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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. I think you might be interested in my LANTR Engine. It has a built-in LV-909 that can increase the TWR of your lander when it is activated.
  2. The whole point of a LANTR is to increase the thrust of your rocket when you need it, and then switch of the LOX flow to increase Delta-v. Basically, it can increase your TWR if you don't feel like waiting so long during a burn but at the cost of lower efficiency. You can turn the more powerful engine of to save fuel.
  3. What I meant was that you can put as many fuel tanks as you want. Whoops, it was either flow rate or thrust; I couldn't remember. I just used KER. I've used T30 and T45 combos too.
  4. You calculate Isp of multiple engines by doing this: Isp(engine 1) x thurst(engine 1) + Isp(engine 2) x thrust (engine 2)/ thrust(engine 1) + thrust(engine 2) The engine's TWR is 5.529 and maxium fuel fraction and delta-v is theoretically infinite.
  5. I'm making a tutorial right now! Wait! EDIT: Start with a small truss. Put a small truss on top of the Mainsail and disconnect it. Connect the LV-N first. Connect the Mainsail to the starting truss. Connect a fuel line from the starting truss to the mainsail. Put the engine wherever you want. Remember to put struts!
  6. 1. Place the aerospike and trusses on before after you put the LV-N on. 2. Did you take my engine apart and examine it? You'll find that I used a small cubic truss that sticks out so the fuel line can reach it. I then connected another fuel line from the truss to the aerospike.
  7. They're pretty stable if you build it right. Why don't you try my Odin Tug and see for yourself?
  8. Somewhat useful: But not yet a spacecraft.
  9. Not very well. Currently, your nuke engine is producing zero thrust and is only heating up your aerospike. No, it has the combined thrust of the NERVA and the Aerospike and has a Isp of 449s. I made quite a lot of those:
  10. I'm afraid you are doing it wrong. You have to disable part clipping and put the aerospike on a bunch of cubic trusses and clip all that into the nuke engine. The aerospike is attached to the top of the LV-N, not the bottom. Here's a tug with my engine: Odin LANTR Tug Take it apart and see how I did it.
  11. It's pretend LANTR. It's basically a LV-909 clipped into a LV-N with a bunch of a trusses. You can toggle the LV-909 on or off, which would increase the thrust of the "engine" at the cost of lower Isp. I also made a version with a "plug" nozzle.
  12. The Odin LANTR Tug. Capable of transporting over 100 tons to Duna.
  13. The MPCV Medium. It has a range of LEO to Duna and is packed with small useful features.
  14. Hello, and welcome to the community! The next update should be here in a few days!* *no guarantees
  15. I have some Protons too. Proton Nano - Suborbital It's a joke Proton Mini - Up to 1 ton to orbit Zond - Manned Mun missions It doesn't have a third stage yet (forgot about it).
  16. I think Duna's the best. It's easy to get to, pretty easy to land on, great for rovers, and has varying terrain. The next best place is Vall IMO. It has the best view but it's time consuming to get to.
  17. I tested my LANTR tug and tried to get it to orbit. It didn't make it to orbit. Next I tested my prototype SABRE. I then strapped two SABREs on a Skylon-like plane. It didn't fly. And then I give up.
  18. Didn't get an "Arrr" from Capt'n Skunky?
  19. I forgot to do this almost a year ago, so I guess I'll do it now. Hi!
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