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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. My stacked Minmus base concept: It was even taller at first, but it was too unstable on Kerbin.
  2. This guy made a really nice N-1 too, but it was lost during the forum implosion. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/member.php/60043-pa1983
  3. You can copy the LV-N's part folder and dupicate it. Then, edit the LV-N's thrust to 30, mass to 1, and its Isp SL to whatever you want. Do the same for the aerospike. Build the engine ingame and now you have a LV-N with a plug nozzle.
  4. I would like to see the second stage. I'm curious about how you handled the engine arrangement.
  5. Do you mean a plug nozzle NTR? http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/realdesigns.php#id--Basic_Solid_Core_NTR--Plug_Nozzle
  6. I made an observatory too! I built it in 0.16 for my Mun base. There are two rovers in the background along with a 3-kerbal lander.
  7. There is a thread for that: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/29701-The-Nukespike-Engines-An-Experimental-Stock-Part-Engine-Design Also, can you send me the .craft? I want to see how you did it.
  8. I'll warn you, the engine's hard to build and requires you to turn off part clipping.
  9. It's 449s for 235kN. The Aerospike greatly increases the TWR of the rocket and can be toggled off to save fuel. The engine is for heavy lifting interplanetary tugs and is lighter and more realistic than having 5 NTRs attached to a fuel tank. It may also be useful for landers once I figure out how to make it stack attachable. It's based off of a LANTR: http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/enginelist.php#id--Nuclear_Thermal--Solid_Core--LANTR And this: http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/realdesigns.php#id--Basic_Solid_Core_NTR--Shadow_Shield
  10. In your KSP folder, there's a "saves" folder. Double click on it and copy the save folder you want and paste it into the "saves" folder of your other KSP folder.
  11. That would be really cool especially if they were two gas giants.
  12. Stack decouplers actually detach anything connected to it - radially or connected with nodes.
  13. Jettisoning RTGs won't be a good idea if you're in the atmosphere. IRL, it'll either shatter when it hits the ground or burn up. Either way, they will not be good for your space program.
  14. I always start a new save file when a new update comes out. I do reuse .craft files if they are compatible though.
  15. A docking port like that will destroy your station and your spacecraft.
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