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Everything posted by Melfice

  1. Did KAS even exist around 0.9? Heck, were there even mods in the first place at that version? I don't remember...
  2. I merely gave you an answer. So, I wasn't like "that", whatever "that" may be.
  3. Check the first post. Is it there? Yes? Its been released, and will likely have a link to it. No? Its not been released.
  4. Ignoring the multiplayer mod (which, as people have put it, works with this mod but only if you ignore the bits that don't work), let's hold off on fixing stuff for multiplayer until there actually IS a multiplayer. Let's first wait and see if 0.90 doesn't horribly break the mod.
  5. Yes, like that. Or a Patriot launcher system. Anything that looks like launch tubes, basically. Since the mod already supports moving turrets, and we have rocket launchers (with "internal" ammo storage) which spawn rockets. Combining that we could have rotating SAM sites. ASSUMING, of course, the spawned missiles can have tracking like the missiles we have now. EDIT: Oh, yeah, it would limit creativity in that case. But I think it would, at the least, take away some headache in figuring out how to create rotating parts (EDIT: That is to say, IR-like parts/EDIT). Plus, the parts would inherently work with the Weapons Manager. Like I was told earlier, anybody who wants to create an outlandishly crazy contraption could always resort to InfernalRobotics. EDIT AGAIN: Oh, that's basically the same thing aerolfos mentioned earlier in the thread... accidentally skimmed over that.
  6. Don't know if it's Infernal Robotics, TweakScale, BD Armory, or any of the other mods interacting, but any attempt at creating something that can rotate my missiles around always ends up in crashes. But I was mostly referring to the discussion on implementing a BD Armory solution for moving sentry parts.
  7. For moveable/rotatable SAM launchers, is it an idea to create a SAM launcher part that allows, much like the .50 caliber gun, full rotation. This SAM launcher then, like the rocket launcher parts, spawns the anti-air missile. Or would that require a complete rewrite of the target lock mechanics?
  8. Somebody has made a KAS assemblable rover mod. I think it may have been roverdude (who seems to be making all the mods these days ). Have a look around.
  9. A complementing idea to satellites, is to link biome mapping to certain experiments. For instance, the satellite gives you a rough mapping of where each biomes may be. But it's very, very coarse. So, you have your general map and launch a mission to the planet. When you perform said experiment in a biome, the map gets updated with the actual biome name and sharp borders. It makes it a bit more involved than the relatively easy "fire-and-forget" satellite mission, but even without doing the science you'll have a rough idea of biome boundaries. You just don't know which biome it is.
  10. You mean the Hidden Vulcan? It's part of BD Armory. You'll either need to add it to an action group and use that button (unless that has changed...) or... Use the Weapons Manager part. Add that to your craft, switch to the Hidden Vulcan, and press the Left Mousebutton. Don't forget to add ammo cases!
  11. I'll admit I am a bit sad the more train-like cockpit Hugo made isn't going in. I had plans to make skins (ugly ones, sure) to make the Mark 3 look more like a Mat '64. :/ A fleet of space-trains! But these look very nice as well.
  12. Also possible with Kethane/Karbonite. Actually, probably more viable with that than Interstellar.
  13. I love the stock planes you added, but my word... keep in mind the symmetry. So many airbrakes that don't deploy, and so many VTOL engines that won't toggle.
  14. If you're willing to up the physics range sufficiently (and suffer any side effects that produces), BD Armory would be able to allow for that kind of bombing.
  15. I am very conflicted on this mod. On the one hand, I don't like the way the parts look but on the other, I like the idea behind the styling. I sincerely don't mean this to insult, but it seems like you have a really good idea on what you want, but the modelling just falls slightly short? Of course, you're doing far better than me seeing as I don't know how to model in the first place. Good luck with the mod, dude!
  16. It was a response to LordPrometheus, quoting the post by Space Scumbag for easy reference.
  17. If you're clearing debris, you're probably not going to use Guard Mode. In which case you can just manually select the debris and fire the guns or missiles yourself. (or drop a bomb and hope you hit)
  18. Probably shouldn't? Give it a try and report back, soldier! FOR SCIENCE! EDIT: Well then. This is a response that won't apply, to a problem intended for another thread. Disregard please.
  19. I'm going to be an arse here: Then play sandbox. Here's your retort (I have a crystal ball, so this is 95%* accurate): But I want to play a career mode instead! Here's my retort: Having any sort of career mode is difficult without somehow limiting you. If you don't want your part selection to be limited by science, you'll have to work with a much stricter budget to give you that feeling of progression. Is that more fun and less grindy than science as it is currently implemented? *no it's not. Psychics are phonies. Don't get duped.
  20. It's brilliant, if only to shut up the people who keep going: "we're only at 0.25! 25 more years until we hit 1.0! anuther exampel of early acesss being ....! lolololol", because they don't get version numbering. Anyway, the reasoning for 0.90 has been given. It's to give that feeling that we're entering a new phase and that we're close.
  21. No. We just don't have access to that website, it seems. Just upload it to imgur or something.
  22. Probably because you're messing with the inherent instability of Kerbal Space Program. (IE. you've summoned the Kraken.) That warning on the physics extender setting isn't there just to look pretty, is it?
  23. Actually, in v0.5.2 it's in settings.cfg in the BDArmory folder. Who knows in 0.5.3, but for now that works. The value is 5000 for 5 km. Increase to 20000 to get 20 km. At your own risk. EDIT: Unless, of course, it's a ghost option that doesn't work. Give it a go anyway.
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