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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. How does a man-gathered soil sample differ from the one scooped up by a robot? Especially when they are both returned.
  2. So basically random malfunctions. I think building reliabla launchers and SSTOs is already challenging enough, though I wouldn't mind fixing and welding things with KIS/KAS-like tools and features.
  3. Which one are you talking about? I consider the thread in my sig to be the extreme one. Wouldn't mind seeing that as a separate mode, but I'm also inclined to keeping the current science-to-tech system (though it's horrible and can't be easily fixed, nor keep being tweaked forever). The case is KSP is a sandbox game. What that suggests is the the fact that players should be able to pick their own playstyles and paths of progression in the stock game. The career mode doesn't allow for that. You can tell yourself it does, but the fact is you are still forced to pick randomly generated missions (instead of creating your own) and follow the tech progression that SQUAD considers "good". "More of this and less of that" won't fixed the problem. What do you mean by "relearning the game"? What would there be to relearn? Not like I'm proposing a change to the physics of the game. Also what do you mean by saying "more Kerbal"? I didn't say I don't like your suggestion. The more of them the better. But something important is to be remembered: it's not about liking, or not liking the idea. It's more of a case if it would fix the problem. Would I like to see more contracts? It depends. Would I like to create my own AND be offered the objectives you propose while doing so? Hell yeah! So the questions really are: Would you rather spend more time in the Mission Control declining, warping and searching for the contracts that interest you or create your own with objectives set by yourself? Would you rather go through the tech tree offered by SQUAD every time you play a new career save, or pick your own progression?
  4. Welcome to the career mode! It's research system based on science points is ridiculous, but nobody cares!
  5. It probably doesn't care. Oh, the things we do to get paid! This just proves that contracts as they are now are pretty ridiculous, because of their randomness. Would be better to create your own instead of sitting in the Mission Control for hours and hoping for the best.
  6. Yes. Dry CoM would be really nice to have.
  7. So do I. Freedom > Randomness. Even people who like the current contracts system wouldn't get hurt if something like this was implemented. They could simply recreate what is available now.
  8. That would be pretty ridiculous. I don't want that either, but if you think about it this is almost exactly how it works now. You take some experiments, go somewhere and unlock a part that is completely unrelated to what you just did. IMO if time and money would be used to unlock the parts and we had a tree that branches out early on and splits the branches by themes, we could have one or two branches separate for people who like to treat the early career mode as a tutorial and we would have the 'advanced' branches for people who like to go their own way and still prpgress.
  9. That's the sound track, I guess. There was also a video with the views of rings and moons of Saturn in motion. Thanks for halp anyway. I'll keep looking and post my results once I find it.
  10. I think the current career can't be saved. It has to die and be reborn. That is if we want a fix, not just more tweaks.
  11. "Appreciate that runway, because it's the only one we have! Poor children could have eaten it!"
  12. Into the atmosphere docking port-first? That doesn't sound right. Dunno about the inflatable heat shield, but maybe a new part could be introduced to get around this. Like a ballute, or something.
  13. Ooh, ok. I thought itbwas more of a "here's what I can do and how much I want for it" kind of mechanic with other space companies where you have to enter the market with the right price.
  14. Don't get me wrong, but that sounds like another tweak. More contracts won't cut it anymore. It also should be as simple as possible. I propose: per body programs in Admin Building, Mission/Contract designer and a better tree with multiple starting points and themed branches (jets with jets, pods with pods, electronics with electronics, etc.). Or: a career overhaul where reputation, science experiments (not the points) and annual funding is connected with each other.
  15. I remember seeing somewhere on youtube the raw footage from Cassini and Voyager (and probably Pioneer?) with the eerie music-like sounds of Saturn (I think). The problem is I don't remember where I saw it. It might have been one of the VSauce's endings, but not sure which one. I think I even saw someone posting it here, on the forums. Can someone who knows what I'm talking about post it here?
  16. That might be actually pretty fun in multiplayer. In singleplayer? Naaaah. At least not for me. We already have to deal with the so called "third parties". Who are they? No idea. Do I want to deal with more of them? Nope.
  17. I kind of like the idea. A bit too complex to my likings though. I think each chosen program (in the Admin Building) should grant a fixed amount of money for accepting it. So, basically you go in there and you want to explore Dres. You pick the "Dres Exploration Program" which grants you 100,000 funds. Once it's accepted you get the cash and you are to complete a bunch of objectives around Dres. The program tells you to do a bunch of World's Firsts (orbit, land, etc.). You build a satellite that is capable of doing that BUT you also bring experiments there. Why? Because you have them and designed yourself a contract that will pay you for using the experiments. Now that the program is finished it grants you, let's say 50% of what it gave you at the beginning. I guess that's a bit complicated. So: Go into the Admin Building -> Pick a program and get funds to realise it -> Go into the Mission Control -> Design yourself a mission with objectives you've picked yourself -> Go there -> Get rewards IMO prpgrams should grant money and completed missions reputation.
  18. I don't care. I want to set my own goals, not a set of random objectives. I want to go into the MC and say "OK, so I'm going to that planet and want to see what I can do there to fully exploit the mission profile". Contracts are random, which doesn't help anyone. Some people like it, some don't. If we could pick the objectives ourselves nobody would get hurt, no matter if he/she likes contracts fishing, or likes to set their own goals. Thanks for a tip. As if there was some other way to pick and complete the missions. As I said before: I don't want to wait for the perfect contract. I want to make my own. Tell that to the console crew.
  19. I think it's also worth talking about the management part of the career mode. Right now there is none. What I think would be great is some sort of government funding. The player would have to think about the consequences of spending too much, making the launchers as cheap as possible and things like that. Maybe make it as a separate mode where the funding is influenced by reputation. "Government Mode"
  20. Multiplayer in KSP will either: 1. Not fun, thus a waste of dev time 2. Look like the Telemachus/Houston mod Let's be honest, DMP is a together alone scenario where everyone does their own thing anyway + bugs caused by paradoxes and stuff like that. IMO MP should look like the Houston mod or wait for a game called "Kerbal Aviation Program" (<- imagine that).
  21. A hab module would only make sense with some sort of LS.
  22. I agree. They should also collect usable data, not some "unlock points" used in the research of tech.
  23. More like "this is how it's meant to be played", or "if you don't like it just mod it".
  24. Mk1-2 Pod? What's tha... Oooooooh! I never use it.
  25. We were also promised the so called "Shmelta-Vee". Maybe the dev team rotation is a good thing. Maybe the new guys will actually try to do something about the game instead of throwing in more stuff instead of fixing the old ones all the time. Oh, yeah. Clouds. I really hope they will do something about the career though. It's been there being bad and getting the so needed tweaks. Maybe they can do both at once (I really doubt that though). Anyway, my point is that making it look shiny and nice will probably sell the game well, but it won't be a good game. Forgot to include the quotation marks somewhere. Guess where.
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