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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. I hope for cargo ramps to be added. Would make me happy. There wasnt any word about those, was there? : (
  2. And thats why I added you to the friends list. To keep an eye on every marvel you post.
  3. I actually do have one. It was the first station I ever built in 0.18 it was ugly, messy, ridiculously overcomplicated and had way too many parts. Although i threw it into the atmosphere after building a new, better, Y-shaped one I never forgot about my very first station.
  4. KSP was a pretty content rich game in so called "alpha". We had docking, planets, conics and other stuff back then. Tbh the real beta release for me was 0.16 with its kerbals, EVA parts resizing and all that. I dont care what the updates are named and numbered. I think its a good time to go from Beta to full release. Its just that SQUAD didnt name it Beta earlier, and nobody would care about it being so short. Sorry for this post for being a mess full of words. Its just how my mind works almost all the time. Hope you get what Im talking about Compared to Minecraft in its Alpha KSP was more advanced. It just was missing few essential things, that havent been added in the correct order. The development is slightly chaotic but the game is great
  5. Yep. I still remember and can confirm him making those resource parts. Still got the pics of it? EDIT: Would be nice to see them again :3
  6. "DEFO NOT READY FOR 1.0 BETTER NAME IT SOMETHING ELSE!!!1111oneone" Why are people going all mad about the version numbers and all that? Seriously? It's just another update. Not the first and not the last one. It's not like after this one comes out they'll say "Ok our job here is done have fun with all those bugs we ain't fixing them because this one's finished because 1.0 thats why." That would kinda ruin their reputation, would it not?
  7. I could be now immature and say a thing about another word starting with V. Good thing Im not. Hope its a dV readout.
  8. I use my engines flipped upside-down and its CoT to check if the CoM is ok on assymetrical rockets.
  9. What the heck is going on in here and why wasnt I informed about this
  10. Your stuff is truly gold, Cupcake! And to people who complain about his crafts looking the same: Its just his style. He does what he likes and he does it very well.
  11. Whaaaaaaa...? You can quicksave and quickload in atmo? Was that recently added? EDIT: Oh, heres my story. So one day I built a nice space station and decided I would take one of my fighters from the low 150km orbit station to the higher on. On the approach I started burning in such a way to align the tgt marker and retrograde marker, and zero out the velocity at the same time. Well, the first part of the plan went well, but the velocity was way too high. Its not the worst part, though. The worst thing is that after crashing into the starion I clicked the quicksave key instead of quickooad. My whole station and the fighter went *poof* in the cloud of debris. It was a brand new, just built station.
  12. Youre probably in chase mode. Tap "C" a few times
  13. A base kit. 2 hitchhikers and a rover. I once set up a base like that on Duna and was so proud of myself I did nothing but stare at it for 2 hours thinking about how cool it was. Pretty boring, eh? Not sure what else can be done, really. Im not very creative person at 2am. Good thing were getting resources in the nex update. I will be driving all over the place refuelling and flying on Duna and Laythe in search of pretty places.
  14. Yeah, green is pretty close to green, I give you that. Dont mean to burst bubbles, but yeah... I dont think its intended I think Ive seen a thread like this a long time ago.
  15. That's what I thought, too. An option to change aero type in difficulty settings should there. I don't know how the new one will work and maybe I'll even like it more than NEAR/FAR, but I am not the only one playing the game. Everyone should be happy about the changes.
  16. I think they should drop it. Learning new things instead of reusing the old ones is good for your brain.
  17. Or you can just pump the fuel around. What I do is fiddle around with tweakables for fuel tanks while still in the SPH. And watch how the CoM behaves with full/half-empty/empty tanks. If its in front of CoL then its fine. The best way is to have a tank in the front and on the back, so you can balance the craft in-flight. Im terrible at explaining things, but hopefully you get the point.
  18. Dem brick wheels. Classic. I remeber all that stuff well, and used most, if not all of the mods showed in vid.
  19. No reverts. Quicksave is okay, because I cant predict aerobraking with NEAR. Edit: one extra hitchhiker for every extra 4 kerbals. Just so I can imagine theres some sort of life support/plants for oxygen and food.
  20. Not much, really. Although I menaged to built a semi-working VTOL Skylon and a possible SSTO, that might work but I havent tested it fully yet. Here it is: I was able to take off from the runway with it, but I was too lazy to do that over and over during testing. A cargo, air-only one: And this poor little thing
  21. I kinda feel guilty for feeding the troll there. Sorry guys :L One more: the hatch on Mk1-2 pod not being symmetrical. I know its based on the apollo capsule, but still me no like that one. It kinda messes up the chute placement and my designs, sometimes.
  22. Chad Jenkins, known as C7studios back in the old days, is now a former KSP Dev working on Universe Sandbox 2 instead. He was the first to create plane parts and because of his mod Harvester decided to put a runway in the game, before the parts got even added into stock. Hes basically the reason we have planes in the game, and Im very thankful for that.
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