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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Yeah, I hadn't heard any want for it to fail either, I think we're just concerned that it WILL fail, that at some point someone will try to build something bigger than a Mun mission and complain when FPS goes to nothing
  2. I agree with you. Also, make sure you have a decent cpu because if you have a FX-4100 you get lag over 70K population and you cri as your city grinds to a halt
  3. It's because mods disable themselves and show that loading screen in x64 (before the stable release was out) and modder probably didn't fix it yet. Speaking of which, I spent 10 minutes quoting practically everyone on this whole page because of this stupid new editor and trying to remove the quotes... Clicked quote on one, gave me the other
  4. I went to the Bottom of the Sea. Then, after a quicksave/load, went beneath the seabed floor... to the core and through kerbin? Eventually at -588 KM the vessel rapidly accelerated, bended, and overheated. The kraken lives there. Click the image....
  5. 20 FPS/320 parts no delta-v time slowdown (well, barely any) on a FX-4100. I'm happy.
  6. Strange that they would tease it so much as if it's coming today but not release. Unless a major bug popped up, like in 0.22.5
  7. I practically went through my entire mod list until I removed Vens, corrupted my save and so far it's smooth performance (it seems it was the starting pod that causes it?), I'm not sure why. I'll do more testing to see if indeed it is ven
  8. Do you have any idea? I've tried removing ALL my visual mods, different part packs, etc (currently using kw) but its only effecting crewed vessels... hmm, maybe it's final frontier... nope not it. Not my suit mods, not VNG EVA parachutes, not SSTU... I still have no idea ;_;
  9. I'm using Vens stock revamp (and a few others, but this seems to be the most likely cause) and if a vessel is crewed, the game stutters constantly (not sound lag), but if I build an unmanned/probe vessel it's entirely smooth. A friend said that he remembered this issue, but does not know how to fix
  10. OK... It seems to be a memory leak, at least in flight, freezing at 3.4 gb... might be SSTU, giving the new version a try. Fixed the memory leak, now have horrible lag anytime, even with 5 part crafts. Tried removing SSTU, still lag. this is driving me nuts
  11. Elite Dangerous exploration, quite frankly, is space tourist, and you can't even land on planets (unless you have the exp pack, even then only airless), there's nothing to "discover' but pretty pictures. Really, it's just Space Engine minus some things + travel time
  12. So far, it seems to be OPM, not sure if mod issue or RAM issue EDIT: Honestly I have no idea. Removed OPM, always running at 2.9GB-3GB at any time, lastest for awhile then failed to load...
  13. Well, I got a R9 290 6 months ago in my upgrade, then others factors+ Canadas Economy means I'm still stuck with my FX-4100 and 500 GB HDD
  14. Wait, so that means I can fly 4 planes in formation without lag?
  15. KSP: 1.05 (32BIT) Problem: Game takes awhile (50% longer than I'm used to) to go from VAB to launchpad, until eventually it gets to loading and it never does, no crash message Using about ~3.2 GB RAM OS: Win32 Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a8qgc4gutwdgg9l/output_log.txt?dl=0 Mod list: Reproduction: System is FX-4100/R9 290 with 8GB of ram. Load game, do whatever (career) eventually game freezes on VAB-Launchpad, any craft, any size.
  16. Oh. Okay, in the mean time just wait for Rbray to fix the clouds?
  17. ....Well... it's actually not on CKAN, I've been downloading everything through it and got really confused as to why I couldn't find the textures for it on CKAN... I'm guessing I actually didn't
  18. Well... now I did... I just found the mod via CKAN and didn't really read OP... Oh, neat. Just assumed it was inline, stupid me
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