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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. http://www.mtgcardmaker.com/ Padronizar é sempre importante
  2. @Motokid600 Yes, they will have differences, and the differences can be bigger than you imagine. "Blatantly significant" means nothing, as I said a few cm can be the difference between good and crap. Your "report" was taken roughly because you did not consider that this could be simply FAR doing exactly what it was designed to do. If the shape of the procedural fairings have poor transonic performance you should report it there, not here, it's not like there is anything special on the code saying "procedural fairings will perform badly nao". Since long ago, FAR works by using the colliders to approximate the shape of the craft and applies aerodynamics to that, it goes beyond part X or Y, it uses the actual shape. Therefore, unless the part is broken, which is also not a FAR concern, the aerodynamics are being applied properly and any trouble you have with it comes from your design. I can see the tip of those fairings behaving very poorly to transonic wave drag, it's roundy, that is certainly a problem. In the last case scenario you will have it being a FAR bug, but it would be really, really unlikely that a part that is not broken is going to break FAR like that.
  3. @Motokid600 did you check their transonic wave drag areas and cross section curves? Looking alike does not mean behaving alike, someone can't tell at first sight if an airplane has been area-ruled or not, and moving a part a few cm can mean the difference between smooth and very draggy. What I mean is that your eyeball is not accurate at all here, the debug tools will show you what is really going on.
  4. Eu tinha um pé de acerola em casa, mas ele era muito maior que um pé de acerola normal, e os frutos eram muito doces, bem bom. Também tinha um de jaboticaba, também era maior que o normal e bem doce. Agora que eu paro pra pensar é estranho os dois terem frutas tão boas, eu morava bem perto do centro da cidade, vai entender.
  5. Banido por ter aparecido do nada. Olá, quem é você?
  6. Nossa, que foguetes enormes, muito legal. Aqui está mais uma do Bill:
  7. After you turn it on you can launch KSP directly without problems, it's a settings on the settings.cfg. Yeah, that is true, I forgot that detail. Please tell us if that solves your problem.
  8. There we go, you have an AMD Sempron and little RAM. Did you try AMD compatibility mode already? I also recommend Active Texture Management straight away, it does not conflict with anything.
  9. @acc No, that is not enough. You need to include your system specs, which other programs are running on the background, which anti-virus are you using and everything else. Remember that thousands of people use this mod every day and no one else ever reported an issue like yours, so there is definitely something going on on your side that is not for anyone else and we need to know what that is.
  10. Se não me engano você precisa das coordenadas do GPS pra atirar com ele, ele não é heat seeker.
  11. Você precisa de um radar. Os mísseis não funcionam mais como funcionavam antes, você precisa de um radar pra usar um certo tipo de míssil, aí usa ele pra selecionar o inimigo.
  12. E enquanto vocês ficam discutindo, capitão Bill navega nos mares do norte:
  13. Banido por achar que pode sair banindo quem quiser assim, sendo que o jogo é pra banir o post anterior apenas, especificamente. Edit: ahh, agora eu entendi. Banido pelo banimento confuso.
  14. Boa! Vi que por acidente acabou postando duas threads, vou fechar a outra pra ficar melhor.
  15. Edit: Ah, e é bom tomar cuidado, não é por que é um jogo que pode quebrar as regras do fórum.
  16. This ping thing makes this game a bit more interesting, and a bit easier to guess it right @AmpsterMan
  17. Banido por achar que pode sair banindo as pessoas por motivos fúteis.
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