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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Well, crap. I was gonna do that. I hope you don't mind if my idea, called Realistic Analogous Stock System, is a bit similar. It could be considered opposite in some ways. All the planets look the same but are 10x size and have been rearranged and resized to fit into the analogous roles in the Solar System. Not sure what to do with Laythe other than deleting it, though. Pol will have to replace it.
  2. I haven't what talking of the turkey fried winglet motors if going to the car for the reason of perhaps reasonable sandwich the moat.
  3. Simulation mode should also look different and not quite as interesting as the "real" world. Dull lighting, totally flat planets, 8-bit type sound effects (if any).
  4. The classic, though extremely scientifically inaccurate, starship Enterprise from the original series of Star Trek. And then the Pilgrim Observer that Nyrath mentioned. I have the model kit assembled. Might take a picture and show it off.
  5. HyperEdit changing of persistent orbits is buggy and clunky. Simply changing the orbit of a planet is actually really easy with Kopernicus. It's probably the simplest change you can do to a planet. Best thing is, it properly calculates sphere-of-influence. Example Config: @Kopernicus:FOR[PlanKappaKerbinRemoval] { @Body[Mun] { @Properties { description = The Mun got totally flung out of its Kerbin orbit dude! Speaking of Kerbin, I wonder where it went? } @Orbit { @referenceBody = Sun semiMajorAxis = sma inclination = inc eccentricity = ecc longitudeOfAscendingNode = lan argumentOfPeriapsis = aop meanAnomalyAtEpoch = w epoch = ep } } } Just install the Kopernicus Beta mod, make a new folder with the name PlanKappaKerbinRemoval in gamedata folder, and inside the PlanKappaKerbinRemoval folder make a text document renamed from .txt to .cfg, and paste this in there. Edit the description and orbital characteristics however you see fit / have calculated.
  6. I have issues merely with the style of the U.I. it definitely seems to clash with the Atompunk/Rocketpunk 1950s-80s aesthetic the game seems to have (and the promotional imagery, have you seen the televisions on the console announcements? They look distinctly 60s). A few 7-segment displays, less cartoony graphics on the interface. Less shiny, more matte. Mechanical looking devices like the altimeter should not look like a cartoon drawing of an altimeter. The flight U.I. is one of the oldest pieces of artwork in the game. And at the time, it did fit with the rocket parts available. So I think the U.I. design should be redesigned. Style to go for: Some space shuttle type tech or something could also work I suppose. Just nothing too sleek and glossy. Of course the optimal would be moddability of the G.U.I. You could make your own U.I. style. Alternatively, I like the idea about having multiple G.U.I.s that are tied to each control unit. Mk1 could be Mercury/Gemini styled, Mk1-2 could be Apollo styled, Mk3 cockpit could be shuttle styled, etc.
  7. I believe it is from Ballutes. Maybe some conflict between moving Kerbin and ballutes, but as far as I can tell it is a Kopernicus/Ballutes issue, nothing I can do about it. Some possibilities. Haven't tested, but I know that removing ModularFlightIntegrator fixes it: It comes when you have a Kopernicus mod that moves Kerbin, and ModularFlightIntegrator without either FAR or Ballutes. It comes when you have ModularFlightIntegrator installed without Ballutes. It comes when you have Ballutes installed with a Kopernicus mod that moves Kerbin. It comes when you have ModularFlightIntegrator and a Kopernicus mod that moves Kerbin.
  8. The bombs really need something else added to them to really give them the powerful BANG feeling. That thing, I believe, should be a very bright light and a sharp explosion sound. Unrelatedly I don't understand the Medusa. It is more unstable (will wobble out of control more) than Orion. How can it be used instead of Orion?
  9. Here's a visual idea for what I would imagine would be v1.2, or whatever update SQUAD decide is the Visual Prettiness update. The buildings in KSC could use more life. They feel so empty aside from the VAB/SPH and the one kerbal we see in each building (and four in Admin building). Wouldn't it be cool if there were actual Kerbals roaming throughout the various space center building U.I.s? Note that even the ones with 2D renders for scenes could still have 3D Kerbals walking around, just use the 2D scene as a background texture, and draw flat sprites in front of certain areas, like when you want Kerbals to be seen behind things like pool tables. Though really it might be prettier and easier just to make it an actual 3D scene. VAB/SPH There's already Kerbals walking around here. Just one thing: Where are the female Kerbals? Are there no KSC engineers and scientists of the female gender? Tracking Station Okay, this one is different than the others. It doesn't really need to have Kerbals working there, but I think it should have at least one Kerbal. How about Margaret Kerman the computer scientist? Maybe she reads the planetary body descriptions to you. By that I mean she has a little box connected to the Info-Database with a sort of speech-bubble thing. Just a small thing but it would give representation of the female kerbals in the head staff of KSC. Astronaut Complex This has the potential for a lot of cool stuff. I've talked of the idea of having coinop games to function as pseudo-tutorials before. But this is different. What if the Kerbals and recruits could walk around the astronaut complex floor, talking with each other, holding suspiciously green sodas, looking at their digital watches, etc. The Kerbals shown would correspond to the Kerbals in the U.I. If you were to hire a Kerbal recruit, they might have a little animation of joy: something like "Yay! I've been accepted!" They may also change into a flight suit next time you enter the building. Some kind of visual clue to tell the recruits apart from the astronauts. Maybe just a medal on their chest or something, corresponding to their level as an astronaut. Mission Control Some Kerbals in the background sitting at the computers, looking around and chatting. One of them would be Bobak Kerman. Research and Development Complex Some Kerbals in the background of the science archive screen doing... sciencey things. Dropping things and writing down what happens. Mixing chemicals that explode, then cheering at the puff of smoke. Stuff like that. All of them would be behind Wernher von Kerman. Administration building Actually have the administrator Kerbals sitting in their chairs around a table. Each of them would be sitting in whatever pose you would expect their character to be in. Mortimer would be stiff and try to sit as symmetrically as possible, Linus might be relaxing, etc. The more Kerbals, the better!
  10. I thought I fixed that. The Sun is resized, but it seems that increasing the surface gravity didn't actually compensate. Must be some difference between Kopernicus and the Alternis Kerbol plugin. Might have to revert the sun resize. It doesn't amount to much IMO. That does explain why Jool's SOI is so large. I thought I was experiencing an isolated glitch. *facepalm* If you want to go ahead and fix the problem now before I release an update, simply go to the Sun config and remove all the parts that resize or regravity the Sun. If you can't do that successfully, then just remove the whole sun config. Note that this will remove the lighting. Or just wait until I make an update. EDIT: I found the problem. GeeASL should not equal 0.07772. Yeah. I don't even know what that number IS, it's not in the Alternis Kerbol source. - - - Updated - - - AFAIK, the science definitions should be the same as original Alternis, but I could have made some mistake somewhere. I'll check it out. As for the Kerbals instantly exploding, and no atmosphere gradient, I am not seeing this bug. Do you by any chance have the Ballutes mod installed? I do know there's a problem with ModularFlightIntegrator that gives Kerbin a really soupy souposphere, which may be related. I was seeing bugs with going mach speed at <100 m/s at sea level on Kerbin. See if removing Ballutes and ModuleFlightIntegrator from GameData fixes it, assuming you have it.
  11. ... they also apparently have toenails. They don't need covering, they just get cold. Female kerbals more so. Besides, I'm sure someone, somewhere would have slapped SQUAD in the internet face for not giving the Kerbals clothes. Even if they have barbie/ken doll bodies.
  12. There are rules against it for one thing, and for another thing it's kind of mean to the original makers. It would be like making a movie consisting mostly of clips from Star Wars and justifying it with "I give full credit to the original makers."
  13. I just caught up. I have to say that this is really awesome. From the Spore reference to the custom poses to the talking teleporter monoliths to the brilliant story, this is the best KSP comic. Eve: Order Zero coming in a very close second. - - - Updated - - - Well, that's the point. They didn't believe Jeb and Bob before, but now that they do they may be able to speed up R&D to get those ISRUs and stuff. I don't know.
  14. The attitude control method of choice for planet moving suicidal pyromaniacs!
  15. I'm on the side with the people saying that the Nuclear Pulse Rocket Body (or at least the dang bomb magazine) should be surface attachable. If I want to have any RCS thrusters on the ship to aid in steering, they all have to be at the top, offcenter. Unless I want long spindly arms going down the rest of the ship to surface attach to.
  16. I seem to be missing something. The rocket won't work. I try to turn it on, it's got propellant, and it has thrust, but it just won't work. It doesn't move, explode, or do anything. EDIT: I'm reasonably certain it is because for some reason USI Tools did not get put in gamedata. Oops. Wow. These things are FAST. I tried hopping to full thruttle on the launchpad and in less than a second I had been blown to smithereens. Before having been blown to smithereens, my velocity was TWO KILOMETERS PER SECOND. Right off the launchpad! That is insane! It feels overpowered, but in the RIGHT way. It's like using a monster to pull goods instead of a horse. Sure the monster can pull much more much faster, but it will also try to eat you.
  17. Alternis Kerbol 1.0 is released. Changelog: Resized Sun. Recolored atmospheres. Tweaked Tylo and Laythe's terrain. Added Minmus craters. Changed orbit color lines. A lot of other minor bugfixes.
  18. If I am really lucky then Alternis Kerbol 1.0 will be out by the end of the night (eastern time). 1.0 will pretty much be identical to the original Alternis Kerbol except for some minute details.
  19. That's actually pretty cool! I might bundle it in with the AlternisKerbolFlags. The upcoming 1.0 release has proper orbit colors which will work nicely for the orbit lines there. That certainly is a unique design. The main problem is that it seems to have a white background, when it ought to have a transparent background.
  20. It's being made. It will use pulses of bombs, so the thrust controls how often the bomb pulses. At least, that's how the old Orion mod worked.
  21. Supermegaultra von Kerman Mode: Scribble the .craft file on a cave wall, take a picture of it, and have KSP interpret that as a craft.
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