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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. I will miss you very much, Maxmaps. You have served the game and its fans well. Thanks so much for what you've done for the game.
  2. The Probe Stabilizers: Stability Augmentation System The Pilot Stabilizers: Sickness Avoidance Scheme With the advent of higher-gimbal engines (which is good and realistic!), it seems that the SAS is no longer suited to the task of keeping rockets from wobbling to pieces in many cases. Along with that, the direction hold on the high-tech probes and high-skill pilots is still a little twitchy and wobbly on its own, even without active thrust power adding to the problems. One of the main things seems to be that SAS doesn't like slow gimbal response times. (EDIT: To be clear, I mean engines that actually HAVE slow response times, like the Vector or the Nuclear Lightbulb from Porkjet's Atomic Age mod) I think it might be time for SAS to get another rework. (Not so major as the 0.21 one of course!)
  3. Us planet modders would have found it already. Unless one was added in 1.0.5 (which I suppose isn't impossible), it would have appeared as a PQSCity object in the list of PQSMods.
  4. A few underwater easter eggs are in order I think. The possibilities for Laythe though... Laythe has the most potential for life other than Kerbin (assuming that is water, which it certainly behaves like) so it would be really cool if there were a few interesting things to study in the water. Perhaps an underwater crashed UFO (USO?) or special underwater ground scatter for volcanic sea vents. No confirmation of life existing, just the possibility.
  5. I think I know the easiest way to solve a lot of the supposed "problems" with the Vector's balance. Edit the part description. This change does nothing except tell users that it is not actually meant to be a 1.25m stage engine, it just happens to be compact enough to cluster without ugly tankbutts. Let's hope the Mainsail and Skipper get overhauled like this as well in the updates to come. There really is not reason for tankbutts to exist anymore.
  6. This is an excerpt from a copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, republished for the inhabitants of Kerbin. The Hitchhiker's Guide is a wholly remarkable book. Perhaps the most remarkable, certainly the most successful book ever to come out of the great publishing corporations of Ursa Minor - of which no Kerbal had ever heard of. More popular than the Celestial Stationkeeping Handbook, better selling than Fifty-three more things to with your Kerbals, and more controversial than Neil DeGrasse Kerman's trilogy of astromical blockbusters The Eeloo Files, Some more of Eeloo's tiniest features, and Why do people care so much about Eeloo, anyway? It's already supplanted the Kerbal Space Program Wiki as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for two important reasons. First, it is slightly cheaper; and secondly it has the words MORE BOOSTERS printed in large, demanding letters on its cover. That's all. I don't have a follow-up or anything. Just a very short paragraph I wrote when reading the KSP Wiki and wondering what it would be like if there was an innacurate, apocryphal, and self-inconsistent version of the KSP wiki.
  7. "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ferram4 again." Squad, listen to Ferram. He has some pretty neato ideas.
  8. I agree with everything EXCEPT that it is a poor addition to the game. I love the heck out of it, while at the same time wanting higher-power 1.25m engines to bridge the gap. Maybe the last part Jeb's Junkyard makes for rockets in the tech tree ought to be one final high-TWR 1.25m engine: 500 kN thrust. That would help bridge the gap between the Vector and the Reliant while also giving us a rather useful size-1 rocket motor.
  9. It seems as though the KS-25-X does not actually have any glow when it is hot. I hope this gets fixed/added, because then it would look so much cooler! (Well, not literally, but you get the idea) Okay, before posting this I decided to make sure I was correct. I am not. The engine DOES glow, but it takes a lot to get hot enough to glow. It would be cool if at least the inside of the nozzle got really hot a glowy, because it just kind of looks dead without it glowing until after about a minute and a half of continuous thrust. It only ever glows a dim cherry red at that point. As you can see from this image, the RS-25s on the shuttle get to be yellow-white hot, but only the inside of the nozzle; the outside of the nozzle does not glow visibly. This is the hottest it gets by running. Inside the nozzle, only a small bit near the top of the engine glows much. This is the hottest it can get without melting/exploding/poofing, using the HyperEdit heat editor to test it, and with hot part highlighting turned off. The whole part glows red at this point, like they all do when made hot enough, but the actual emmisive texture stays a fairly dim slightly-orange red.
  10. VTOL builders protested too much. To be fair, they did make some good points, but I am upset that the jet engines COM is STILL Outside the model. Maybe 1.1 (probably not), 1.1.5 (Not announced, just speculation), or 1.2 will include a jet engine mechanics rework to make more sense. The basic system for jet engines hasn't changed since 0.18.
  11. Wooooooo hooooooo! I'm glad to see the Emergency Braking Thrusters fired at the appropriate time, even though I wasn't awake at the cab of the engine in time. I really do wish I had been there to give the train a more comfortable stop. I will definitely be playing the heck out of the update!
  12. "Sorry kids, our field trip to Laythe was cancelled." "aaaaaawwww!" ): "But don't worry! We CAN get a field trip to Dres!" "AAAAAAAWWWWWWWW!!!!" D:
  13. Greetings from Tiny Space! "I've had it with this Peroxide-Powered plane on this Peroxide Powered Station!" -/u/CommanderSpork
  14. Just updated the mod to fix Laythe to pretty much be totally fixed. It is still potentially subject to change, but I am now happy with it. Next update is more polish and maybe some other planet mod support. I'd like to imagine I get Laythe's trees working by then as well. Download
  15. Just a quick post to see if anyone wanted to try this funny idea. Last time I checked, ships only despawn in orbit around Kerbin at ~35 km or lower, which means you can have on-rails orbits well into the atmosphere. So the challenge is this: Get into the lowest orbit you can (and it must be below 68 km), then send a sounding rocket to space (As fast as possible!) so you can save and go to the space center and launch another ship to rendezvous and dock. For bonus points, make sure the ship completes a full orbit at the altitude by maintaining the velocity with rocket engines. EDIT: If you complete the challenge then you get this neat scratch-and-stiff sticker by Killarust.
  16. Toy Solar System is a mod that makes all of the planets 1/10 scale. It makes everything adorable and easy and can be a fun distraction! The mod requires Kopernicus to work. Download 1.0.2 at GitHub Above pictures are somewhat outdated. The only difference is that the black cutoff on the atmospheres-from-ground is much less noticeable. This started out based on Metaphor's original work for the RSS plugin, but now there is not a whole lot left of Metaphor's work on account of almost all the values being changed. The planets and moons are not completely finished, but they do work for the most part and are not insanely hedgehoggy. This was surprisingly difficult for some of the planets, particularly those that do not have heightmaps. The mod also includes some custom textures because the changes made look too different from stock. However, the textures are all 1024 sized (as opposed to 2048 sized) and some are even 512 for the smallest bodies. Not all planets have had replaced scaledspace textures, but Moho, Kerbin, Duna, Laythe, Vall, Bop, Pol, and Eeloo do. Note on parachutes! I've only tested the aerodynamics with FAR, so parachutes might not work so well with stock aerodynamics. I will not fix this, it's not broken. Parachutes really ought not work well in a situation like this, but that said, they do work, at least with FAR installed. You just have to be careful with them, and maybe use engines as well as parachutes for landings. But you can pull off a parachute landing. If not, I very much encourage you to make your return vehicles into airplanes/gliders! EDIT: After experimentation, stock aero makes parachute landings very very hard. Just use FAR or use rocket+parachute. Remember that Drogue chutes can be deployed at higher speeds. Videos and Pictures Note: Scott Manley was playing the beta version. The only differences from what was shown in the video and the current version is that the sun's flare texture is properly scaled (it was always the correct size and temperature, just not the correct flare size) and timewarp altitudes have been fixed. The Kerbals who exist in this tiny scale system are of course known as Decakerbals N-Scale (1/100 scale) solar system:
  17. I just noticed that the parts album has been updated with some new stuff in it in the OP, that is not my fault.
  18. Release version 1 is close. I have to overhaul Bop, Pol, and Ike. But for now, just look at this picture album of Eve's deformity fixed/tweaked.
  19. Just divide stock delta-v by square root of 10. Orbital delta-V is about 1 km/s. This is actually true of any rescale config. for 64K, you can approximate delta-v by multiplying stock delta-v by Sqrt 6.4. For 10x scale, MULTIPLY (instead of divide) stock by sqrt 10.
  20. There's a gone-man's switch. It's called the "release 1.0.5" button. If I happen to be online when the update drops, I will give the train a nice slow stop that allows the passengers to keep their lunch in their stomach. If I'm not there, the guard (usually KasperVld or some other moderator like RIC) will put on the emergency brakes and stop the train. - - - Updated - - - My first time running the KSP Hype Train, some passengers piled up on the locomotive demanding we go faster. Then, for whatever reason, a Minecraft creeper attacked the train and blew the loco to bits. We were losing speed fast, so I jumped the broken remains of the yellow diesel locomotive and climbed into the backup loco: A converted Stanier Black Five. The steam engine gave so much better performance that we kept steam power (though now in the form of a converted Gresley A3 Pacific).
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