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Everything posted by Melfice

  1. I may have unintentionally missed some previous messages of yours saying that it's a feature. So, I apologize and stand well and justly corrected.
  2. One has to wonder, though. Is there a market for heavy fuel trucks capable of traveling at 215 km/h (134 mp/h)?
  3. I don't know how this is relevant to the post you quoted, but here goes! I don't know what you do, whether you work or still go to school, but let me make an analogy: Let's say you work in a warehouse, and you get paid by performance. So, you're doing your thing and you finish your part of the job. As the rest of the warehouse moves into gear to get the product you made ready for packing and shipping you're now sitting on your ass, twiddling your thumbs. Considering you're getting paid by performance, this is not ideal. So, you start working on the next project. This could be a follow-up order (DLC!) for that same customer, and it may turn out the order is so small you can have it shipped out the same day, or shortly after the original shipment! (Day One DLC!) This is how companies work! Every day you're not working is a day you're not making money!
  4. Ah, well. With the "I DON'T USE MODS BECAUSE IT'S CHEATING" folks that like to run around occasionally (mind you, it's been rather quiet on that front for a while now, I think?), that would have been info useful to know. Still, I should have worded that differently, and maybe not jump to that particular conclusion. Are we still friends? And with friends, I obviously mean "two people who don't even know each other, aside from a brief interaction on forums".
  5. While that's an admirable attitude, I do suggest you try out some mods. There are some amazing, well-balanced mods out there. If you really don't want to, fair enough. I have no idea how TaranisElsu feels about other people uploading their mod, so I think the best bet is to wait for Spaceport to come back online. I doubt it'll take very long.
  6. Download the TAC Fuel Balancer mod. That'll sort you out, no worries. I'd link you to Spaceport, but it's down. It should be in the Plug-in add-on section though.
  7. I'm sure this is just a matter of language barrier. Calm down. I understand what you mean. You mean the flight control surfaces. The rudders, elevators and the likes. The moving bits. They are not winglets. Winglets are wing-like parts, either on the wingtips or connecting landinggear or other parts of the aircraft, like in the link I showed you. Now lets go back to enjoying this amazing mod.
  8. Those would be flight control surfaces, yes. This is what Wikipedia redirects to when you search for "winglet" . Of course, I was off too with my "flight surfaces".
  9. This is not the place to share ships, mate. This is where we share mods. And mostly mods that we made ourselves. OR have permission to share and/or update because the original owner doesn't want to anymore.
  10. I don't see any winglets, as far as my limited avionics jargon can tell. Did you mean flight surfaces? 'Cause if you did, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Unless I happened to make such a freaky wing the procedural thing just threw its hands up in the air and said "Balls to this, I'm drowning my sorrows in a barrel of pure alcohol!".
  11. Haven't read the thread, but they remind me of the Thunderbirds, actually. The platform the Mole drove in on when it came out of Thunderbird 2?
  12. There's a download link included with the video. Not sure if it's up to date, but worth a shot, I'd say.
  13. Water landing. But that screenshot of it in space is awesome. The cockpits lighting up was an awesome surprise.
  14. Two things I mislike, now that I've tried the pack. - Jet engines need to go on unsightly pods of vanilla parts. - No proper landing gear, aside from the VTOL legs. Landing gear you can work around, using TohouTorpedo's Modular & Omni-wheel pack (though, again with the unsightly vanilla pods), but the jet engines are a bit of a shame. Unless I completely missed where I can attach my engines. In which case, carry on!
  15. You just won this competition. There wasn't a competition before, but I just started it and you won. Ho. Ly. Crap.
  16. I never fully addressed this. Yeah, I know you can do that, but sometimes the resources can suddenly disappear on you (that's to say, you forgot to keep an eye on the gauges), so being able to open the tanks without fumbling with a right-click menu is a godsend.
  17. I can report that the TAC fuel balancer mod does allow you to keep the tanks topped off. So there's that, at least. Thanks for looking into this, though. It'll add more use to the tanks, I'm sure.
  18. I like the idea behind the various tanks (air-, oxidizer- and fuel tank) you've added, but it would be far more excellent if there were some way to allow for action groups with them. This way, you could use the tanks when you need them. For instance, when you're flying up at 20 kilometers and the plane isn't getting enough intake air. Open up the valve for the air tank, and voila! You're good to go again. I haven't tested if the TAC Fuel Balancer works with the tanks to keep them filled up, but even if it does, it'd be nice to have the action group compatibility.
  19. Good lord. So, you're the Amazing Spider-Mod, who's actually a Hulked out Tony Stark?

    Well done!

  20. Have a look at Duna's peri- and apoapsis. (or easier yet, look at it's orbital speed: it changes! You may need to go into high warp) You'll find the planet's orbit is, in fact, an ellipse. Funny you should choose Duna, however. Kerbin's orbit is actually a perfect circle.
  21. Launch a second mission. Use its time warp to speed up the original mission's voyage. Done!
  22. If I remember right, Duna is the Mars analogy. If that's true, I'd be so happy if the third (possibly broken one) was a Mass Effect reference. =3 It probably isn't, I'm well aware, but a guy can dream, right?
  23. Then, unfortunately, you're in the wrong section of the forums. These kinds of things go into the Addon Request and Support. No doubt a moderator will be by shortly to move your thread there. Disregard that. I'm in the wrong section myself. Sheesh. My face is kinda red now...
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