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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. Or we could just tell them we want real fuel tweakables instead of tanks with fixed fuel types and end this madness. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/115763-Let-us-choose-what-fuel-we-put-in-our-tanks%21
  2. Oh damn! Yep! Wrong thread! Curse you touch screens! I was actually surprised when I saw I replied to this thread and was wondering why?
  3. Looks like you're right. But what's it's real life counterpart then?
  4. The "boosters" look like those side mounted white engines nobody uses. Just retextured. I remember SQUAD talking about things being retextured, so it might be just them but grey.
  5. Probably not because theres a capsule there. She came out of it.
  6. So the gold tank madness and bad decisions from SQUAD about it pushed me to post this thread. Why break somebody's design if you can let them choose what fuel they want to carry? Do I really have to explain more about the idea? It's been for a while in what? RealFuels? Not sure, because I've never really used it but seems like something that makes a lot of sense to me. E: Also some sort of indication what fuel they carry as suggested by Captains below VVV
  7. But... But I want to sell it : ( I want my own Nostromo!
  8. The answer to this is: multiple launch sites scattered around the whole planet.
  9. I'd like to have the pilot skills active when not focused on the vessel. Would make flying in formation easier.
  10. I hope some day we get the tweakable for what kind of fuel there is in a tank. That would make everyone happy, right?
  11. I liked how people used it in their lander designs, but never really found it useful myself.
  12. As some people said: the old wings could go and I wouldn't cry about that.
  13. You just add the thing to sea food in expensive restaurants and sell it to movie stars and other millionaires. All they have to know is that it was brought from another planet.
  14. Or: the closer mined to Kerbin system the lower the price. Though not really sure what would happen if you mixed ores from Eeloo and Mun.
  15. I came with literally more than 6 ideas of how to transport cargo through solar system to earn money, since the last time I visited this thread! We seriously need that 1.0 ore to cost money! Also bump for Mining Colonies and Nostromo! Space Freighters, ho!
  16. I'm still kind of curious about the ore. Will we be able to store it in the fuel tanks, or will it be insta-processed into Fuel and Oxidizer? Will it cost enough to bring it back and recover for profit? If so I hope sliding the slider in difficulty options all the way down will increase it's cost as it is more rare in the solar system.
  17. I like the look of low-tier buildings but there's one thing that bugs me... Thats right! Its the patched buildings scenery! I remeber seeing some in SPH. They dont fit the style of the game. I know they should represent the humble, low budget begining of the space program, but still: too cartoony in my opinion. Wouldnt mind if they got removed, even if there were holes or broken windows behind them.
  18. Well, you can always clone me like... 20 times, and you'll get that crowd.
  19. Yes! I just forgot the name of it.
  20. Aim for large craters. They tend to have flat bottoms. And I have that rule to always have Kerbin above the horizon, just to simulate the radio connection. Never used any mod adding that, but at least it gives me the thoughts that my Kerbs dont feel too lonely in their little base.
  21. I hope the new aero wont be as rocket-flippy as NEAR and FAR are. I want to keep it realistic but I suck at building rockets in realistic aero. They are also the reason i stick to sending stuff in spaceplanes more.
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