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Everything posted by ZAJC3W

  1. As of yesterday(SIC) there is VS2019 16.2 preview 2 available, I'm yet to find a way of downloading preview 1...God, I hate MS download websites. I used Master branch, fatou folder is reminiscence of first failed attempt. Started from scratch(including restoring windows to last week's backup) VS2019 16.2 preview 2 installed (i'm 90% sure it's impossible to install preview 1 now) fresh empty folder for sources followed setup.md to the 'T', if you ignore git prompt to provide your email it won't apply chromium.patch and things go bad(my yesterday's mistake) Build FAILED. "F:\sources\Principia-master\Principia\Principia.sln" (Clean;Build target) (1) -> "F:\sources\Principia-master\Principia\base\base.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (7:2) -> "F:\sources\Principia-master\Principia\base\base.vcxproj" (default target) (26:2) -> (ClCompile target) -> F:\sources\Principia-master\Principia\base\not_null_test.cpp(64,1): error C2280: 'std::unique_ptr<int,std::default_delete<_Ty>>::unique_ptr(const std::unique_ptr<_Ty,std::default_delete<_Ty>> &)': attempting to reference a deleted function [F:\sou rces\Principia-master\Principia\base\base.vcxproj] F:\sources\Principia-master\Principia\base\not_null_test.cpp(64,1): error C2280: with [F:\sources\Principia-master\Principia\base\base.vcxproj] F:\sources\Principia-master\Principia\base\not_null_test.cpp(64,1): error C2280: [ [F:\sources\Principia-master\Principia\base\base.vcxproj] F:\sources\Principia-master\Principia\base\not_null_test.cpp(64,1): error C2280: _Ty=int [F:\sources\Principia-master\Principia\base\base.vcxproj] F:\sources\Principia-master\Principia\base\not_null_test.cpp(64,1): error C2280: ] [F:\sources\Principia-master\Principia\base\base.vcxproj] 0 Warning(s) 1 Error(s) Could it be caused by VS2019 preview 2?
  2. they won't build, more files missing F.F.S just noticed, chromium source code uses unix path format ( '/' instead of '\') how on earth this supposed to ever compile in windows? even after repaiging google file paths i'm getting wall of errors, soem of fthem below. 2>stack_trace_win.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl logging::GetMinLogLevel(void)" (?GetMinLogLevel@logging@@YAHXZ) referenced in function "priv ate: __cdecl base::debug::`anonymous namespace'::SymbolContext::SymbolContext(void)" (??0SymbolContext@?A0x16d86e38@debug@base@@AEAA@XZ) [F:\sources\Principia-2019060310 -Fatou\Google\glog\vsprojects\libglog\libglog.vcxproj] 2>launch_win.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl logging::GetMinLogLevel(void)" (?GetMinLogLevel@logging@@YAHXZ) [F:\sources\Principia-2019060310- Fatou\Google\glog\vsprojects\libglog\libglog.vcxproj] 2>platform_thread_win.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl logging::GetMinLogLevel(void)" (?GetMinLogLevel@logging@@YAHXZ) [F:\sources\Principia-20 19060310-Fatou\Google\glog\vsprojects\libglog\libglog.vcxproj] 2>lock.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl logging::LogMessage::LogMessage(char const *,int,int)" (??0LogMessage@logging@@QEAA@PEBDHH@Z) [F:\s ources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Google\glog\vsprojects\libglog\libglog.vcxproj] 2>platform_thread_win.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl logging::LogMessage::LogMessage(char const *,int,int)" (??0LogMessage@logging@@QEAA@ PEBDHH@Z) [F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Google\glog\vsprojects\libglog\libglog.vcxproj] 2>stack_trace_win.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl logging::LogMessage::LogMessage(char const *,int,int)" (??0LogMessage@logging@@QEAA@PEBD HH@Z) [F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Google\glog\vsprojects\libglog\libglog.vcxproj] 2>file_path.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl logging::LogMessage::LogMessage(char const *,int,int)" (??0LogMessage@logging@@QEAA@PEBDHH@Z) [F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Google\glog\vsprojects\libglog\libglog.vcxproj] 2>launch_win.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl logging::LogMessage::LogMessage(char const *,int,int)" (??0LogMessage@logging@@QEAA@PEBDHH@Z) [F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Google\glog\vsprojects\libglog\libglog.vcxproj] 2>string_util.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl logging::LogMessage::LogMessage(char const *,int,int)" (??0LogMessage@logging@@QEAA@PEBDHH@Z ) [F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Google\glog\vsprojects\libglog\libglog.vcxproj] 2>lock.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl logging::LogMessage::~LogMessage(void)" (??1LogMessage@logging@@QEAA@XZ) [F:\sources\Principia-2019 060310-Fatou\Google\glog\vsprojects\libglog\libglog.vcxproj] I'm close to throwing my keyboard trough the window.
  3. MIT license in principia project is pretty open. I found out I need to wait for RP-1 anyway as it's 1.6.1 version is till in deep(unplayable) WIP, so no worry I'll wait for official release. Screw waiting I'm too inpatient.... Firstly you need VS enterpise edition then you have to install Windows SDK 10.0.18362 manually, VS installer won't include Windows debug tools then you will find that included build scripts expect vesion 16.2.0 preview 1 of VS( VS 2019 is in version 16.1.2 ) you load up principia.sln only to find that some source files are missing and you need references to unity dll.s that not come with KSP. after some script modification(explicitly pointing to msbuild.exe and commenting out google dependencies) i'm stuck on CustomBuild: Generating C++ files for F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Principia\serialization\geometry.proto The system cannot find the path specified. Generating C++ files for F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Principia\serialization\quantities.proto The system cannot find the path specified. Generating C++ files for F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Principia\serialization\physics.proto The system cannot find the path specified. Generating C++ files for F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Principia\serialization\ksp_plugin.proto The system cannot find the path specified. Generating C++ files for F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Principia\serialization\numerics.proto The system cannot find the path specified. Generating C++ files for F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Principia\serialization\integrators.proto The system cannot find the path specified. Generating C++ files for F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Principia\serialization\astronomy.proto The system cannot find the path specified. Generating C++ files for F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Principia\serialization\journal.proto The system cannot find the path specified. 17>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(220,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 3. [F:\sources\Principia-2019060310-Fatou\Principia\serialization\serialization.vcxproj] files are there, no idea what the heck it's winging about
  4. Is it in any way contract configurator compatible? After first orbit in almost stock game(MJ + CC) I'm getting 45 contracts completed.Second mission and i have 2M funds and ~300 science points from contracts i couldn't even see.
  5. Wow, that was quick, thank you. By breaking plugins you mean they will need to be recompiled against new version or code changes are necessary?
  6. I'm, inpatient one and liking kraken too ;). Testing all new caveats of new KSP version takes valuable time away from ongoing development, so I totally understand lack of recompile, especially if new improved kopernicus will be save breaking. Besides 1.7.1 was out last week? Hardly a hold up, even mod devs have lives
  7. good one it'll come when it's done. In the meantime current version recompile seems to be working in 1.7.1, not sure how stable nor if I can share recompiled dll's. It loads with recompiled versions of RSS, RealHeat and DeadlyReentry + mass of other outdated(1.6.1) mods and all looks ok, didn't spend too much time flying though, trying to get 1.3.1 rss+ ro+rp0 install upgraded to 1.7.1 after another infernal robotics fatal fail on mars....
  8. even in steam you can downgrade. 1.05 1.13 1.22 1.31 1.41-1.45 1.51 1.61 1.70 1.71 all versions available in steam. Just right click ksp in library, go to properties->betas-> select version from drop down menu.
  9. That's my point, this DLC needs battery pack to allow experiments to run trough the night. As it is now solar panels in breaking ground DLC experiments pack are redundant/useless due to lack of energy storage device and lack of land-able celestial bodies without day/night cycle.
  10. My first impression is rather mediorce. Counterintuitive interface for surface experiments placement. Solar module unnecessary, you need rtg anyway to power experiments trough the night. Additional battery pack, and using standard electric charge mechanics would make so much more sense. Now off to playing with robotics.
  11. Firstly, THANK YOU FOR sharing YOUR AWESOME WORK. will be testing it extensively in career mode soon.
  12. If memory serves, VesselData.cfg is no longer used. What was in it is now saved in savefile. Orbit info, vessel mass, surface area, and station keeping status are all saved in savefile as of my 1.5.3 or 1.5.4.
  13. It happens once in a blue moon, good luck with it. Try calling for LAN again if it's returned as zero. By calling for LAN i mean check vessel's land using KSP engine methods, as they seem to be a bit touch and go. Or vessel data is being checked at wrong moment.
  14. It takes 30 minutes including vs2015 installation to set up everything for KSP mod recompile. I'm too busy with life to play games atm, let alone compile mods.
  15. I got them working together in 1.22, never had any luck running RSS in 1.3
  16. @MaximumThrustLan updating to zero seems to be game not returning correct values, same error happens with mass,area and fuel left. it's beyond my capability to eliminate those. Might be game issue or mod requesting data at the wrong moment, no idea. I did run 50 debris and 20-ish satelites before it bogged down fx8350
  17. Didn't test it with RSS, decay rates will need adjusting in in-game menu but it should work. There's version for ksp1.2.2 in my github
  18. Changing chute diameter and material will also change it's mass and cost. No TweakScale needed. Play around in RealChute menus in editor and watch you vessel mass and cost.
  19. @drunkeNNN Latest release from link below seems to be working(didn't test it for long) fine with KSP1.3.1 https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/FilterExtension/releases @linuxgurugamerThank You for great work.
  20. Thank You for your great work. Good things are worth waiting for and there's absolutely no need to apologise. In the meantime I'm using self recompiled version. @agrocktweakscale is not changing parachute parameters, to do it : 1 switch editor to actions mode 2 left click on parachute, RealChute menu will appear 3 tweak it's parameters, including package size.
  21. Good job, consider radiation decay as addition to atmospheric decay. Or even better speak to WhiteCat106 (he gave up modding for KSP) and take over his mod. May be less work than writing everything from scratch. If not consider RSS compatibility and keep up great work .
  22. Its up, https://github.com/zajc3w/OrbitalDecay/releases/tag/1.54_1.3.1 Orbit LAN updating to zero is still happening, very rarely but sucks when your RT network gets disabled. Did some tweaks to hopefully eliminate this.
  23. For all interested in KSCSwitcher to use multiple launch sites I have recompiled it to KSP1.3.1 https://github.com/zajc3w/KSCSwitcher/releases/tag/0.7b install like any other mod RSS recompile for KSP1.3.1 is HERE!!! Tested quickly for loading, warp speeds and launching from different sites. @Galileo I've included your patch in zips, hope you don't mind. send me PM if you want it removed. https://github.com/zajc3w/RealSolarSystem/releases unzip in KSP main folder, RealSolarSystem folder must land in GameData folder install latest Kopernicus and it's dependencies using your favourite method. All credit goes to original patch/mod authors, I'm just mere VisualStudio "Build" button clicker can do 1.3 recompiles if needed, both "should" work in KSP1.3 and KSP1.3.1
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