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Posts posted by tetryds

  1. 5 hours ago, DoctorDavinci said:

    So there is this thing called a EULA (I'm sure everyone has heard about those things) and WarThunder has one of these .... you could read the WarThunder EULA but I'll save you the hassle

    tl;dr - WarThunder sounds fall under copyright law and it would violate their EULA if you were to provide for it's use in another game

    The EULA forbids sharing their content, but there is nothing wrong with replacing the sounds locally and using them.

    There may also be a loophole where you create a script that picks the sounds from War Thunder and injects them on Aviator Arsenal locally, and since you are not sharing their stuff it's legal to share that script. Some games implement modding that way, by injecting code on the game while it's loading or after it loaded. It depends on the EULA, but they cannot affect how you use other stuff on your PC, so it should be fine.

  2. 18 hours ago, Bob_Basilio said:

    Oi, quando eu tento usar qualquer tipo de turbina que use combustível líquido (mesmo sendo aviões prontos e testados), não consigo fazer a turbina funcionar, indiferente do tamanho. Já procurei em muitos fóruns e ainda não achei a solução. 

    Tá faltando entrada de ar


  3. Banido, pois foi só eu largar a moderação na mão destes patifes e o fórum se acaba.

    Tava atualizando o MAF e não consegui jogar por muito tempo, não gosto do que o KSP se tornou, e por algum motivo é extremamente incômodo de jogar.

    Continua sendo vazio, com funcionalidades desconexas e mal alinhadas entre si, e não são atualizações ou "tacando mais coisa" que isso vai se resolver.

  4. 18 hours ago, [INDO]dimas_1502 said:

    no update bruh? great mod btw


    And yes, maintaining a decent mod requires way too much time, and since I am not that interested on KSP anymore I'm only assuring it works, even with patches.

    The community is always very helpful in creating such patches, especially as BDAc changed a lot of how weapons deal damage.

    I would give it away for someone else to support, but if someone is that willing to continue it, why not create a new one? I always allow people to use this mod (make tournament patches, etc) when they ask for permission though.

    9 hours ago, N7_aerospace said:

    well there may be a mod that is stopping it from working (i dont know how to post pics)




    Edit: to post pics upload them to imgur.com, grab the image link and paste here, then press enter, the image will show on the post.

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