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Everything posted by Panichio

  1. Sabre engines, huh? Maybe ASAS is reacting with it weirdly? You say the craft is stable, but maybe the moment the aggressive ASAS kicks in, it might cause the plane to flip. Probably not, though. Players in the How-To sections never cease to perplex me with seemingly unanswerable problems.
  2. Well, Venus is the god of love and beauty, and so the colour purple was chosen to represent that. The colour is generally considered beautiful. It's enough of a similarity for me, really. The orbits of both are also comparable.
  3. But unfortunately my PC is broken right now.
  4. Here we go! Flag of Kerbin Couldn't get it 17 x 9 pixels, though. What do you use to make them? I have nothing good so I used 'Piq', but that doesn't allow you to actually draw in the size of pixels as far as I know.
  5. Awesome! It looks really nice; thanks for making this. I'll have to have a go at making one myself. See how hard this is.
  6. Can't help but notice that the Heat 1600 looks like the Atlas LV-3B. Was that intentional or is it just because both designs are pretty simple?
  7. I would lower the engines to put the center of mass further down, and make them closer-in so that the weight isn't so far out. Alternatively, building out instead of up is another possibility. It's a unique aspect of KSP.
  8. When KSP's Kerbal generator runs out of names.
  9. I'd like a flag! Something that just expresses the true essence of... Panichio. Could I have it in both small and large? I like dark/warm colours. Contrast is cool as well, like the white lines in your avatar.
  10. (It's actually going to be 'Knew Knork'. The devs said so.)
  11. Personally, I do actually just drive them for five minutes and leave. I would use MechJeb's rover autopilot if I actually had somewhere to go, though.
  12. I was hoping at least one person would mention clouds! I also can't wait to have to buy my Kerbal a house and drive him to work and feed his family.
  13. Well, you can use the four different sensors available to collect real information. Some smart people can use this information to calculate all sorts of things. Sometimes, as a light payload, it makes a first mission to a planet or moon a little easier. Also, they look nice.
  14. I've been wondering forever about the slowly descending nose when ASAS is on. I could also have all three types of stabilization computers and it would do the same. I end up just using MechJeb to hold me at a certain pitch.
  15. Not sure if many people have come across this guy, or even heard of him, but 'Dildo Kerman' is by far my favourite Kerbonaut to grace the Kerbal Space Program.
  16. Just need to leave my mark by saying this is a great, great plugin. I was wondering for a long time if this was possible or not, and the community seemed to want this a lot.
  17. You're part of a new kind of 'Mile-High Club', I see . Let's see how may others follow in your footsteps.
  18. HarvesteR must have some good contacts up in Spain to pull off this advertisement.
  19. I gotta say I'm probably The Builder/Space Geek.
  20. The work is looking great, but please, please (!) don't put 'k' in front of all the names of your buildings.
  21. I'm pretty sure a landing leg broke off, but the lander was still stable. Not much else after that because I had to rush to a Guns N' Roses concert.
  22. In July of 2011, about a month after KSP's public release, someone called 'BarryDennen12' made a video on it. Instantly downloaded it. Always been playing it since.
  23. Soooo, we're not numbering these anymore then? But anyway, for the really ambitious: take a mothership around the solar system.
  24. Well, pictures are the universal language, so we could certainly help better with a couple a' those.
  25. I imagine something along the lines of what sal_vager was saying with the retro-rockets to slow down. I'm pretty sure action-groups can be re-binded to a different key, so a key that's more comfortable (maybe space-bar, if the craft can be made to be only one stage anyway) could be used to activate the retro-rockets. That makes me think, it would be useful to be able to have a type of action-group that only is activated while holding down the assigned key.
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