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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Devs. Read Novas post and make it happen. I want it!
  2. I don't even know who that is? 7/10.
  3. Steam might be good for the holiday sale.
  4. Lol I managed to once somehow by fluke get the NASSP to fly. However I had no more control after that. AMSO Is wonderful, easyish, and has great model of everything. Except no AGC, and you can fly manually if you want.
  5. ...The kraken. Honestly I'm not very "afraid" of the planets. Go forth, brave kerbals!
  6. Although you could've supplied the .craft instead of the code to paste in. EDIT: Nvm you have both. Ignore me....
  7. Ciation needed. It IS possible someone edited it in for a joke, until I see a reference post from a dev. The link was broke too. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Gas_planet_2
  8. Usually SSTOS are spaceplanes. This is a rocket with wings. SSTO means Single Stage To Orbit.
  9. Perhaps, but it would make it feel less like "you put two engines in eachother" and more like "well this is how kerbals do it" Or something.
  10. I don't know why but I just imagned a long, let's say, 10km long "pole" asteroid thing, with 10 meter radius Imagine landing on it... It's late.
  11. Never knew some steam games were region-specific. I live in Canada too, so can't help ya.
  12. What about making the second enine pairs rotated 45 degrees, so it looks like 8 noozle RAPIER instead of clipped 4s.
  13. That's actually decent for such a complex ship!
  14. Wasn't sure about the first quote, second quote brony? I guess 0/10.
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