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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. They have the CYGNSS mission next year and ICON the year after. They also have what's basically a wingless Pegasus flying for MDA as the Orbital Boost Vehicle.
  2. You forgot long march 11. Falcon v1.2 (or whatever they're calling it now) should also debut before end of year.
  3. The only remaining payloads for Pegasus are NASA small science payloads which need specialised orbits, Minotaur couldn't launch most of them from existing ranges.
  4. In russia a billion dollars worth of rubles gets you a lot more aerospace work than a billion dollars in the US, because aerospace sector wages are very low.
  5. Human is a biological definition, it has no legal standing. A petri dish full of HeLa cells is fully human, I wouldn't get dobbed in for murder if I sterilised it.
  6. Upgraded launch site wasn't completed in time. It looks like it should be ready early next year.
  7. That doesn't work too well given there's no real widely-agreed-upon definition of Homo that's less vague than 'the genus humans are in'. A cladistic approach would get you clearer results, e.g. something like 'all organisms sharing a more recent common ancestor with Homo sapiens than Pan troglodytes'.
  8. Shuttle flew years before SDI (or 'Star Wars') was founded, and was descended from concepts as old as the 60s. It was supposed to carry all US orbital payloads, including military ones, but not designed for any actual military missions.
  9. None of this has anything remotely to do with the actual scientific concept of human cloning. This isn't star wars, cloning doesn't give you an adult perfect copy.
  10. The size of the really big capsules is still classified, but we're talking somewhere in the region of 2,000 pounds.
  11. Last known owner for all three of those is Icelandic charter company Air Atlanta Icelandic.
  12. Given nobody's managed to clone any kind of primate beyond the embryonic level, this seems very premature...
  13. Yes. It's not unprecedented, it was standard procedure for US spysat return capsules (some of which got pretty big) for decades.
  14. Right, if you assume the religious objections are made up or heavily exaggerated. Given there's no compelling other motive, that assumption is nonsense.
  15. Aye, it's really terrible how Obama personally caused the RS-68 clustering problems with Ares 5 and the underperformance and safety issues of Ares I. I here they found him personally trying to sabotage the -IX before the launch.
  16. The bolt that didn't fire, and apparently the rest of the payload interface, was built at the old PO Polyot plant, now a Krunichev subsidiary; so it looks like yet another Krunichev QA issue.
  17. They don't have a customer that wants that kind of payload; the largest anyone is currently after is Delta-IVH equivalent.
  18. Assuming SpaceX actually get reusability running economically, which is a pretty big assumption at this point.
  19. Quite a bit bigger, but you also have to remember the Vulcan booster is both more powerful in itself and able to mount six SRBs.
  20. They're making sure they can build it they need it, but it's not planned as such (similar to Atlas heavy). Vulcan with ACES can loft DIVH class payloads already, so there's no real demand for bigger.
  21. 80% chance of violation, currently. And I'm pretty sure shuttle reached the 5 scrub mark at least.
  22. Well, we're not exactly getting them instantly...
  23. In practice this would probably fly from spaceport America, so VG actually would be paying almost all of the costs to maintain the runway.
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