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Everything posted by styckx

  1. Your idea was good though. If users can self fix the graphical bugs with their cfg edits they can just send you their cfg files changed.. That way OpenGL users can install SSRSS as normal and then download a separate small OpenGL patch. Seems like he has the Halo thing worked out, the Hyperedit warping thing is a mystery though.
  2. Just checked. It seems to be known about. In the "known issues" list of RVE Serious visual bugs in opengl/linux
  3. Just for confirmation and to give assurance to @selfish_meme Just loaded up the game in Linux Mint... Using Nvidia proprietary drivers. Installed SSRSS.. Earth definitely has a halo and hyper editing to Jupiter/Saturn does crash the game. Myth confirmed.. OpenGL problems
  4. Yeah, 1,000,000m is fine.. I mean it's low but perfectly fine. Weird that it keeps crashing on you..
  5. Is it possible you're running out of RAM or VRAM when you switch to Jupiter? Or your orbit isn't high enough and it's colliding with the planet on warp? It is a gigantic planet afterall. I have no issues hyperediting to it
  6. I'd take that though. I'm 39, an EMT and still live at home.. I can help save your life in a medical emergency and get you to the nearest hospital but Walmart cashiers make more than me. It sucks loving what you do for a living.
  7. Moving out sucks. It's like "YAY FREEDOM" "FML Ramen for dinner again"
  8. 1. Thanks for your contribution to our country.. Appreciated.. 2. You know how this community works though. 1 out of 10 great addons is actually supported long term.. The rest.. *poof* dev gone..
  9. Thanks for the quick d/l link. Seriously though. Work at your own pace guys.. Don't submit to pressure. That's how so many great addons go from active to the devs falling off the face of the Earth..
  10. I'm not sure if it's a warp factor thing.. But I'm getting this a lot during launches with mechjeb after warping to circularizing. Never seen this ever until the latest release. Sometimes it's more transparent.. Other times like now. It's a complete artifact. It follows the camera.. Exiting and reloading it from the Space Center usually clears it up
  11. Yup.. Just checked myself. Earth is fine. Venus has ring.. Confirmed..
  12. Did you upgrade from the previous version? Try deleting the Scatterer folder and copying the new 1.1.1 scatterer folder over again. Perhaps something didn't get overwritten that should have?
  13. I was wondering the same if he grabbed 1.1 and not 1.1.1..
  14. I think some ppl need it spelled out.. (I'm not bashing ppl. It's the nature of the game to assume) 1. Remove anything RSS related from your install including RSS itself, and all associated RSS addons, RVE etc 2. Remove anything EVE related from your install 3. Then install SSRSS as instructed..
  15. Ditch BoulderCo.. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say your installed RSS and RSS addons are krackening up SSRSS.. And the KSC Switcher error is normal but works as intended in game regardless.
  16. I would assume those ground textures are intended. ie: The game is meant to be seen from above. While "silly" if you over think it on ground level, they are fitting once you get some altitude.. It's to create an illusion of reality. After all. It's a space simulator.. Not a ground simulator.
  17. So when you guys moving this to the "release" forum for the onslaught of "IT'S BEEN 2 HOURS AND NO NEW UPDATES.. WHY DEVS NOT CARE ANYMORE??".. lol
  18. There were a few who attempted it before but it was a half hearted effort as only the planets visually were resized but nothing else.. Atmospheres etc.. This is as close as I've ever seen to a Kerbin scale port of RSS and it's associated mods (RVE).. You guys really killed it in a short amount of time..
  19. Those storms look epic.. Will be heading to mars soon! Custom skybox back in place.. Scatterer back on all cylinders This is exactly how I always wanted this game without all the challenge RSS brings.. I'm in heaven
  20. Perfection!!! You guys rock! No DO with Scatterer!
  21. Thanks man. Appreciate it. I used to beta test for what is now known as DoveTail games.. They develop Train Simulator. (It has about $3000 worth of DLC.. Steam).. Anyway.. It's in my nature to learn how to "break" releases and report it to developers in as much detail as possible through trial and error. Breaking software is strangely fun.. lol
  22. I appreciate you both looking into this and not blowing it off in "It must be your system" fashion that I've seen others do.. That's the difference between a good dev and a bad one. Obviously depends on the information and detials youre given but.. Kudos for exploring this..
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