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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. Well, in that case, we could use Monoprop tanks in the ET as well as some liquid fuel channeled through fuel lines to the boosters. The booster are still required to last longer than a minute, though, which would require a sizable amount of liquid fuel in the ET. And I'm just sitting trying to get 0.90 to download.
  2. Can't wait to see yours! The challenge right now with the Odysseus is to keep the part count below 200. The updated version has 199 parts! I'm having aerodynamic problems with the orbiter though. One mistake and it'll enter a spiral dive. It's probably associated with the vertical stabilizer, which I'll look into when I have the time.
  3. Here's the first prototype with a placeholder shuttle: I used retracted landing to act as slid pads (they're lighter than rover wheels). They work pretty well and allow higher landing speeds, although they may be too big for your shuttle. The TWR of the shuttle is very low after booster separation if you are using three ant engines, so the boosters will have to provide most of the delta-v. My shuttle was too heavy and it ran dry at 2000m/s orbital. I'm also proposing a more aesthetically pleasing version with the fuel for the boosters clipped inside the ET and have the boosters made up of those white antennas. The downside to this would be the increased mass of the ET and thus a lower TWR after booster separation.
  4. I'm keeping the Odysseus as is (but with a new nose section) and I'm also making a bigger one. I'm not very good at building big, so this could be a challenge.
  5. Uh oh, 0.90 dropped a bit earlier than I expected! I'm still in the process of updating the Odysseus Orbiter with Gusturbo's sleek shuttle nose. I also have plans for an Mk3-sized shuttle, but that wouldn't materialize until next week.
  6. Great, now all we need are some bigger landing gear to support those huge Mk3 parts. 0.90.1 maybe? *fingers crossed*
  7. Looks like the OSCTCA badge is gone. Anyone have a backup of it? Nevermind, it just reappeared.
  8. Funny, I built a pico ET and boosters, but not the shuttle. Want to collaborate?
  9. I noticed that the monopropellant tanks were about three times denser than the liquid fuel ones. I took this to my advantage and made greatly improved Pico Boosters that would finally eliminate the need to clip more fuel into the core stage or boosters. Here's the new Shuttle-M: Album: The boosters much last longer now and provide more delta-v. The new Shuttle-M can lift 0.4t more than the original. Smaller versions of these boosters will be incorporated into other pico designs.
  10. I noticed that the monopropellant tanks were about three times denser than the liquid fuel ones. I took this to my advantage and made greatly improved Pico Boosters that would finally eliminate the need to clip more fuel into the core stage or boosters. Here's the new Shuttle-M: Album: The boosters much last longer now and provide more delta-v. The new Shuttle-M can lift 0.4t more than the original.
  11. Well, at least you get more parts to choose from. We need more small parts!
  12. Building small isn't as easy as it looks. Nice use of the toroidal tanks though.
  13. Try right-clicking the docking port inflight and select "control from here".
  14. @Upsilon: My shuttle was designed to carry cargo. Hence the tiny cargo bay made of ladders and wing panels. The additional mass of the payload meant that the shuttle had to be a little larger. It might be possible to fit a Kerbal in there, but I haven't tried. Here's an album:
  15. Oh yeah? I have a tablet powered by the Tegra K1! I'm eager to see how it'll run this game.
  16. The monoprop is mainly for orbital maneuvering.
  17. I like to do things more realistically. For liquid fueled rockets: 1. SAS on 2. Set throttle to 30% 3. Ignite engines 4. Throttle to 100% 5. Detach launch clamps if there are any (I usually don't use them) 6. Roll 90 degrees a few seconds after launch For liquid fueled rockets with solid rocket boosters: 1. SAS on 2. Set throttle to 30% 3. Ignite core stage engines 4. Throttle to 100% (the liquid fueled core stage usually has a TWR <1) 5. Ignite the boosters and detach the launch clamps (if there are any) 6. Roll 90 degrees a few seconds after launch For solid rocket only launches: 1. SAS on 2. Ignite solid rocket motors
  18. Nice! Sgt_flyer also made a UR-700, although his is more verisimilar. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48026-Soviet-lunar-rocket-concept-the-UR-700-pretty-much-kerbal-%21 The UR-700:
  19. Do you mean the Delta IV Heavy? The Delta IV Heavy with Orion: SLS:
  20. Try installing this on a clean install: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/224287-kronal-vessel-viewer-kvv-exploded-ship-view
  21. This may work once multiplayer is implemented, since that would allow the rest of the the spacecraft to still be loaded and doing its thing while you control the boosters, though I do see a problem with multiple boosters. A simpler option is to have a way to make a save of the state of the booster after it passes 2.5km and then return to it later. It would be like an on-rails simulation expect the the booster stays at the same position relative to the body it's on until it is loaded, in which it would then retain its velocity after separation.
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