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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. Eve would be better in your case then. You can land with parachute and it's easy to get to. It also doesn't look that plain either.
  2. How about a HTOL (Horizontal takeoff and landing) or a Horizontal lander? I remember my attempt to build a Constellation-style lander in 0.16. As you can see, it didn't go so well. There's a backwards facing landing gear in front of the others.
  3. I can do it if you give me the save file.
  4. Duna Odyssey mission: Pre-launch. Note the asymmetrical launch vehicle Duna and Ike. In orbit and ready to relay signals back to Kerbin!
  5. I think Eeloo is a much better dwarf planet than Dres to visit. It has a greater variation in colour and is (IMO) easier to get to. Eeloo's also more fun to drive rover on. Here are some pics (from 0.18) for comparison: Eeloo Dres (canyon) In the end, Duna's the best.
  6. FAR could also be a problem, considering the fact that your rocket has so many winglets.
  7. They seemed a little small in this pic:
  8. Could be caused by part clipping or lag. Due to Lagsbane, laggy games handle ships differently compared to smoother games.
  9. Here: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1cbtj2/glorious_kssr_is_first_to_achieve_orbit_using/
  10. I have this shuttle (the one in to pic is an old version of it because I'm too lazy to take screenshot right now): It can barely get to 80 km orbit, drop off its cubesat, deorbit, and land with parachutes. I also have a non-reusable SDHLV system that can send a lander to the Mun or Minmus.
  11. I saw a redditor who go to orbit with sepratrons.
  12. "At this point you're probably also wondering, what happened to the resource gathering thing? Well, resources proved to be far too large a set of features to implement in one go. We've still got a long way to go with that, and right now, we decided there were more important things that needed implementing first. The Knowledge Base is the first step towards the full resources implementation, but we're pushing the rest of those features to a later update (yes, update, not expansion.)." From Harvester's dev blag
  13. It's a bug. I don't have trees either and I'm using maxed out settings. Trees may appear at random times though.
  14. Here's my Hyper Velocity Weapon System, or HVWS: The projectile launches at 2500 m/s - a little too fast for the game. It was originally intended to be used in orbit, but the projectile flies so fast that it just goes through its target and flies out of the draw range before doing any damage. On the ground though, it can destroy any vehicle without even touching them! Features: - Joint piercing, Can separate entire sections of ships if hit at certain of the joints on the target ship. - Super Joint piercing, Destroys all joints in one hit - Armour piercing, Can punch straight through a ship's armour. - Effective range: about 2.5 km - Effective gravity: High - Deployed on Fixed stand or Rover - Single payload, A single missile / torpedo with no extra projectiles. - Small, About the width of the Oscar-B Fuel Tank.
  15. Since H2O molecules are more massive than H2, they have a lower exhaust velocity and therefore lower Isp.
  16. Have you tried building planes, rovers and general explodey stuff?
  17. I have done it. You still have to angle our engines. Here's a challenge for you: make a working realistic STS as big as mine. If you can't angle the engines, angle the shuttle. And, I do understand.
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