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Everything posted by Melfice

  1. Leading into a discussion of: "Are microtransactions optional?" EDIT: What was stolen from GTA 5 with this mod? Again, somebody who wasn't going to pay isn't going to start paying when the free option is removed.
  2. I don't remember if this is the case for GTA5, but a German court has mused that an EULA is only enforceable if it has been agreed upon before purchase. And I don't know if this is strictly true, but I've heard somewhere that an EULA is often found unenforceable simply because nobody ever in the history of mankind has ever read an EULA. But, again, I can't remember if this is at all true, and I can't find any bloody source for this because I don't remember where I heard this... possibly from Nerd³ or Jim Sterling.
  3. As an unrelated aside, are you in favour of DRM, such as Denuvo? As we may all be aware, Denuvo is (or can be if it's not modified) an intrusive DRM solution that has caused problems for legitimate buyers. Rime, as a recent example, reportedly runs considerably better after Denuvo was removed. DRM, of course, is implemented to prevent piracy of games. Supposing it is 100% effective. It's not. DRM is cracked often within days, if not that weeks. But supposing it was. How many of the "lost" sales would be recovered, you think? And, since I promised you it was unrelated, let's assume blocking the multi player content from the single player works 100%. How many of the "lost" sales would be recovered, you think? I know I haven't spent a dime in Online, just so I could get at those cars. I spawned them in. Now I can't spawn them in anymore. I'm still not going to spend a dime to get at those cars. All this did for RockStar and Take Two is stopping somebody who wasn't going to spend money from not spending money, and as a result they're not going to be spending any money.
  4. I've read RockStar's statement now. Because, allegedly, OpenIV enables other mods to allow cheating in Online, OpenIV needed to be shut down. As a platform, OpenIV may have been able to do that. To my understanding OpenIV was designed to be single player only, but being unable to even get "Hello World" code working I'm going to believe for a moment that OpenIV is capable of allowing other mods access to Online. By shutting down OpenIV, Take Two has done something akin to removing an entire lower jaw because a single tooth was rotten. Can we all agree that the statement is nothing but PR nonsense? I'm sure we can all agree on that.
  5. But this is free content that is being made available for single player. This is free content (because if it is theft, it's admitting that microtransactions are NOT optional) that was previously already made available for single player, but which was locked away behind code because Take Two/RockStar became aware that the microtransactions were very, very lucrative. This isn't a case of a paid expansion being unlocked.
  6. Just take a look at Ubisoft, to be honest. There would be no Beyond Good and Evil 2 at E3. Absolutely not. E3 would NOT be the best place for it. And there's Beyond Good and Evil 2 at E3. PR people are very keen on lying. Not saying every PR person does so. Some of them are very sensible and either tell the truth when they may, or say "no comment". Now, that's benevolent, but there are people who've been left in a bind by a lying, or dishonest, PR person. An example is Laura Kate Dale, who mentioned an example on her Twitter, and it's incredibly frustrating that I can't find it again.
  7. In what way? In the way that a mod, mods which were highly encouraged and often highlighted by the dev, made available free content that was locked out of a single player experience? Because all the vehicles that were made available for free for GTA Online were technically available in the single player. They were just locked behind code, just so Take Two could rake in some more cash from those "awesome" Shark Cards (microtransactions)? Or did you mean in the way that they were modding in the first place? This purchasable content was previously made available for free in the single player experience. Only after microtransactions started raking in the big bucks (they made over half a billion dollar on a free Online mode) did they start locking out that content. It's pettiness on behalf of Take Two. Nothing more, nothing less.
  8. <THREAD TITLE CHANGED BY MODERATORS> http://www.pcgamer.com/gta-modding-tool-openiv-shuts-down-claiming-cease-and-desist-from-take-two/ Shortly after announcing that the GTA V publisher is probably undermonetising its userbase (having made mere billions from it's shoddy GTA Online service), Take-Two sent a cease-and-desist letter to the developers of the OpenIV mod. A lot of GTA V mods use OpenIV as a base, because it offers a lot of hooks into the game code so with OpenIV shut down, modding for GTA V is severely hampered until a new solution is created. The official line is that the mod reverse-engineered the game, but I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with the fact that this mod can also be used to spawn GTA Online exclusive vehicles into the single-player. Something RockStar has taken deliberate steps to disable. Because, of course, it's better to buy that content in Online because remember: GTA Online is undermonetised. I wonder which other mod-heavy games Take-Two have recently acquired? I wonder which other mod-heavy games have been working on a multiplayer mode? Not implying anything, of course. Edit:
  9. I believe you simply press F3 at any point. That, or F2. One of them toggles the UI, and one shows you the results screen. Neither do anything bad, so experiment, I suppose!
  10. Flat Earth? No. Probably wouldn't work. Discworld, including the turtle and elephants? If you could get the model in? Sure. Would probably work. Probably. Maybe.
  11. Am I to understand from the first post that the soft requirement of FAR has been removed?
  12. I hope I'm not mentioning something already reported. I did have a search, but nothing came up. In the options, if I select the option to only allow bases to be opened while there (I'm sorry, I forgot the actual name of the option), ALL the bases will be opened and available. Everything is unlocked. If I deselect the option, I believe all the bases close again. EDIT: I do have the latest version, but I also have a slew of other mods installed, so if this is only an issue on my end I'll chalk it down as a mod conflict. It is not a gamebreaking issue for me.
  13. It is very likely I'm doing something wrong, but here goes: I'm on 1.2.2, which may also be a factor. I've built a fairly simple ship, and gave the entire ship the *Mercury* template. However, when I launch, instead of saying "Mercury 1", "Mercury 2", etcetera, it shows up as "Mercury #Mercury#" Am I messing up? Is it the version I'm playing on? EDIT: I did mess up. Carry on as you were!
  14. This is a mod by flywlyx. They're doing things a bit differently. Flywlyx is also the mod author of Aircraft Carrier Accessories. Aircraft Carrier Accessories "started off" on Reddit, with a download link on SpaceDock, and from there it got a thread on the forums. Presumably, this new mod will receive the same treatment.
  15. If you're having trouble with firespitter functionality, having a .craft isn't going to fix that. Reinstall the mod, and see if that fixed anything.
  16. Funny enough, it will make KSP unlike many other game these days.
  17. Both the link to Kerbin-side and KSC++ link to the thread for Lack's SXT. Is this correct?
  18. Right. Might be an unhappy combination of mods, I don't know. But letting an automated rover come close to your active vessel does NOT only tank your framerate. It turns the automated rover into a deadly, deadly, dead-accurate projectile homing in on your craft. I'm sure there's nothing to be done about that, and it's not a huge issue for me, but... just a heads up, assuming this happens for everybody.
  19. Thanks for the answer. I do have KIS/KAS installed, but naturally didn't have parts on me to anchor it when I tried landing on the carrier. Cheers!
  20. First time I tried this mod the ship worked fine... until I landed a plane on it, and exited to the Space Centre. When I came back to the ship, with the plane still parked on it, the ship refused to move with the speedometer stuck at 2 m/s. Leaving it running for a while didn't change that, because I'm well aware of the slow acceleration of the behemoth. Is this because I left the plane untethered (through KIS/KAS)? Or could I just have run into a minor glitch in the matrix, getting it stuck in the water? I haven't had time to try again, to see if it happens every time. So I won't blame you if the answer is "go find out".
  21. I've done that, actually. No Akita. Huh. I'll try the constellation download again, and get back to you. Maybe I'm just going crazy. EDIT: I think I found the issue. Hold on to your seat. 1) You're gonna see something NOBODY does on the interbutts. 2) I'm gonna do it with so much gusto, it's gonna set the bar for people in the future. I THINK I INSTALLED IT WRONG. I'M A loveING IDIOT. Thank you. EDIT AGAIN: I'm not a newbie at mods. I have no idea how I messed that up. I do feel ashamed.
  22. For some reason, installing every mod of yours (sans Sounding Rockets and Orion) makes the Akita Rover parts unavailable in any shape or form. They're not listed in the parts inventory. I haven't done a mod-by-mod installation because you have way too many mods (do you even sleep?), but Konstruction alone means I can roam around in the Akita. Konstruction plus the aforementioned means no Akita. Please ignore. I'm an idiot.
  23. F-104 wants you to know that it vehemently disagrees. Technically it had wings, but we all know it flew on sheer anger and engine power.
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