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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered 1.4 is out, which does the following: Made Laythe more reminiscent of Kerbin's ground materials, so it looks closer to the original version. This is unfinished in that it is not perfect to the original, but finished in that it looks pretty good as it is right now. Fixed a bug where some places on the Mun go below 0 meters. (If you see this issue remain please notify me!) Defined Mun's geeASL. Re-redid atmospheres.
  2. I just want to make it clear to everyone else that the above is not my mod. Mun in my mod is not so hedgehoggy. Making a 1/100th scale planetary system should be fairly easy, just lower all the deformities and offset the correct amount. You can take a look at my config to see what is neccesary to rekerjigger deformities, though at the moment there is a considerable issue with changing the PQS on Laythe and Eve (they like to become invisible Kraken eggs).
  3. I am probably going to balance the atmospheres better, but it's worth noting that atmospheres don't use the same pre-1.0 system, you now have to define them with a curve, rather than height/scaleheight/pressure. So, I'm using KillAshley's atmosphere calculator and right now the max altitude is 1/10 scale atmosphere height and 1/1 scale pressure. This may change in the future of course, but that's how it is now.
  4. Dangit, I knew I was forgetting something *facepalm*. That's the second time I forgot that. Should work now.
  5. Valentina could not be a whole lot happier this morning. She was out for a walk down the street when she decided to pick up the newspaper. She knew she wouldn't like it. She was wrong. She picked it up, and the headline read "Legendary race-car and rocket driver Jebediah Kerman knocked out upon leaving his command pod. Freak Accident, says flight surgeon William Kerpentier" She read the whole story with a huge smile, very much appreciating what she thought was proof that karma exists. A few hours later, she was sitting in a reclining chair reading a book. At this point she heard a knock on her door. She got up, closed the book, and went to the door. She opened the door to see a young Kerbal wearing a Kerbal Postal uniform. The kerbal smiled when he realized who he was delivering the letter to. "Wow! You're THE Valentina Kerman." Valentina smiled. "Can I shake your hand?" The kid had been told that if you could choose between a hand shake and an autograph, the hand shake is better. Valentina shook his hand. The kid was beaming from eye to eye. "It's a telegraph from the uh... Kerbal Spaceport Complex." Valentina's soft smile became an annoyed frown. The kid's excited smile became a sad disappointed frown. Valentina noticed this, and said "it's not your fault. It's just... The KSP stole my job." The kid looked confused. "But you fly airplanes and the KSP makes rockets!" He said. Valentina sighed. "If only the government would see that." Valentina opened the letter at the door, and the delivery kid stuck around, and Valentina made no attempt to get rid of him. Valentina's frown once again became a smile, and the kid looked as confused as ever. "Well I'll be darned." She said. "Looks like they need my help." The kid looked at his pocketwatch and realized he had better get going if he wanted to finish his deliveries. Valentina signed her name a bit of the letter's envelope and gave it to the kid (she could tell how obvious it was that he wanted a signature), who then smiled again. He left, and Valentina closed the door, looking at the letter with a sneer She then turned it over and read the rest of it. The telegraph read the following: Valentina's sneer became a genuine smile, and she carefully looked over the letter two more times. She began to pack her things. She was determined to become the world's first Outernaut. She'd better hurry, she thought, after all: the train leaves Tuesday.
  6. Valentina Kerman listened to her radio, sitting down at the table in her small apartment. She'd heard the news of a space program and of a race-car driver who would ride the first space ship. Today was the day of the launch. Live feed of Mission Control was played through, and Valentina secretly hoped this launch would fail. If not for the Space Program, she'd be given the go ahead to launch her new jet plane which would be able to go fast enough to give the Fat Arrow a run for its funds. But alas, the government was siding with the Space Program because of the more practical uses of it. She held her cup of tea, and sipped it once or twice. The radio stopped playing the standby music (A swingy version of the Planetary Anthem) and the live news report came on. "We now return to The News, sponsored by Billington's Soap Products and Locomotive Works!" Valentina looked at the soap sitting on top of the sink, and at the train outside her window. She realized that Billington definitely held the monopoly on soap, even if not Locomotives. The large, non-Billington steam locomotive began to puff away loudly, and Valentina turned up the volume on her radio set. "It is a very exciting day here at the aboveground Kerbal Spaceport Complex, we are about seven minutes away from the launch of the Fat Arrow Mark One, Kerbin's first manned rocket. The pilot is Jebediah Kerman, who is currently riding on a small steam train pulling the rocket to the launch site. The time here is three o'clock and the sky is clear, and we are all very excited for the mission. I am talking to Dr. Wernher von Kerman, the head rocket designer at the Kerbal Spaceport Complex." Valentina scowled at the designer's name. "Yes, hello Mr. Reportmanson." The high pitched, almost squeaky voice of Dr. Wernher von Kerman said. "The Fat Arrow Mark One is a great step ahead in technology, though most of it is in the crewed section. Plenty of rockets have been created in the past, one from the ancient period was once even rumored to have entered a brief orbit. In fact the rocket section is little more than repurposed junk, including an old boiler and leftover gunpowder. The real advancement is really in the capsule. Such capsules lay the groundwork for space stations which might deliver communication across the globe nearly instantly. If you live on the Eastern hemisphere you probably won't hear this broadcast for almost an hour as it gets processed at various radio stations. With a space station, two totally separate villages could communicate instantly, and a live radio broadcast would be only seconds away! Of course, the first step in maintaining a space station is the capsule, a test device which can prove that an airtight vessel can practically protect a Kerbal from the hostile environment of space." The reporter made a sound that was something like an "uh-huh" mixed with a "whaaa?" He then spoke. "Alright thank you Dr. von Kerman for your time." The reporter paused for a moment, and then began again. "The pilot of the rocket is the world-renowned race-car driver Jebediah Kerman, who had his claim to fame by excecuting what has since been called 'The Jebediah Manuever' in a race to save huge amounts of time at the cost of not having a squishy brain. We now turn the sound directly over to Mission Control." Valentina finished her tea as the radio made a clicking sound. "...EANT TO GET INSIDE THAT THING!" A voice was yelling. The voice was of course that of Gene Kerman, the head of Mission Control. There was a lot of technobabble chatter in the intervening time as systems were being checked by the engineers, scientists, and technicians. "You've got about a minute left." the voice said again. Gene then uttered a few strange phrases, followed by other people saying things such as "Maybe" and "I don't know." "FIDO?" "Probably." "BOOSTER?" "I think it should work." etc. At ten seconds, a lone Kerbal in the back of the room was counting down. "Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One." The radio was filled with a loud, thunderous crackle as the rocket ignited. "The rocket has passed 11 hectometers, the record previously set by fighter pilot Valentina Kerman." A few seconds passed, and Valentina was fuming. "The rocket has reached a maximum altitude of 16 hectometers!" The mission control crew all cheered. At this point, Valentina was so furious that she had to turn the radio off.
  7. RELEASE THREAD HERE! Based on metaphor's work in the 1/10 scale stock system config for the old RSS plugin, this mod rescales all the planets and moons and orbits to be 1/10 of the original. It also rescales some of the PQS height stuffamabobbers, so the planets have reasonable slopes (though they are somewhat exaggerated still because it looks cool for the smaller scale) Actually, this is only done for Duna, Mun, Minmus, Kerbin, and to some extent on Tylo and Vall and Moho. (Shameless self plug: My career mode After Action Report about this mod) EDIT: Wooo! Reviewed by Scott Manley!
  8. NEW THREAD HERE Welcome to The Kerbal Wilds The name comes from Outer Wilds, a space-backpacking game in a very very small solar system. This is fitting, because this space program is on a 1/10 scale stock system (1/100 Earth scale!) Get the mod HERE! Backstory The United Kerbin Conglomerate of Villages has just entered an industrial revolution. Problem is, after only 50 years a significant sized chunk of their resources have already been depleted, and they have realized that it is going to be quite difficult to survive as an industrial species unless they look up into the wild black yonder: The Outer Wilds. To this end, they have established the K. S. P., or the Kerbal Space Program. The KSP's purpose is to invest Kerbin's resources into getting resources from the other planets, and explore them for their interesting properties along the way. Unfortunately for them, many politicians believe that the KSP is a waste of resources that couldn't benefit the Kerbin people. They have done all they can to limit the funding and have soured the program's reputation, calling it nothing more than a waste. Nevertheless, the people of Kerbin have always looked up into the sky dots with wonder, and they wonder if they will ever get a chance to visit them one day. [/backstory] Okay, so this is something I don't think anyone has tried yet. The story of a mini solar system's space program. The story is meant to evoke a sort of "WWI/Postwar" era feeling (1910-1939-ish) technologically and societally, with a few major differences (my Kerbals do not discriminate, unless that drives the plot. In general, society looks down on sexism and racism) so I hope that works. Telegrams and Radio broadcasts replacing E-mail and television. Dieselpunk, in a word. General options: Allow Quicksave: true Allow Reverting: true No Entry Purchase on Research: true Career Options: Starting Funds: 9,000 Starting Reputation: -20 Advanced Options: Re-Entry Heating: 120% Resource Abundance: 100% Funds Rewards: 90% (reduced by the government even further to 20% (referred to by Mortimer Kerman as "essentially Bupkis.") Reputation Rewards: 40% Fund Penalties: 150% Reputation Penalties: 150% Flight 1 The world went black.* Unfortunately for him, he had just fallen on his head and the next thing he knew he was waking up in a hospital. "Hey, nurse, can I buy you a drink?" *the game crashed
  9. The Kerbol System could be given a few more alien solar system things and a few more realistic things. Now, if Squad would be comfortable rebalancing the entire set of parts and game mechanics, make the planets full scale (kerbin = earth size), otherwise keep it the same. 1: Moho needs back its hot atmosphere, and its orbit needs more eccentricity. 2: Minmus orbits Kerbin in much the same way as Cruithne does (orbits The Sun in a 1:1 resonance with Kerbin). 3: Move Mun out to Minmus' old orbit. 4: Duna gets a thinner atmosphere, more akin to Mars. 5: Ike gets craters. 6: Dres spins very quickly. Not actually quicker than orbital velocity like Inaccessible, but still very fast compared to gravity, like Haumea. 7: Jool gets a more contrasted system of cloud bands and swirly storms. 8: Laythe gets working volcanoes and a slightly thinner atmosphere. 9: Tylo gets a more contrasted color map. 10: Vall gets a more cracked terrain with deep canyons. 11: Pol gets put in a 1:1 resonance with Tylo? Not sure how stable that would be, but it sounds cool. 12: Eeloo gets a swirly terrain with few small craters. 13: Sun gets proper (to-scale) density and size for a kerbal-scaled G-type star, and a white corona. They seem like some cool ideas. - - - Updated - - - I'm curious to know what you would think about alien planetary systems (if interstellar travel was implemented) and possible cool idea for them.
  10. I think there's some height noise stuff from Kerbin, but other than that the Mars map and atmosphere should be the same as real Mars.
  11. Can you tell me exactly what the problem is? I can't fix a bug if I don't know what it is! Science from what? Are you sure it's Alternis and not something else?
  12. Here's an idea for the mini-ISRU balance: Big ISRU: High efficiency (87% Ore to Resource conversion) and comparatively small power drain (though still far more than the small ISRU) Small ISRU: Low efficiency (60% Ore to Resource conversion) and higher power drain for its size. - - - Updated - - - I made myself map out that string of separation before reading the punchline. That made my day better.
  13. I'm going to say that's the hidden system inside the sun, and the bright orange smudge is the sun's core.
  14. What do you expect to come from 0.4?
  15. But if you did have it in space, you would lose mass. Heck, maybe even make it work faster but still lose mass, so it would still take the same amount of time.
  16. I would have made the small ISRU module have mass loss on conversion, not able to convert nearly as much into fuel. (90% or 80% conversion instead of 100% conversion)
  17. Rearranges the Real Solar System to be different like Alternis Kerbol https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1214/Alternis%20Real%20Solar%20System Version 0.1 of Alternis Kerbol. In the beginning, God created the heavens. It was without form, void, and darkness was upon the space of the deep. At this point, God said “Let there be light." and there was light. It was good, He thought to himself. At this point Alternis (Not to be confused with Alternis, the Kerbal god of change and difference) peeked into God's universe room. “Screw your light! She said. “It's the wrong color!" And so she created her own cosmos that was subtly different. This was the Alternis Cosmos. This is the Alternis Solar System, the Mod without an Acryonym! Alternis Kerbol was a mod that took the stock Kerbol system and rearranged it. I picked it up, updated it for recent versions of the game, and then wondered what would happen if Alternis were to smite the heck out of our solar system. You know, the one with Earth and Mars and stuff in it. The mod requires Kopernicus to be installed. It does NOT require Real Solar System. It is based off of Real Solar System, and if RSS is installed alongside there will probably be big problems. The RSS-Textures included in the pack are 4096x scale. Feel free to reduce them to 2048 if you want to. All of the .dds textures are the same textures as the normal RSS-Textures, so you can replace them with whatever scale you want, and the .png textures (which are the different textures) can easily be edited so you can change their scale. To install, download and install Kopernicus 0.5 or later, and place Alternis Solar System and RSS-Textures in GameData. This mod is based on the following: RSS Planets and Moons Expanded by Pozine Real Solar System by NathanKell and others Alternis Kerbol by NovaSilisko (no actual assets from AK used, just the name and inspiration) Eudae55's Neptunian texture (edited to be red-brown instead of purple) List of changes: Neptune moved to Mercury's orbit, Merucry now orbits Neptune. Venus is replaced by a slightly larger and warmer Mars. Earth's orbit is replaced with Jupiter. Jupiter has been blue-ified. Earth orbits Jupiter where Ganymede used to be. Venus orbits Jupiter where Europa used to be, and has been "terraformed." Moon orbits Jupiter where Callisto used to be. Io has not been changed, and still orbits Jupiter. Europa moved to where Mars was, and given a cold, thin atmosphere. Phobos and Deimos moved to Europa orbit. Ganymede orbits the Sun alone where Jupiter used to orbit. Saturn and Uranus are in a binary system. (not implemented yet with SigmaBinary.) Uranus orbits Saturn. Iapetus orbits Uranus. Callisto orbits Uranus. Titan orbits Saturn further out (will orbit the Saturn/Uranus barycenter) and has been made a super-Earth planet with 3.5 gees surface gravity and 4 times the size. Pluto not changed (though you could consider the unrealistic blue texture given it by RSS default as an alternis thing.) Lighting: Ambient light now nonexistent in space, dimmer on planet surfaces. Sun is slightly reddish-yellow and casts a harsh, warmer light.
  18. Maxmaps has just said on the Squadcast that he will not personally go to the white house because there's only two slots and he didn't want to steal from others. (I think he said Felipe and Dan)
  19. I'm gonna go ahead and guess it's Jool, because that's exactly what everyone else isn't expecting!
  20. Blame Sigma88. He made those configs. I'll fix it when I have time tomorrow. - - - Updated - - - Actually, all of the moons ARE visible. It's what happens when you make Jool the Main Menu body, a feature in Kopernicus. It makes all of the moons of a planet visible. New Horizons also does this for one of the desert bodies. - - - Updated - - - I asked NovaSilisko, the original dev, about this.
  21. I don't think I changed anything. If I need to change something to make it work again, just tell me.
  22. First of all, No Man's Sky looks kinda crappy compared to this. Second of all, one of the things I read about it was that the developers are trying to make a game inspired more by Interstellar and The Martian and the Apollo Program and SpaceX than Star Wars and Star Trek. And so far, I think they've got it. I don't think it will be better than KSP, and I certainly think it will be better than No Man's Sky.
  23. Hmm. I never actually looked at the Aerospike config. I stand corrected. Why aren't all the points on the Isp curve shown in-game if it is not a linear curve? EDIT: Well this is actually pretty embarrassing. For some reason I have four different Aerospikes in game. The first one is the one I've been complaining about. The second one is a copy of the first. The third one is the proper aerospike in-game as it should be, and the fourth one doesn't even have the engine module. My bad, I guess. Spreading misinformation is one of the things I can't stand. I feel really bad. This might actually have ruined my day. EDIT: It did.
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