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Everything posted by TheDarkStar

  1. It doesn't autoalign your ship, so people either build so that the docked parts are put in a symmetric pattern anyway (when assembled), or they use guide rails. If you do not need to be as precise, you can also turn the craft by hand until you are relatively close in orientation before you docking.
  2. What are the designs you are using right now, and where have you been so far?
  3. Right click a nearby (even closer than to use other things) seat while EVAing a Kerbal to see the option to get on the seat.
  4. There is also a large docking part.
  5. I'm pretty sure all Kerbals are clones grown in a lab at KSC.
  6. You don't actually need docking to go anywhere. There were even Eve return missions without docking. You just need to try to minimize your payload, and not use too many extra parts. You really only need 1 LV-N, since having more just adds extra mass. Post a picture of your attempts and we can help you a bit more.
  7. There's an extremely deep canyon to explore.
  8. Go to either pole, you'll find something interesting. I like Jool the most, since the Jool system is interesting. Eve is the worst, since you can't get off it easily, and there's nothing to see.
  9. 66. We don't care how many tons of rocket fuel and nuclear engines hit Kerbin, as long as it makes a nice explosion. Wow, we got way off on numbers.
  10. Total masses rammed into each planet and moon at over 1000 m/s.
  11. A planet, either Mun or Tylo sized, that shows signs of a huge impact. The main surface feature would be a giant crater that takes a large part out of the planet. Spreading out from it, there would be rifts that stretch for hundreds of kilometers. If it was closer to Kerbol, the impact area could still be molten; alternatively, the impact is very recent and the deeper cracks have magma at their lower depths (I prefer this second one).
  12. Harvester says that so far, nothing will break saves; they are also trying to avoid that, to an extent.
  13. I'll probably start a new save file. ~40 active missions and a few hundred debris parts are really slowing things down, especially with the Lazor addon.
  14. It's the MMP: Manned Missile Program. My landers are just missiles that don't explode.
  15. While you can accelerate faster with more engines, the added weight makes you not able to accelerate as much. 16 engines add quite a bit of weight; I'd expect that you could get at least 1km/s more dV more with fewer engines.
  16. It's probably this; I've had the same bug with various part textures.
  17. I can see Kethane being useful, but I find that MJ takes away from the game. You only need the stock propulsion parts for anything less than Jool ascent, but other things like KAS and QuantumStrut help make the game better. Personally, I try to do things completely stock unless mods are part of the point (like setting up a mining base or a mapping satillite).
  18. Because the ratio of fuel to dry mass is 9/1 for a liquid fuel/oxidizer tank, a starting to ending mass ratio of 9/1 (with infinite fuel tanks) is the best you'll get. This makes the highest reachable dV equal to 9.81 * 449 * ln(9), or about 9678.0931 m/s. Edit: That's if you're using the aerospike and the LV-N at the same time; the aerospike on its own gives up to 8406.3615 m/s and using the LV-N alone gives up to 17243.8185 m/s.
  19. You should be using more efficient engines for the upper stages. Atmospheres thin out fast.
  20. If you want to make your own maps, use the ISA MapSat mod.
  21. You forgot the most important word - failure!
  22. It helps to start higher up; starting only a few km up lowers the required dV by several thousand m/s. Try to stay slow early on, because of the atmosphere, and try to make the most efficient ascent you can.
  23. 273. Remove timewarp please, it's unrealistic and makes the game no fun! It's not like interplanetary flights take days; going to the Mun (not that I've gone anywhere else) only took fifteen minutes! (note: sarcasm)
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