Oh, nice to see that wasn\'t lost. I thought all links to Kerpollo were gone. I think it\'d be best to lock this thread, so that link isn\'t pushed to the next page, starting the whole nasty cycle over again.
You could, in theory, accomplish this by completely destroying the inactive vessel, and incorporating its parts into the active one. Then, upon detaching, it would still have a capsule, and be controllable. What becomes of the crew? I don\'t know.
Very nice. My only suggestion would be to squish down their torsos a bit and move their eyes lower on their heads, to be closer to the game\'s proportion.
The best path is a roughly logarithmic curve shape turned upside down: As atmospheric density decreases, your angle increases at roughly the same rate, if you do it right. Usually I\'m over the ocean by 8 km, and over the next continent by 80.
It\'s caused by distortions on the heightmap. The Mun uses a combination of procedural terrain and a heightmap to control it, but since you\'re wrapping a rectangular texture onto a sphere, there\'s distortion at the poles. Minmus is fully procedural, and has no such distortion.
I always call it 'The moon', since that\'s a generic name for it, and is pronounced the same =P ('Mun' is the proper name, not the kerbal language version of 'Moon')