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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Supermegaultra von Kerman Mode: Scribble the .craft file on a cave wall, take a picture of it, and have KSP interpret that as a craft.
  2. It may not BE a simple code. A simple idea sure, but those are not always simple to implement.
  3. Normal mode: Design a ship in-game. Hard mode: Design a ship on a notepad and build it in game. Super Wernher von Kerman Mode: Design a ship in the windows program Notepad by creating a spaceship.craft file.
  4. Well, since I'm in the middle of bugfixing Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered, I can't very well loose access to HyperEditing things! It's time for the Gregrox Space Administration's second safety review!
  5. It was a suggestion, not a demand or a request. Just an idea that I thought might be cool.
  6. I downloaded from KerbalStuff, installed InlineBallutes into gamedata, but the ballutes are not appearing in-game. What happened? EDIT: I put KermangeddonIndustries in and it works.
  7. Hmm. If making the game feel fresh and new is important, what about trying new and different types of starting locations. Probus' Little Green Men From Mars made me appreciate that even if it is much easier to get into orbit around Mars than Earth, getting back is far more difficult.
  8. Kerb... Kerbin's rings? Woah. Didn't notice that. This will definitely be an awesome thing for a Galactic Neighborhood patch. Maybe with a small bit of rearranging it so it is not to similar to the normal Kerbol system. Is Minmus still minty? - - - Updated - - - I note you have but "untouched by myself for the stock feel" in the OP. I have to remind you that Kittopia's normal maps are too shiny for ocean planets, making them look very much non-stockalike. It may be a consideration worth thinking about to make custom normal maps or editing some shininess setting somewhere. - - - Updated - - - It just occured to me that these worlds could be used for more uniqe New Horizons support. All the stock planets there could be given these textures and the whole thing would be completely original.
  9. So the goal is in fact not to actually create replicas of the stock planets by using procedural generation, but to make planets that are similar in spirit to the originals. So I suppose you take a layman's description of the planet gameplay speaking, not necessarily mentioning the color, and then remove any preconceptions of the original planet (literally and in your mind) and then design a planet that fits that description. In other words: The planets created and the stock planets have a common description. Here are the descriptions from what I can tell. Kerbin: An earth-like planet with grasslands, deserts, shores, and mountains. Mun: A gray-white moon with small and large craters dotting the surface. Dres: A large asteroid in the bad parts of space. Tylo: A very large rocky moon orbiting Jool. Ike: A moon of Duna with a high contrasting white/black splotchy surface. Vall: An icy moon covered in hills and valleys. Bop: A small brown lumpy rock. Gilly: A small lumpy rock. Eeloo: A white icy moonlike dwarf planet with brown patches scattered around. Eve: A huge, hazardous planet orbiting closer to the Sun than Kerbin, with oceans of some unknown material. Pol: A gigantic space pollen. Based upon those descriptors, here are my predictions for what the rest of the objects will have in common with their originals. Jool: A large green(?) gas giant planet with cloud bands. Laythe: A large-ish ocean moon with a barely breathable oxygen atmosphere. That oxygen had to come from somewhere. Moho: A medium-sized cratered planet scorched by its nearby orbit around the Sun. Minmus: A minty-green lumpy moon of Kerbin. Duna: A cool desert planet with a thin atmosphere.
  10. This is the updated version of Alternis Kerbol, usable in modern versions of KSP. Current version: KSP 1.2.X, AKR 1.7, as of 1/22/2017. Mod Forum Thread Pictures Full Album
  11. I love this idea. Perhaps it is not just one space agency competing. Just like different companies give different contracts and rewards, different space agencies may act differently. The way I see it is this: two settings in the game settings. Allows you to set the amount of other space agencies, and set their game mode from Easy, Normal, Intermediate, Hard, and whatever your Custom mode is. The other space agencies will pick a random flag from a flaglist.cfg of safe-to-use flags (not used by another space program or by manufacturers, and not any player-made flag that is not added to the list.) They will also create a name in a similar manner to Kerbal astronauts. Space agencies may have one of a few different archetypes: -Aggressive, where they will fight back if at all possible if you fire upon them. They are not afraid to rendezvous with your ships, dock to them, and even steal fuel if your reputation is low. They try their darndest to be the first at everything, even if they lose Kerbals in the process. They have a higher chance than other agencies of something failing and losing life during launches and landings. Their ships are overbuilt, and while they technically have a margin for error, they use up their margin while doing things inefficiently. -Peaceful, where they will invariably run away, and will not try to approach unless you have a high reputation. Their program almost never does "firsts" and tends to wait until someone else has done something. They may still beat you though, if not another agency. They will never fight back, and will always run away if they see you coming. If you keep harming them, they will try to bribe you out of harming them. This loses reputation very quickly. Their ships have a small margin for error, because they can never be too careful. -Scientific, where they will rendezvous with your ship to check it out. They try to be the first, but they don't want to risk life doing it. They will often use probes more than kerbaled vessels. They're not afraid to fight back, but they may also bribe you to stop shooting their ships. Their ships tend not to have much margin for error, because they fly as efficiently as possible. -Commercial, who do not try to be first at anything, just try to do what others have already done better and cheaper. In fact, they are NEVER first at something. They always wait do something after at least two agencies have already done it. Their NPC ships tend to ignore yours, they have business to attend to. They can often be seen in well built ships holding passenger cans full of tourists. They also tend to reuse as much equipment as possible. -Religious agencies are extremely rare occurrences, but when they do form they tend to flip-flop between aggressive and passive behaviors, depending on the particular brand of the religion that the commander of the vessel believes in. These kerbals are flying in space for religious reasons, because after all space is the heaven(s). They worship the almighty Deep Space Kraken, and the only thing they want to be first to is the Bop landing. The player can not choose which agencies form and when they do, just the final number. They can set it to something absurdly high if they wanted to so that after a couple of in-game years, the entire solar system is populated with various space programs competing with each other. If there is a system in place for emulating the interactions between the nonplayer space agencies, it may be fun just to sit and watch on a high timewarp as the news app describes each skirmish and retreat and failure, while all your space program does is fool around with firework rockets behind the astronaut complex. The default space agency number for Easy Mode is 0, Normal Mode is 1, for Intermediate mode it is 2, and for Hard Mode it is 4. It can be set as high as 100 in the custom settings menu. The launch sites for the various space agencies are all around the equator, with a few at higher latitudes. There might be one on the western side of the KSC continent, one in the desert, the badlands, the tundra, etc. There may even be a space program within visual range of another space program. This may lead to bad relations if they are both aggressive. If you bomb another space program's buildings, and that space program is either aggressive or scientific, they will return the favor with missiles. So don't do that. If you bomb a peaceful agency's buildings, your reputation drops like a rock. If you bomb a Commercial agency's buildings, they will fine you for the repairs. This is a mandatory fee that may make you bankrupt. Other agencies will never bomb you without provocation. They might bomb you if you attack their ships. You can compete with agencies in any game mode, including science and sandbox. Each company archetype has a preset list of their own hidden stock spacecraft. You could place crafts directly into their craft lists, and they would be able to use that ship. The game calculates delta-vee and twr, but does not calculate structure, so if you put a thin spindly rocket that should bend over into a U-shape, but has enough thrust and delta-v to orbit, you will in fact find that the ship has reached orbit intact. By neccessity, stock craft in these folders must be sturdy so that it doesn't seem insane that these ships might be found orbiting Jool. The stock craft will have had to be tested just like any part or feature to make sure they make sense. Recommend any modders who want to add crafts would do the same.
  12. They ALL look like clones to us. - - - Updated - - - Dres mission should be a B-plot for a future story, where the total and complete lack of interestingness of Dres is emphasized, until something very strange happens to the Dres crew that leads back into the main story. Put Kenlie on the Dres mission. Yeah.
  13. When Bill found both of those books in high school, he managed to get Jeb and Val to do his english homework by means of blackmail. So, like, Kenlie isn't alone.
  14. "Huh, Jebediah, look. 'Comder' Kenlie is trying to ram us." "What? Get out of the way!" The ship blasted right past. "This is Kaptin Valentina Kerman to KSC, Kenlie's gone rogue! KSC?" Bill realized something. "Val, wait. Look at Kenlie's manuevers. He's demonstrating two-dimensional thinking!" Val had a lightbulb pop up in her head. She pointed the ship normal, and did a 10 second burn. Kenlie became surprised, not sure what to do. A half orbit later, Kenlie's ship approached again. "RAM HIM WITH THE PROBES!" Jeb screamed.
  15. My sister had an idea for a "My First Kerbal Space Program," a sort of KSP: Lite. All planets are 1/2 their stock size and 1/20 their real world size. Instead of mixing and matching fuel tanks and engines, there are prebuilt stages with some tweakable options, such as engine number and type. Jetpacks, which were one of the hardest things for her, would be able to use a positional SAS relative to the target. Planets are closer together. If KSP has a "toy solar system," MFKSP would have a baby toy solar system. Exaggerated proportions and such. Much more heavily stylized.
  16. LV-B450 "Warthog" Manufacturer: Jebediah Kerman Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co. The Warthog is the response of Jeb's Junkyard to the newer Mainsail and Rhino engines from Rockomax and Kerbodyne respectively. It has a significantly higher thrust than previous LV-T series models, at a cost of fuel efficiency. Despite being inefficient and not quite as high power as the Mainsail, the LV-B450 engine is significantly cheaper due to its construction from pre-made parts. Maximum Thrust: 1,200 kN Engine Isp: atm: 280 vac: 300 Cost: 9200 funds There's an idea for that Warthog, though I suspect the high power 1.25m Space Shuttle Main Engine coming in 1.1 will definitely suffice.
  17. It would have to have humans or else not have the "realistic" planets be Earth solar system. Kerbals on Kerbin make sense. Kerbals on Kerbin XL make sense. Humans on Earth make sense. Humans on Earth Mini make sense. Kerbals on Earth don't make sense. Kerbals on Earth Mini make a little bit of sense. Humans on Kerbin don't make sense. Humans on Kerbin XL don't make sense. So I think, unless they want that DLC to not be a "Kerbal" space program, a realism mode should be a Kerbal solar system with 10x scale and a bit more similarity to Sol system. Planets and moons further apart and with axial tilt, Kerbin with 130 km atmosphere height, Duna with a thinner atmosphere, new/different moons for Jool, and outer gas planets and moons, more realistic and less cartoony textures for planets. (Though not too much less, because it would still be using stockalike parts style, I would imagine) I would love a professionally made Realism Overhaul in the Kerbolar System. Real Fuels, FAR-like aero, life support, all that jazz. The mods currently available seem so clunky, with parts that don't always fit, and ugly U.I.s for some of the gameplay mods, and few stockalike parts. That's why I prefer using SMURFF and stock/stockalike parts. The idea with an official RO DLC should be that you should be able to completely recreate some historic or interesting missions from real life in the game, even if the places you go look different. Duna is much more red than Mars, Jool is green, but both should accurately represent their counterparts authentically. In fact, Duna has to get rid of Ike. Maybe Ike can become a fourth moon of Jool. Mars gets two asteroid moons. Gilly can stay around Eve, but Eve has to become smaller (to scale I mean, obviously with the rescale it would become larger) and gain a thicker atmosphere. Maybe the solution is to have several different types of starter systems. Kerbin, KerbinXL, KerbinROXL, EarthMini, and EarthRO. Kerbin is the stock game as it is. Kerbin XL is just the planets as they are rescaled by 10x. Kerbin Realism Overhaul XL is Kerbol system rekerjiggered into a better representation of the Sol system, EarthMini is the Solar System downscaled by 10x, and EarthRO is Earth Solar System in full scale with the Realism Overhaul stuff. For Earth systems to work, there has to be the possibility of have human astronauts and space center personnel. TL;DR I like the idea, mostly because the only reason I don't use Realism Mods is because they feel unpolished and clunky.
  18. "Awwwww" at Kenlie's fanfiction. Now all that needs to happen is for Martystu Kerman to write some smut, and then the whole forum thread will collapse! No but really, the stories that Kenlie writes are a neat touch. I wonder if this will enter the plot at some point. Kenlie: Now I'll just send it to my Mommy, so she can see how good of a writer I am! *SEND TO ALL* Kenlie: After finding that link above, I just got the reference in that dream on Moho. Really should have gotten that already.
  19. IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE YOU DELETE THE FILES IN Gamedata/Kopernicus/Cache BEFORE INSTALLING THE UPDATE Version Beta0.90 is released! (The number scheme... sound familiar?) This one has a major bugfix involving Tylo's heightmap and color map, fixes Tylo's atmosphere visibility, and adds support for Galactic Neighborhood support (the GN patch is not out yet, but the config for the mod now supports GN for whenever Sigma wants to do his thing) This will likely be the penultimate version before a 1.0. 1.0 will include polishes and more bugfixes. At that point, Alternis Kerbol will have officially been completely Rekerjiggered. After that, the Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered Extended phase will begin, which will include OPM support. Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered
  20. 280 is a high efficiency? Have you checked its current status because at this time it in very much far too inefficient. It does not even have a similar Isp for space and vacuum, which is kind of the main selling point of aerospikes. This means that it actually does WORSE on Eve than the Reliant or Swivel engine, when it should do significantly better. The way I see it, the balance should be this: Not particularly amazing on Kerbin or Vacuum, but better than anything else on Eve.
  21. You and just made my day. I drew this a while ago.
  22. By complete coincidence the last song I listened to before seeing this was Roundtable Rival. I had a good ten second laugh when I realized what the song was.
  23. I intend to have a server meant just for griefing. I will personally fly beautifuly constructed ships and stations to orbit, then at the end of the month, let the griefers online.
  24. I was just about to begin work on a Urania Rekerjiggered as my next project, I see that this gets updated. Well, I guess I'll have to figure something else to do.
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