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  1. That is like saying someone must've enjoyed a movie because the doors to the theater were locked and they couldn't leave for hours.
  2. The new aerodynamics and weakened RCS really do require you to revisit the fundamentals. They even took away the runway lip so now you are force to make a plane that is capable of rotating off the ground.
  3. 1: put a communications satellite into keostationary orbit 2: tried creating a cargo spaceplane only to be slapped in the face by the more realistic physics of ksp2. The thing barely took off, and the engines struggled to keep the thing up in the air. It was very similar to playing KSP1 with ferram and AJE mods. I like it.
  4. KSP2 is okay, but there is no point in playing it because it doesn't offer anything that KSP doesn't have, and KSP does almost everything better. I think I'll come back after they add colonies to the game or open modding support, whatever comes first.
  5. Yea, you're correct. It was just a problem with launching rockets. I thought the lift was way off, with the center of pressure always being ridiculously high up, but I suppose that is somewhat realistic. It just forces you to keep your rocket close to the pro-grade vector or it will flip out once you get to a high dynamic pressure. However I did notice that the mod seems to put a lot of lift on certain parts, like probe cores. You can exploit this by placing these parts on the bottom of the craft.
  6. How can I tell how much food/water/air a kerbal needs per day? Can't find it anywhere. EDIT: Figured it out. It wasn't on the side of the other mods so I was a bit confused.
  7. I noticed a bug that causes my ship's orbit to change, and explode if I enable this mod. I think it is a special case, though... Didn't have the issue before.
  8. Hey, a while ago I simulated a realistically sized kerbol system that was stable with n-body physics. I abandoned it because a lot of stuff was happening in my life at the time, but I can dig up the data gain if you wanna use it for this mod. It does make the game harder because kerbol is A LOT bigger (the current sized sun cannot sustain fusion), which pushes out the orbits quite a bit. I tried to respect the orbital periods in stock with the new sun, but I did have to space things out a little to make sure the orbits remained stabled. It is harder to get into orbit as well because with realistic densities, the planets had to be bigger as well.
  9. So apparently this is a parody of a "mod" that someone released that just added command line options to the ksp.exe? Ok...
  10. Underground on another planet. Planets are friggin huge, no way anyone is gonna accidentally stumble on your base, unless you are spitting out radio signals constantly. Even with all the probes around and on mars right now, I think a person can easily set up a base unseen. I wouldn't keep my station up in space because there is way too much nothing out there. Things are easy to pick out in front of a background of nothingness. Hell, we are able to find asteroids that are as big as buildings from millions of miles away. A warm space station should be easy to pick out if you have a vauge idea of where to look. If I had to stay in space, the most obvious location will be the earth, sun L3 point. However, once someone sends a probe out to investegate the area the station is pretty much screwed. As soon as you fire up those engines and start moving again, and probe knowing what to look for should find you extremely easily.
  11. For the KSO, here is a config I have been using over the past week. Includes modified engines, fuel tanks, and FAR values for the aerodynamic parts. Didn't resize because the cockpit always went back to its original size after I loaded a save. Was able to get about 2 tons up into a 200x200km orbit with it, with about 600m/s of delta v left. http://pastebin.com/dDhFf4uv Heatshields need to be beefed up for reentry, though.
  12. Well, the reason I am interested in the mod is that such a backend will allow a mod that will allow you to create a map based off whatever you want. Want o make a map of the magnetosphere of jool for you to create the most antimatter possible with jool? Just track your altitude around jool and your current location in relation to the surface of jool and you can find the optimal orbit to collect the antimatter. What if you wanted to make a suborbital trajectory system based off of the kethane or extraplanetary launchpad resource data you collected? Again, once you get the raw data you can find the most optimal paths for your needs. Things like that are only as good as your space program is. If you have gaps in your data, you may not end up with the result that you want. This type of gameplay isn't for everyone, but for people who enjoy playing based off of the data their space program creates (even if they don't have much time to play like me so campaigns may last quite a long time), it opens up so many possibilities for them. And really, it is the options that the player can take (through mods) is what makes ksp so great.
  13. Ah, gotcha. I have been procrastinating on making my own mod, but if you release this I may get off my lazy butt and finally get to it! Since I have a background in signals intelligence this type of thing is right up my alley. Looking forward to whatever you come up with.
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