, but I was thinking of things like capabilities. Things like maximum payload weight, or if the rocket can actually get to Mun or Minmus, or even another planet. Maybe how many crew members it can transport, or if it can dock to a space station as well, and then return again. Oh, and if the aim of the challenge is "rapid reusability", then another thing to add would be fastest time to orbit and back. But if you do, just pray Scott Manley doesn't come along with his rocket.
  17. Tall order if you are planning on modelling all of those ideas. I think what KSP needs is just generally larger parts. I don't really like the look of typical lifters in KSP because they end up being very wide with all the radial tanks you need. The 'Jool V Heavy Launcher' is a good example of a very useful set of parts.
  18. People seem rather unimpressed by the new MechJeb. I'm lovin' it. I love how it integrates maneuvers into everything it does. Also, the landing autopilot finally uses suicide burns for landing, and gives you a suicide burn countdown. There are so many improvements and things added.
  19. *Climbs out of rubble* W-w-what happened? *Looks around* My God... So many dead accounts... I got out alright because I've been on the forum since July of 2011, but I lost more than 600 posts. I do get to celebrate two 1000th posts though!
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