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Everything posted by Holo

  1. People of the opinion that non-humans don't deserve to live really need to have the tables turned on them. I'm sure if their entire biosphere was being wiped out, they might have a temporary change of heart. EDIT: But, in the case of lichens vs. humans, I think that the three Canons of Xenology are a good start. (source: http://www.xenology.info/Xeno/25.1.3.htm) Canon I. Destroy not. (Avoid harming, if it is at all possible.) Canon II. Preserve, if in preserving you do not destroy. Canon III. Create, if without harm and the creation may be preserved.
  2. They're going to die anyway, so this is a moot point. The colonies have already been launched and set up on Mars. Earth is dead no matter which dictator takes over.
  3. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53722-The-water-tower-at-night Certain?
  4. Someone tried to vandalise the timeline. A hint for all interested in doing so: it doesn't work. They were persistent, and had so little social obligations that they were able to change much of the 21st century. Two clicks later, all of this vandal's work was deleted. EDIT: Replies to the FTL poll so far: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nBtrRpuMyqtcn0jHlkpNl-TE--3uNXaHmkBSye5JNlw/viewanalytics
  5. In my Race into Space game I somehow managed to have the USSR continue into the 21st century.
  6. The only thing that would be stupid is if they thought this would be a problem. Only relative velocity matters. -Holo
  7. Truly, Mr. Holmes, you are the most amazing detective of our time. After all, only a master of intuition and wisdom could identify a fact so perfective as KSP being a game.
  8. The kitting out with parachutes could be extended by putting attachment nodes on Kerbals. Craft attached directly to Kerbal's backpacks could then be built (I think the rover off Moonbase Alpha is like that). -Holo
  9. I did some tests and +25% pitch sounds approximately Kerbal.
  10. Back on its rails it shall go, then. From the worldbuilding thread, a kind person made this map: Red areas are where there is much political turmoil. The purple area is a band of more advanced civilisation. The gaps in the purple area are less advanced. I propose that each player draws their own borders on the map. Depending on which tiles their borders encompass, their nation gets certain disadvantages or advantages. Final tech and infrastructure levels for each nation will be decided by me. This is the basic map (posted earlier here): No more that 12 tiles please.
  11. I like the idea of being able to tell Kerbals to follow or go somewhere. -Holo
  12. The world is only unified because anyone who disagrees with the Kerman regime is sent to the labour camps, where they are forced to work for 18 hours a day manufacturing rocket parts, making spacecraft incredibly cheap.
  13. The top one of yours is best.
  14. Your point? I want to get Planetary Annihilation at some point, just waiting for the price to go down or for Steam to do one of its 90% off type deals.
  15. Still though, 50,000 miles is the size of Jupiter, which means that the ship is either going to have a lot of uninhabited space (which may be taken up by mechanical systems &c. or just "wilderness" type area with animals), or more than 7 billion people. These bays interest me. What kind of things are the bays used for? Also, the idea of having a bay for the ISS sounds really cool for some reason. Reminding the inhabitants of the ship about the humble beginnings of spaceflight or something. If you want to present it to NASA, they have a contest for space settlement designs: http://settlement.arc.nasa.gov/Contest/
  16. Take a photo! It's completely implausible for the next century or three, but I'm a huge fan of artificial biospheres and absurd-sounding spaceflight proposals. Also, at 50000 miles, it can probably hold a lot more than just the Earth's population.
  17. I've made a post on /r/worldbuilding on this topic: www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/1p9kvk/how_would_history_develop_in_a_world_where_all/. Hopefully we'll get some good answers.
  18. Cool, if anyone interested in the project has Civ IV, they could play through a game with this (on a Kerbin map) and report on how things go. If not, I made this preliminary map:
  19. Excellent, this thread has came back from the dead. I'll make a draft of the rules, to see if anyone here can improve them. EDIT: Also, there a little in the name of established rules or gameplay axioms yet. You can just post stuff you think would be cool right now.
  20. I've made a new poll about when FTL travel will first be used at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nBtrRpuMyqtcn0jHlkpNl-TE--3uNXaHmkBSye5JNlw/viewform
  21. Would it be possible or feasible to mine the Oort cloud?
  22. I imagine that real Apollo astronauts and mission planners got to see a map of the moon.
  23. What is the probe going to do in the Jool system? Is it going to continue with a flyby causing a solar escape or is it going to aerobrake and land/park in orbit?
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