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Everything posted by Melfice

  1. I tried testing the Trident missiles against a small-ish jet I had parked some kilometres away from the Barracuda. Every launch - and I did eight - managed to have the scatter from the Trident in an almost perfect circle around the plane. And no destroyed plane, naturally. I'm guessing the Tridents are really meant only for very large targets?
  2. I think, if you ever want to add guided missiles and bombs at all, it would be best if you limit the amount of turning it has. If still want skill-based attacks, give the missiles the ability to divert from their launch angle 1 or 2* degrees at best, or something like that. Minimum control. Enough that you don't need to be accurate to the millimetre exactly, but not enough that the missile can hit a target that's directly to your right. *number pulled straight from my arse EDIT: and, of course, if you can make it work, use heat in some manner.
  3. Practical rebuttal: updates remain equally lengthy for the mod author, adding no incentive to implement this "solution"
  4. Have you posted in the thread for Toolbar about this bug? Because you should be able to move it around all you want, after you click the tiny white arrow and select the ability to move the toolbar around.
  5. You need to replace some plug-ins. Download the latest Firespitter pack and take the .dll, and the Exsurgent Engineering .dll, which can be found in a link in post #3403. Cheeky.
  6. Ooh, excellent suggestion. This for the lower-tech guns, and targeting computer for the higher tier guns? EDIT: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64211-InfiniteDice-Skillful-Combat-Damage-Weapons-Mod?p=885033#post885033 Consider working together with InfiniteDice.
  7. Apparently Bac9 is a busy guy. However, he's posted a few pages back that updates would be coming eventually. Despite being able to have known he's confirmed an update is coming at some point, you come in like a pessimist and shout that the pack's abandoned. Having been called out on that, you now act like a petulant child, throwing yourself in the victim position. That's two out of three. Can't see any narcissistic behaviour, nor have I seen anybody mention that I don't think, and I wouldn't really go so far as to say that you're showing entitlement issues... you haven't actually demanded an update from Bac9. Not outright, at least. Basically, take it easy. The pack will either update, or it won't. If it does, great. If it doesn't... it'll die off on its own, or some other mod dev picks it up. Right now, it's too early to say your eulogies.
  8. I'm assuming that when you'll work on the turrets, they'll work much like the Sunbeam does now? Including the auto-lock functionality? That would be ideal, in my opinion. The turrets would have limited range of articulation, I'd suggest, based on their function: a point-defense turret would have 360 degrees rotation with the gun being able to "rise" 180 degrees from the horizon. Where a particular offensive turret would then have maybe 45 degrees rotation and 5 degrees rise. Also, maybe I'm just a really lousy shot, but I'm having a huge amount of difficulty hitting stationary ground targets when flying. I don't know how everybody else feels about this, but when you have the turrets figured out, maybe you could add whatever targeting functionality you'll have for the turrets to the stationary guns as well? Obviously nothing overpowered, but give them maybe a degree or two of swivel? Just so that when I'm aimed at the target I'm hoping to destroy, the "targeting computer" compensates for any minor inaccuracy. I hope this post was clear. If not, I'm willing to make some drawings to make it clearer.
  9. Surprisingly, only the 13mm one was. The rest did not have nodes assigned. But a quick .cfg edit fixed that.
  10. Is there already tech-tree integration? It's not entirely clear from your first post.
  11. The only one that really had me laughing hard was the following: Built myself a shiny rocket. Attached the launch stabilizers, got the staging right (! You can see where this is going already, right?). Move to launch! Throttle up, and... spacebar! And the craft falls down from the stabilizer, doing absolutely nothing. Suspecting a glitch, or something, I relaunch four more times before I notice that I did NOT have the staging right. Instead of moving the stabilizers INTO the first stage, I'd moved them into a newly made stage and placed that BENEATH the first stage. I kinda got angry at myself, but decided it was just too funny instead. Good lord, that looks like a proper cathedral! Are you trying to establish a mün-based religion, or something? EDIT: Oh, we're not allowed to delete our own posts? Humbug. Apologies for the double-post.
  12. Without any seams at all? Only look at Donziboy's craft, and see the immense difference in textures alone. EDIT: Whoops. Ninja'd by a whole ten minutes. That'll teach me to respond before refreshing a page...
  13. That looks like a Procedural Wing. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29862-0-23-Procedural-Dynamics-Procedural-Wing-0-6
  14. Can anybody tell me at which point in the tech tree the missiles and the sunbeam laser unlock? I'm asking for a... friend. No, but seriously, I want to use them for debris cleaning.
  15. Nope. Even with fine controls, if your RCS thrusters are not placed well enough you can still cause rotations.
  16. Okay, I won't tell you that. But, uh... yeah, I can't keep that promise. You're gonna need some communication method. That, or de-orbit and land your station back on Kerbin.
  17. What did you use to represent Tab? Simply typing Tab may not work, as Tab is a special key. Try something else, possibly? [0] isn't used anywhere in the base game, so it should be good.
  18. Open the config, press ctrl+f and type "keyFire" (without the quotes). Change whatever's behind there to the button you want to press. I've had it linked to the numpad zero, so I changed it to [0]. The brackets ARE necessary. It's how you tell the game you want it on the numpad. If you want it on any other key, simply type the letter, like "n". Again, without quotes. Make note that capitals DO matter. "N" is different from "n". You still haven't tried everything, but at least now it's working. Nope.
  19. You know what I'd like to see as far as merchandise goes? (and am probably one of the few (or at the very least one of the few who'd actually buy it)) A badge. You know that "retro" flag turned into an actual mission badge to sow on a bag, if you know what I'm saying? Because I have a few other badges lying around, from various collectors editions, and one from KSP would look awesome as well. (I could be an N7-level XCOM operative in service of the UNSC, assigned to the Kerbal Space Program. ) EDIT: I realize it'd be pretty expensive to make, and pretty pricy, but it would be pretty neat.
  20. I'll admit I was unaware Sirkut has permission to update this mod. I mean, I was aware of Infernal Robotics, but I didn't make the connection with Sirkut. Also, "grammar fail"? As far as I can tell, my grammar is okay in the sentence.
  21. Make sure that you remove that link as well, as it is now YOU that is violating that license.
  22. Nope. He's talking about this. Procedural Fairings.
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