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Everything posted by Panichio

  1. How do you do that, actually? I've also been looking for different ways to do a bit of maths with KSP.
  2. Unfortunately I lost my old version of 0.7.3 or 0.8, but I've had a lot of fun with this game over the past two years, and have learned so much. Thanks, Squad!
  3. Scott Manley is the epitome of professionalism in Kerbal Space Program. If you can do a single thing he has done in his videos then you can proudly call yourself a professional. Alternatively, if you managed to return from deep space in the early versions of Kerbal Space Program before Mun.
  4. Here's one I just made now, after a long fight trying to get Gimp to do what I wanted, hehe. EDIT: ('Borrowed' the NASA Juno patch and an image of Kerbin I found on Google.)
  5. Images please. From the description, though, there might be something that is hitting the ground and causing your rover to tip over because of it.
  6. Not quite a "fix for subassembly". You can't build the payload and then choose the craft.
  7. We need some Kerbal renditions of the NASA mission patches.
  8. Yeah, I've had a bit of fun with that. I believe that feature was already in the game.
  9. OK, I'd like to hear what the devs have to say about it. Because I really wonder if it was intentional or just something that was overlooked.
  10. Sounds good! So has your question been answered then?
  11. Your launch stage is looking good so far, if it isn't reaching orbit, try asparagus staging with it, and maybe even some boosters or smaller stages attached to give the launch stage some more dV.
  12. My biggest issue I used to have with it was that in 0.19 onwards, holding down shift to enable part clipping would not work. Has that been fixed in this version?
  13. Well, with my failed rockets, I don't "narrowly" escape the booster. Instead, everything goes every which way and eventually collides into each other.
  14. F5 to quicksave, and F9 to quickload. My biggest failure? I can't tell you how many times I have complete a trip to either one of the moons or another planet, and just as I am returning, I remember I forget the parachutes...
  15. Shouldn't this be in how-to? Whatever...
  16. So you're saying that you have launched this exact same rocket before and it has worked? Was this in a previous version? Are you sure you haven't made any changes to it since the last time you flew it?
  17. It looks like they are just the same footage of the rocket launch 'copied and pasted' next to each other. Also, the Kerbal with the mustache looks like Chris Hadfield!
  18. Glad to help! Give us an update if you successfully redesign it. It'll help out others with the same problem.
  19. So is there a small change in the lifter? Maybe it has an increase in thrust which is causing it to collapse.
  20. Again, it might be because the rocket looks top-heavy, and the first stage might be far below the CoM, causing it to be unstable when there is some wobble in the rocket. EDIT: Alternatively, the orientation of your winglets might be a little off, although I can't tell from the picture.
  21. Oh yes, I forgot about that one! Definitely the way to go.
  22. Well, people do find use in them. Because of their high isp, they are good for propelling a small probe a long way, and some people have even used them to take an SSTO space plane to another planet.
  23. Well, yes, when you look at a planet or moon, there will be a slight decrease in frame-rate. With less powerful computers, that difference will be greater. If you really don't like the lag, just turn down the scenery settings.
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