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Everything posted by TheDarkStar

  1. However, the C7 pack had a lot of very similar parts. Also, better aerodynamics (but still not realistic, yet) were added along with lift surfaces.
  2. Moho has low (Mun-like) gravity, but it takes a huge amount of dV to get to and back.
  3. I once managed a 9 km/s reentry to Kerbin after an Eeloo mission.
  4. Kerbin needs "gas stations" that supply rocket fuel. What else would Kerbal cars run on?
  5. Here are mine: 1. No addons for missions that can be done stock (basically anything up through Eve ascent) 2. Quicksave and Quickload are allowed 3. .cfg editing is not allowed; neither is using overpowered mods 4. NO MECHJEB (or any other autopilots) 5. Debris and crashing is fine. I have 100-200 objects in LKO right now, and I've crashed dozens of LV-Ns into Kerbin 6. All missions must be designed so that no Kerbals are lost 7. Killing Kerbals for fun is fine.\
  6. Yep, it takes a lot longer and a lot more dV to reach LEO then LKO.
  7. Like RCS, xenon gas (ion engine fuel) does not have liquid fuel flow mechanics. If it's anywhere on the craft, a tank can give fuel to an ion engine. So no, you can't asparagus stage it very well.
  8. Did you make sure that both docking ports are the same size?
  9. I use Kerbals for almost everything. Over the time I have played, I have probably killed between 1500 and 2000.
  10. I could see something like this working with a high time-warp setting or a way to jump ahead in time (with huge increments, so that intersystem travel would still be done as normal) and having engines that are not that unrealistic. However, you'd also probably need some way to aerobrake when you get there; either a planet would need an atmosphere, or there would need to be things like dust around the stars.
  11. It depends on the mission. If I'm just heading to the Mun, Minmus, or Duna, I usually just make a design similar to one I've made before. For things like Moho or Eve ascent missions, I do some preparation.
  12. 172. We need to be able to mine things 173. We need to be able to craft things 174. There should be monsters to fight (like skeleton, spider, zombie, and explosive Kerbals) 175. You should be able to control a single Kerbal who can do 172. and 173. 176. The Kerbal should have tools (made of several materials) 177. (this is the most important) Everything needs to be made of blocks!
  13. Nowadays, this seems like something that can be done with existing parts and the Lazor mod.
  14. I agree that people should stop, we had a HarvesteR imposter earlier today.
  15. 128. KSP should model the Cold War, with competition and nuclear weapons.
  16. It's surprising how many of these suggestions are features that the devs have discussed (but are not for sure) or are planned features. For example, asteroids/an asteroid belt are planned, and rings, other solar systems, and FTL have all been discussed by the devs.
  17. 82. Why do I have a circular orbit after leaving Kerbin's SoI, I should drop straight down into the Sun! Please fix this!
  18. The only problem is that jets don't work on Eve.
  19. 24. Why can't there be a Monolith in Jool orbit, in the middle of nowhere? Of course we'll be able to see and find it!
  20. You should assemble it in orbit around the body you want to land on. To help keep it from falling apart, use the Quantum Strut addon (Note: Not updated in a while, you might need to find a similar one instead).
  21. Thanks for all the work you've done to spread the word about KSP. Edit: The name "Damion" should be added to the list of possible Kerbal names.
  22. It took less than a week for me. When I landed there, there was no MechJeb.
  23. You have the idea right. If you set a planet as target (click on it's orbit) and your orbit gets close enough to the planet's, you can see the nearest you get to it in the next orbit or so. It also shows you how much your orbit's inclination is different from the target.
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