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Everything posted by bigyihsuan

  1. It includes a pencil, pen, self-refilling brush, highlighter, marker, blood quill, and any other ludicrous writing utensils you can imagine!
  2. My iPad really hates this thread....
  3. I don't really use Nukes, but I only use it for the deltaV. Otherwise, I just use regular chemical ones for the TWR.
  4. But then what about when you go past 3 digits? Does everything break?
  5. Kerbal Stock Part Extension, a mod made by ClairaLyrae before she was hired into Squad EDIT: whoop, nevermind
  6. A problem I constantly have is when the stock launch clamps are too short to pass over my booster stages safely, so I have to place it somewhere else less safe. The clamp could be designed specifically for going over booster stages, and could either use something like Procedural Fairings to automatically detect parts below and change its length to pass it, or there are three different sections: the base, the clamp itself, and the clamp motor that angles the clamp in any direction to avoid the rocket.
  7. When your Jool flyby mission still uses your 3.75m orbit stage to transfer to Jool
  8. Does it still use the stock parachutes' deployment, or is that a config setting?
  9. I remember there was a mod that had it, but I don't remember what its name. This is a part that is a parachute that lets you attach things on both the top and bottom of it. Perhaps this could be used on spaceplanes as a brake without having to use a back node for a parachute, or for Apollo-style missions where the docking port has to be on top. It would also be nice to be able to change the size with TweakScale, along with individual deployment altitudes, pressure, etc., and being able to put in as many parachutes that can fit into the size (1.25m has up to 3, 2.5m has 6, etc.).
  10. Yes, Active Struts has this in a config, but with 1.0 you can't attach things together in the VAB anymore.
  11. I don't really name the landmarks, but if I had to, I would name the crater near the coast the Krater.
  12. That's why it's a challenge! Find a way to lug all that fuel, and you'll need some ingenuity together it there. Also, feel free to use mods. They'll help, especially with the launcher of the lander.
  13. Do a grand tour using only one lander, no docking, no refueling. Land on every body, and return to Kerbin. And post pics/ a video of it. Have fun!
  14. Except the winglets for large rocket control
  15. My first post was all the way back in 0.15 about making a space shuttle: That gives me an idea...
  16. I vote yes, but Kerbin isn't affected. This way, new players can use Kerbin as a tutorial to get to an orbit, Mun for transfers and landing, and Minmus for inclination. Next, the player uses the skills learned from Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus to go for a Duna landing. Duna, in this case, could be a "tutorial" for atmospheric powered landing, along with axial tilt.
  17. The -gee is pronounced -jee, but you could change that, if you want.
  18. ...And I'm back. Oblok A blue, bright, and hot O9 star. Is twice the size as Kerbol. Balok: A hot planet very near Oblok. Has a huge atmosphere, roughly one-and-a-half times the thickness as Eve's. Has a very dark red color from vaporized iron. About the size of Moho, 0.01 KU (Kerbin Units) from Oblok. Walok: A water planet similar to Laythe and Kerbin, but with a large amount of large islands and a thin atmosphere of CO. Too close to Oblok to have water ice. Eve-size, 10 KU from Oblok. Meelok: A strange planet near the edge of Oblok's sphere of influence. Is too cold for liquid water, but instead is completely made of methane and water ice. The ice floats on top, creating large rafts of water ice that act as continents on top of a liquid methane ocean and mantle. Around 1.5 Gilly mass, 100 KU from Oblok. Geelok: A large gas giant within the habitable zone of Oblok (82 KU). Has 10 moons, of which there are many varieties. Agee: A heavily cratered moon that is just barely over Geelok's atmosphere. About the size of the Mun. Bagee: A watery moon with no land. Very volcanic, with a sulfurous atmosphere. No intelligent life here. Cagee: A moon with some water within large lakes that span over 100 km. Is volcanic, with a pure CO2 atmosphere. Only plants and omnivorous bacteria live here. Dagee: A dry moon with a scarred surface from an impact that destroyed it completely. Has huge valleys and mountains. Egee: A strange moon with liquid mercury on its surface. Fagee: The perfect moon to live on. Has an oxygen atmosphere, volcanoes, water, and a magnetic field. Strangely, there is no life here. Gagee: A sub-Gilly moon orbiting Fagee. Literally is a ball of rock floating in space. Hagee: A moon about the size of an A-class asteroid. It has a large crater on it's surface with many metals, along with an elliptical orbit around Fagee. Iagee: A pure iron moon orbiting Jagee. Has a dark spot from when impacts on Jagee splattered its surface with carbon. Jagee: A carbon moon orbiting Iagee. Has large metallic bits on its surface from impacts on Iagee. Rolg: A dark red dwarf star. Has half the radius and mass of Kerbol. Orbits Oblok at 40 KU. It is thought that it is the larger twin of Geelok. Flolg: A large gas giant within 0.1 KU of Rolg. Is the size of Jool. Has 3 large moons. Dalf: A very large metallic moon the size of Kerbin. Contains iron, nickel, gold, platinum, silver, bronze, tin, mercury, aluminum, and other metals. Has seas of mercury. Falf: An Eve-sized ringed ball of rock. The rings were from Ealf, a destroyed moon that got too close. Half: A rather destroyed moon. Actually is half a moon, but gravity made if slump to one side. Colg: An icy planet that turns into a comet as it passes Flolg's orbit. Apoapsis 10 KU, periapsis 0.05 KU. Has a rocky moon. Gloc: A piece of Colg that broke off as Colg melted a bit. Phew! Lots of writing!
  19. When I get home today in a few hours. It's hard to type on an iPad.
  20. Name: Oblok Class: O9 Radius: 2 Kerbol radii Planets: Star Rolg (very close), 3 rocky planets (hot + big atmosphere, watery w/ large islands, water-ice land w/ methane oceans), red gas giant w/ 10 moons (gravity assists everywhere!) Name: Rolg Class: G0 Radius: 0.5 Kerbol Radius Planets: Yellow ringed gas giant very close w/ 3 large moons (great for gravity assists), highly elliptical (crossing gas giant's orbit) ice-rock planet w/ volcanic moon
  21. If I need tons of deltaV, then yes, I use it. Normally, I just do a simple onion design with 4 boosters on the outside.
  22. ... Probably the same thing that happens in real life: the surface of the planet flies off and the planet possibly getting destroyed from the forces pulling outward. I don't know if you can use Hyperedit to change rotation speed, but it would be a cool thing to try.
  23. Huh. Interesting. But, in the video, I saw that you uses SRBFuel instead of SolidFuel. Is there any reason for this?
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