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Everything posted by Panichio

  1. I guess I can't add much more than what these two just did. Some sound advice here. You need to play around with small, simple designs and learn about the behavior and capability of parts and part configurations. With the knowledge of performances from small test-designs, you can build a larger rocket that isn't over-engineered and doesn't have too little or too much fuel. Good luck with future designs!
  2. If you look closely there are some other small parts placed along the surface that the fuel lines are connected between. I must say, it's a great idea and looks awesome! Oh, and by the way: there has to be a way to download the craft. This is the Spacecraft Exchange.
  3. I'm not sure I quite understand the whole idea of this plugin when you say with this you can "navigate". It all seems a bit vague to me, really. What kind of things can one do with their GPS constellation?
  4. I really can't remember, I've done quite a bit. Recently, though, I managed to put myself in Moho orbit, but that wasn't the greatest achievement. The greatest achievement was managing to quick-load my way back to Kerbin orbit. It takes skill to achieve such a failure.
  5. I'll make the payload and test that, and like most people, with some flimsy testing launch vehicle. My next step is to design the rocket which is usually always the same design for most payloads, with perhaps a few tweaks depending on the weight of the payload. I go for a transfer stage under the payload that also does the final burn into LKO, and a core stage underneath that with four asparagus-staged boosters on the side. A rocket like that usually gets me to where I need to go.
  6. You could have some sort of mechanism of sepratron-missiles that fire into a stage. That's one possible way, of many. But as Killerblonde stated, a planned-unplanned disassembly usually is the best way to go.
  7. Today, as usual, I have not accomplished much. I tried out the new ISA MapSat update, and made a landing probe to fly to a really high mountain that I found from the data I collected with an ISA MapSat. I still need to get around to continuing my Laythe base, as well as getting a second probe to Moho after I accidentally quick-loaded my first one back to low Kerbin orbit. :/
  8. Just for future reference so you don't get in trouble, the moderators don't like it when people post a simple reaction picture. To OP: Can we have some more updates on this? Is it possible to actually get this to Eve? Lastly, you should PM the link of this thread to the guy who did all this math if you haven't already. He would enjoy this the most.
  9. Nice ideas, but as I mentioned in a thread I made in the 'Development' section: would you actually do one of these programs in the current sandbox and have fun? I mean, even with financial restrictions and probability for failure, a flight like a static firing of an SRB building up to a suborbital flight then an orbital flight would be extremely boring, you have to admit. I know these are ideas for the future, so we'll have to see if we can have other aspects to the space program to make something like that more fun. The reason something like that brought so many cheers from people when they first managed to have a rocket firing or suborbital flight was because so much was on the line, and something like this would be a massive success. Currently, doing a suborbital flight is absolutely nothing for most players. Even orbital and interplanetary is easy. The piloting part is easy, so some other mechanic must be added to the game to make the successes in your space program feel more personal to the player because of what he/she is put on the line for this flight, or what a success would mean to them because of these extra mechanics put in place making it harder just to have the opportunity to fly or test a rocket. Something else might have to be integrated to make a flight more tense with the chance of failure not because of how you piloted the rocket. But like I said before, I'm not criticizing anyone's ideas here, but saying that if these were to be the kind of frame work for the missions and milestones in the official career mode, there will be a lot of new additions to the game mechanics needed to make it a fun and successful addition to the game.
  10. I really don't mean to spam, because I've asked this question twice already on the other two blog posts on the current dev build, but why is it that on this Mac I am currently using, the button to open up the GUI is not there? I've double checked all the folders and files are where they need to be.
  11. So would there be no way of only having the Mission Controller in one save? So you could have a Sandbox save and your 'Career' save?
  12. Heh? Weird. Was the "puff" the monolith or your rover? After the monolith disappeared, did your rover stay? Perhaps it's glitched underground. It sounds like a bit of a bug to me.
  13. Well, you're probably not going to just use your rover around KSC, so you're also going to need a lander for wherever you're going with it. The Kerbal can then get out of the lander and start using the rover. To attach your rover to the side, there are a few ways. I would recommend putting the smallest docking ports on your lander and rover and attach them like that. If you used decouplers, the decoupling force would make the rover hit the ground pretty hard and probably break something.
  14. Could someone please explain how the effects of orbital resonance cause heating and possible tectonic activity on Laythe?
  15. Oh well... Now if only someone updated the Part Gravity plugin...
  16. We really need someone to update this plugin. This can't be forgotten.
  17. I used to use the readings MechJeb gave, but this is great!
  18. Thanks for doing this. The other thing that was annoying me was because the original wheels couldn't slide, rovers would just tip over a lot.
  19. So what's the collision mesh like? I remember the only thing that bugged me about the old asteroids that came with the Part Gravity plugin was that landing on them was confusing because the 'surface' was way above the actual asteroid.
  20. Oh right, yeah! I'll give it a go.
  21. It's a little hard to see it because you took the screenshots without any light.
  22. But seriously, I want to see your launch vehicle for the thruster stage.
  23. Stuck in an unfinished space station...
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