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Everything posted by Melfice

  1. Not sure if this has been suggested before, but from what I've seen in videos, the ejection seat likes to tumble a lot when ejecting. I can this going wrong for people, where the seat tumbles right back into the craft. Maybe it's a possibility to add an ASAS module to the seat? So that the seat goes straight out, and has no chance to create spectacular mishaps.
  2. Re: Oxygen and other consumables (besides fuel) Easiest way, without burdening players, would be to just add a generic cargo hold. Doesn't need to be big, just in-scale with the rocketparts. Done. Now you're generating oxygen for extended periods of travel. Remember we're also getting a warp-drive (if all goes according to plan), so a replicator/oxygen generator doesn't seem too silly. Y'know. My two cents. Too bad I didn't notice this thread earlier. Would have been interesting. Minecraft and KSP, in perfect harmony, providing information and entertainment.
  3. Well then. If ol' Mark "One" Pod got a memorial, at the very least the Kraken deserves to have it's head (or whatever a kraken's equivalent) mounted on a plaque. Maybe on the side of the VAB?
  4. Fairly simple... don't flip the parts over. If you're not sure what's up or down, press [space] and it'll reset it's orientation.
  5. You're thinking too linear, Vanamonde. In this case, "negative" doesn't mean "absence of", but "opposite of", with no lift being the neutral state. Positive lift - No lift - Negative lift. So, instead of pushing upwards, a negative lift pushes downwards. But it's still producing "lift"! Think of spoilers on the back of cars, if you know how those work.
  6. I don\'t care what you call it, it looks like a tampon to me. It looks neat though. Well done!
  7. This is the most assholish way to ask for a mod to be updated. Make sure to take notes, everybody. There will be a quiz later on.
  8. Aim for the ground. I\'m not being an ass. That\'s all there\'s to it. Pick an area, preferably in one of the large craters, and set \'er down.
  9. Considering his last post was March 22nd this year, and his last activity on the forums July 7th... I wouldn\'t hold my breath.
  10. Possibly, but then... is this the original goal of this mod? You speak of 'fixing', when there might not be anything 'broken'. That\'s where my misunderstanding came from.
  11. It\'s not a pod. It\'s just a part that happens to hold Kerbals, which was made from a pod.
  12. Still no help from anybody who knows? Must I really go bother HarvesteR himself? I can imagine he\'s tired from the recent update. Eh, I\'ll just keep me and my friends on the Jeb standard then. Good enough for me.
  13. They\'re probably talking about mods. While you could construct a rover-ish vehicle with the RCS parts, it\'s not a proper rover. Go have a search for the Cart mod, over in 'Plugin-Powered Addon Releases', that\'ll get you started out. Although, I don\'t think it\'s been updated for 0.16 yet.
  14. No, I know it\'s not actual cheating. I\'m familiar enough with how the game works. I just want to know how the numbers work. Higher is better, or what. Thanks though!
  15. Well, your first step would have been to check the changelog, which, if I remember correctly, doesn\'t include the IVA bits.
  16. Hey, guys. So, I\'ve been adding myself and two of my buddies into the game for laughs. But I was wondering what the numbers do. Like 'dumb'. Higher number = more or less dumb? And 'brave': Same story. Higher is better? (Fairly certain about this one, though. Higher IS better.) And then, once we\'ve figured that out, is there a high cap for the numbers? Does it go higher than 1.0? Thanks for the answer. I\'m not gonna cheat 'myself' to insane bravery, but if I can avoid making myself dumber than a rock I\'m happy.
  17. Docking wasn\'t even planned for this release, mate...
  18. Show me where HarvesteR said, outright, that 0.16 will be released in two or three days. (even ignoring that post was three or four days old) If not, kindly hold your tongue, and not spread unfounded rumours.
  19. It makes things easier, but with reasonable ships it\'s hardly necessary.
  20. What\'s the point? If you don\'t have dakka, there\'s no point to go anywhere, let alone fast.
  21. Okay. You guys want a sequel. You don\'t want it made by EA. SimEarth rights probably lie with Maxis which is owned by EA, which owns the rights to SimEarth. SimEarth is a niche game. Other companies won\'t see much benefit to buying the rights to SimEarth if it potentially won\'t sell much. Choose between two evils, guys. Stick with the first game, or let Maxis (EA) have a go with it again. Assuming they\'re up for a sequel. Or hope you can get some people together to work on an OpenSimEarth version. If that\'s possible.
  22. Comes almost down to the same thing, unless you\'re launching retrograde. Aiming straight at the moon as it\'s just peeping over the horizon has always worked for me, however. Seeing as that\'s pretty much aiming prograde.
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