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Everything posted by Azimech

  1. Interesting. Is there a fixed set of explosions to choose from? A lot of things in KSP can be rescaled. I'm imagining tiny explosions inside a combustion chamber. But they don't produce a unidirectional push do they?
  2. One of the more difficult aspects of building a track in the editor is the bends. A bend to the left means the left rail is shorter than the other. Time consuming to get it right and in the end ... probably not a lot of fun.
  3. Driving 154 m/s and someone's playing with the ride height handle. Now's a good time to panic.
  4. Driving 154 m/s and someone's playing with the ride height handle. Now's a good time to panic.
  5. Citroën CX 1974 - 1991 The Citroën CX is a world famous executive car introduced in 1974. In 1975 it became European Car of the Year. Like its predecessor, the even more famous DS it had the revolutionary hydropneumatic suspension. It was also the second car in the world with DIRAVI, a variable assist power steering. There are three versions of this stock car, a painted and unpainted one and a painted rally version. I've tried to replicate the construction, performance and driving characteristics. This means the car is basically understeered. One thing you'll notice is the narrow track of the rear wheels. Most Citroëns have this, it helps FWD cars with stability. The rally version is a totally different beast and my own interpretation of what it should be. The aerodynamics are completely reworked, I've used a lot of lighter materials on the bodywork, the interiour is gone, front and rear track are wider, the wheels have a 5 deg. camber etc. That thing is too fast for its own good. I am unable to replicate the hydraulic system of this car. Simply because hydraulics in KSP don't exist (yet). Also the suspension of the rover wheels is not adjustable. So I used a trick: I disconnect the body and regulate ride height from the chassis. Actually all controls are done from the chassis except the lights. Specifications CX: Power: 3x Juno and front wheel drive. Boost flaps: double. Wheels: 8x M1. Front suspension: springs 2.0, shocks 0.8. Rear suspension: springs 1.25, shocks 0.9. Brakes: maxed out. Total mass: 12.25t. Mass bodywork: 7.25t. Part count total: 286. Part count bodywork: 206. Top speed: 59 m/s. Specifications CX Rally: Power: 6x Juno and all wheel drive. Boost flaps: quadruple (box type). Wheels: 10x M1. Front suspension: springs 1.5, shocks 1.25. Rear suspension: springs 1.5, shocks 1.25 Brakes: rear bias. Total mass: 8.5t. Mass bodywork: 2.8t. Part count total: 193. Part count bodywork: 98. Top speed: >150 m/s. Instructions: Seat your kerbal, detach the crew module (hit stage). Throttle to 0%. Hit stage again. Change focus to the chassis. You're now in control. To toggle ride height, use action group 1. Warning: don't do fast cornering when the ride height is high. It will void your warranty. To fully appreciate the black and rally CX you need DCK. They work fine without. Download links: Stock CX on KerbalX Black CX on DropBox Rally CX on DropBox
  6. That's weird, it did work before.
  7. Sure, https://gfycat.com/ThinHealthyArrowcrab
  8. In the OP of my topic the GIF anim won't display anymore. Not only that, the same GIF won't show in this post. But the GIF below works. I don't know salad about websites, does anyone have an idea?
  9. Actually that was someone else @Jakalth. This thumbnail is the only thing I could find because his account is over the data limit (or something).
  10. I like the new Trek. And it gave me a big smile when I heard the name Paul Stamets. Yes, named after the real one. But, I dislike the hairless Klingons, I don't like their organic looking ships (I like the interiors though) and I'm not sure about USS Discovery either. And Lorca ... what a difference with the previous 5 (6 if you count Georgiou). I guess they picked the right actor for this role.
  11. Stock car, just painted. Another car you say? Boring! But wait ... this one has a trick up his sleeve!
  12. It's this mod: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/159310-13x-dck-v026-transparent-aircraft-armor-stealth-coating-part-camo-and-other-goodies-for-ksp-stock-bdac-bdmk22-sm_afvs-m2x-quiztech09202017/
  13. Stock car, just painted. Another car you say? Well ... this one has a trick up its sleeve. I'm curious if you guys can guess the model.
  14. The space versions of my Citroën 2CV and Dodge Charger, stock. Helmet clipping? I can't help it that the car is narrow and the helmets are too big :-P Technical layout is the same as the real world 2CV. Space Charger: https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I--2CV-Space-v10 https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I--Dodge-Space-Charger-v10
  15. Thanks guys|! Really appreciate it! And congrats to all the others!
  16. Really, try to think much simpler. There are no particles being ejected and therefore the whole concept exhaust velocity does not exist. It's just a force with a point of origin and a vector. ISP is just numbers they've entered in the configuration file. You can do all kinds of wacky things with ModuleEngines and ModuleEnginesFX, like give them negative thrust (starts generating resources) or give them negative heat output (use rockets to kill a fire). It's all there to give the illusion of a real engine. If the engine were real the name of the product would've been "Rocket Engine Simulator", running slow and unable to do anything else.
  17. Unfortunately ... that isn't correct. The exhaust vector is meant as a function of gameplay only, it's a constant force based on a simple calculation. ISP has got nothing to do with it. The maximum speed you can reach when accelerating using a rocket engine is based on the mass of the projectile, the force from the exhaust vector and the force drop-off value with distance; and the time the projectile remains within range of the exhaust vector. Take a look at ModuleEngines, all the entries for ExhaustDamage. I played with some of the values and made a powerful proton cannon with a 3 km range out of the ion engine. https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_module_engines.html
  18. I'm thinking of building some towns using stock parts, then weld them together to reduce part count. And share the game file.
  19. Telecasters to play Slayer ... LMAO! Guitar player: "I don't know man, I've turned the bass on the amp to 11 but it still sounds like we're playing in a helium atmosphere." Sound engineer: does facepalm.
  20. It's a good habit to save every 15 minutes with a new version. Usually I go with 0.1 to 0.8, then use 0.81, 0.82 etc. After the craft is released, I move all those files to the "old" folder.
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