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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. Skrimming paipezs >:L Yes, I agree @squaed pls E: as someone pointed out in a similar thread, it would give some more purpose to EVAs and crewed flights. Maintaining mining colonies is fun!
  2. Yep. Flying early career unmanned mission with stayputnik can be a nightmare sometimes.
  3. Yeah, she looks kinda lonely and creppy in the second menu screen.
  4. I really hope the are not adding the "only-engineer-dV". That would be dumb and would ruin the good update that 1.0 is.
  5. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/memberlist.php?s=&securitytoken=1430423108-e79762148038703397afc466206cd8547a269f75&do=getall&ausername=&homepage=&field1=&field2=&field3=&field4=&field5=&icq=&aim=&msn=&yahoo=&skype=&postslower=&postsupper=&joindateafter=&joindatebefore=&lastpostafter=&lastpostbefore=&sort=joindate&order= Alejandro (whoever that is) seems to be the first real member of the forum community. The guy registered even before HarvesteR.
  6. Not having TWR and dV readouts in revertless career save is literally unplayable without KER. SQUAD seriously needs to reconsider their decisions on this topic. It would be good if they added the airspeed readout, too.
  7. Same! And I have no idea why they called the update 'easy' in the title. It's actually harder than it used to be and I like it! Though still using KER for dV and TWR. Shame it didn't make it into the update.
  8. I like the update quite a lot. Haven't fully tested all of it's features but I'm about to in my career save!
  9. Kerbal Engineer Redux. Download that and give some rep to it's dev. Also search for the delta-v map on the forums. The numbers for non-atmospheric bodies should stay the same as they were before 1.0. l'd give you a link but I'm on a mobile and it's a nightmare to do anything.
  10. Does it count if I was lurking around without an account by the time 0.9 was released? Also my previous account was slain by the forum kraken back in the days.
  11. The pipe to connect things would be enough for me.
  12. I like the aero too. It feels something between FAR and old stock. Still kinda soupy from time to time but also very enjoyable.
  13. Oooooh, so it's measured in Kelvins! And I was wondering why my airplanes are so hot all the time! Silly me. Nice mod. Wish some of this stuff was already in-game.
  14. The airbrakes act as yaw control when horizontal! It's a blessing for flying wing designers. E: And it seems I am first to notice that!
  15. I remember seeing streamers pointing out that fairings actually weight depending on how you biuld them, and it was showing all the numbers and such. Might be a bug?
  16. You cant go with spaceplanes like you do with capsules. Start the descent sooner and do S-turns.
  17. The atmo still feels a bit soupy at low speeds. You can easily take off at about 40m/s. But at least we can go fast at low altitude so I'm pretty happy about that.
  18. I agree. Not OP props. Just so you could barely take-off on Duna. Only light, glider-like designs. And it should take a lot of electricity to power.
  19. OK, so I see some people misunderstood me. I posted this thread and the idea of mining for Xenon ONLY before we knew the ISRU converter doesn't allow to produce it. The idea was: 1. Use LF/O to go places 2. Mine for ore and convert it into tons of Xenon 3. Go back 4. Sell Xenon 5. Get money for LF/O +extra cash I DIDN'T mean recovering LF/O. I meant Recovering Xenon, because it has a way higher price than LF/O. But it's not possible : /
  20. It actually looks like Kerbin does have a very poor amount of ore, so there's still hope.
  21. Seems like it. I saw some sort of atmo scoop in TheWinterOwl's video. Would be cool.
  22. YES! *sike!* I actually agree with you. And I don't understand why so many people consider it cheating. They can just not use it. I'm gonna. E: also it would be noice if we could sell raw ore. E2: Isn't it already in plans to produce fuel out of martian air? There are even some prototypes by space agencies, if I'm not mistaken?
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