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Everything posted by Panichio

  1. I actually thought that there 'magnetic' force that pulls docking ports together seemed a little low, and docking with them has to be quite precise. Am I the only one that thought this? It could be because the force that attracts them together is simply the same as that of the other, smaller, docking ports.
  2. What do you mean by 'it collapses'? Does the propulsion stage you are trying to insert into orbit get destroyed by the launch stage? If so, it's probable because when you have very heavy payloads, and the launch stage is under it, the thrust will end up causing the launch stage to destroy the payload. A workaround for this is to try and build the launch stage 'around' the payload, so that the center of thrust is not so far below the payload.
  3. You wouldn't be able to do the whole inclination change in one burn if it will take that long. It needs to be done close to the nodes where you are rotating your inclination around. Do it in increments, but that would be extremely tedious, so maybe redoing the mission would be a faster and easier alternative.
  4. So even without the asparagus system it is straying off-course? Hmm, do you still use some fuel ducts, though? The other problem I can think of right now is maybe the CoM is too high, and that is causing the top-heavy rocket to be unstable. As always, pictures would help a lot.
  5. The one thing I can't do is SSTOs. We all have one thing that just beats us. Keep playing around with designs and testing and improving. Eventually something will click, and it will be very satisfying!
  6. My my... there used to be a mod for this, but happy it's finally integrated. The other feature people have been mentioning is that when you click on Ap and Pe markers, they lock. Hasn't worked for me though.
  7. He used a plugin that allows you to do the camera work he did. Also, apparently his counter-notice should be enough to bring the trailer back to YouTube pretty soon.
  8. Hopefully this thread will have something interesting for you. You can always check the Spacecraft Exchange for inspiration as well. My biggest tip is to always try and keep it symmetrical, or at least have a way of balancing the center of mass so that when you put it on a lander, it won't make the lander unbalanced.
  9. Today I learned potatoes actually make cool satellites.
  10. The picture is not showing up for me. Did you try attaching it? There's always problems with that.
  11. This plugin will allow you to load a previously built rocket.
  12. Is it only happening when you apply thrust? Images would help a lot as well if you could take some screenshots.
  13. Maybe it has something to do with the format? It should be PNG.
  14. This was the most important update in the history of Kerbal Space Program.
  15. The devs already released sneak-peaks of KSP 2?
  16. Yeah, I've done it as well, but some rovers have no space for that sometimes. Anyway, I guess I'll just make do.
  17. Well then you'll want to check out this mod, because it will let you build a good launcher with a core stage under those four NERVAs.
  18. Well, I'm using the same link as I always did. (https://client02.chat.mibbit.com/?url=irc%3A%2F%2Firc.esper.net%2Fkspofficial) I also can't find it by searching, so would you be able to give me a working link?
  19. The problem I always have is not landing it, but launching it. It's very hard to make a rover symmetrical, and damn-near impossible to make it symmetrical and look cool, so I can never really get it working right. One solution could be using on of the small trusses and placing it under the CoM so you can place a decoupler there, but some rovers can't do that because of the way they are designed.
  20. It won't load anymore, and I'd rather be able to ask little questions like this instead of having to make a whole thread about it.
  21. Well back in the ol' days, when the terrain was different, and the roleplaying section was filled with people, I had a small archipelago called the Panichio Islands. But after one update where they changed the terrain a bit, the islands disappeared, but I still had my space station up in orbit. I thought it would be cool to think that the entire space program is being managed from outer space, while others launch our rockets or something, and so my space agency is named after the Panichio International Space Station - PISS, for short.
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