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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. The more recent picture (of the three planets) didn\'t give a good view, here:
  2. No no, just in response to this general topic.
  3. I really, really don\'t like the whole 'america is flawless, go america' viewpoint that a lot of people have nowadays...no country is without its flaws, and the united states is no exception.
  4. Is this ugly in a good way or a bad way? Attempting to make an Io-like texture for it.
  5. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=9513.0
  6. I can\'t tell if you\'re being serious or not...
  7. You could have at least put 'Press G to toggle the landing legs' along with your greeting. Just saying the greeting makes you look like a bot ;P
  8. 2 m/s is nearly 5 miles per hour, the Apollo landers touched down at speeds of under 0.5 m/s - so it\'s actually more realistic to have them snap off at speeds like that.
  9. You can always assume that the version number available is the most recent one. Older versions are usually labeled as such.
  10. I don\'t think aggression from either side is the answer, the best outcome would be both sides come to an agreement, rather than internet warfare...
  11. This thread is about mars in general, but the mother thread this came from was about a version of mars in KSP - the unrelated posts were moved here to form this thread.
  12. They are trying to keep this community stable. They are not being paid to do it, they\'re not 'sucking up' or anything like that.
  13. I am to blame here. I set the values of the tank before giving them to Harv (I just quickly made it along with the lander leg/small engine) and it looks like my rounding of numbers got a bit carried away...
  14. That far away you\'d be able to see stars. It\'s only in bright places like low orbit on the day side that they wouldn\'t be visible (due to your eyes adjusting to the super bright thing right next to you) If you looked away from it in a dark area for long enough then they\'d show up, although I don\'t expect KSP to have that level of HDR anytime soon.
  15. Just do this: [img]image link[/img] If you want a bigger image, you can click on it.
  16. Updated the first post for the umpteenth time. No download yet, though.
  17. Which is why I like the idea of a pure vanilla campaign mode, which gives you extra benefits (perhaps persistent, online statistics and achievements?)
  18. Well, SE2 Alpha 2 is the closest one to being done... I could release BACE early but it has very few parts right now.
  19. People will just cheat and build single stage ships that can do it.
  20. The hinges and cameras are still only half-working. Hinges don\'t resume from the SFS properly and cameras don\'t render distant objects. There\'s still lots of work to do...
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