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Everything posted by Azimech

  1. I think a weld function would make KSP into X-Plane.
  2. Don't forget about the drag. There's always the drag. And stock bearings always have some friction, some of it comes from vibrations. They always vibrate.
  3. @Servoyes the DLC adds some interesting opportunities. Instead of using the DLC for planes and helicopters I will use it for other things. I've been a master in both for almost 5 years, it's time to let it go. We might need a new engine (Unreal?) for this because joints continue to be a friggin' wreck in Unity. Anyway ... I'll be focusing more on piston engines now. It's my deepest love.
  4. Just a reply that I find it strange I can't like more posts per day with 7.5k rep. This like was aimed at you.
  5. Keep reporting. And I'm out of likes today. I was in EJ's stream as well. In any case, this is not acceptable.
  6. What makes you think they don't this? I've made mods myself and playtesting for weeks is a normal thing to do. But ... there are more styles to play than there are users ... a dev can only anticipate so much.
  7. Are you sure about that? Some high profile builders noticed it and weren't happy about it. Also very vocal. Me included. This hurts me. You know I need rigid stuff.
  8. That's pretty good for a helicopter ... It's higher than my first coaxial (which was also the first ever ;-) )
  9. It's not even a bearing anymore, just a model and some code. And I actually like motor overspeed and random explosions. We've been developing props & rotors since 2012 ... and when I invented the turboshaft engine in 2013 my helicopter lifted off with 7 rad/s because that was the game limit. The devs have increased the limit at my request every time. This is the very first turboprop on the planet, KSP 0.90. At one point something says poof but the engine continues to wobble and work. I like that. Once I flew a turboprop around Kerbin and at one point was a bit lazy ... didn't watch the revs enough. Damaged the engine. It continued to fly for many hours.
  10. I think your avatar pic is absolutely hilarious.

    1. HebaruSan


      Thanks! Unfortunately I found it via image search rather than creating it, so I've been meaning to change it for a long time.

  11. Another way, but even more brute force is how Cronus and Rhea do it. But it depends on how much power you feed the system. If a chopper is lacking control, the cause can be the CoL too high above the CoM.
  12. The DLC is the reason I probably won't be building helicopters or planes anymore. Only release what was already on the shelf. Interesting movement on this useless contraption. https://gfycat.com/sharpfavoriteannelida
  13. A stock solution might be to use multiple sets of legs or wheels, each with their own spring/shock settings. It's what I use on many cars to give them the exact cornering ability I want. Even use it on large airplanes to cope with difficult terrain. What I really dislike is the lack of bump/rebound settings. This could solve many issues, i.e going from underdamped to overdamped instead of bouncing off Gilly.
  14. I agree with this. But for us stock builders as well. Using ... maybe radio?
  15. Just a short gif of a three year old stock parts helicopter to make some people happy.
  16. I don't agree. Just learn to build better propellers ;-)
  17. I have experimented with stock swashplates and cyclic/collective but felt the part count would become too high and too fragile to be meaningful. I wanted more than a tech demonstrator, I wanted something people can really use. They do exist though, excellent craftmanship. With your turbine experiments ... did you disable the motor with the blowers running? The motor might actually want to limit the rpm. Turbines scale with diameter, I've had the turboprop speed record for a few years until people started to make UFO's with turbines larger than the plane itself and breaking the sound barrier (which no prop can do IRL). Those planes couldn't even take off or land. This is an example of how powerful those stock engines can be. Look at the mass, next to the navball, and observe the climb rate. The single-engined version has a top speed of 140 m/s. The three-engined version ... I believe close to 200.
  18. The manual for the Selene can be found on the craft page in PDF form. You need it. The manual for the others is on the craft page. https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I-Azi20-Selene-v10 https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I-Azi24-Cronus-v20 https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I-Azi31-Rhea-v20 https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I-Azi14-Asura-v22
  19. I understand the appeal of the stock electric motor ... compact, light etc. But not powerful. With turbines you can set speed records and lift records (the heaviest heli's will always be turbines). About control ... you could test a few of my stock heli's. They're pretty easy to fly.
  20. If you want to know more about props & rotors, you're welcome in my topic. We've been busy with these things since ... well ... 2015.
  21. Useless contraption built as a proof of concept. Interesting head movement. https://gfycat.com/SharpFavoriteAnnelida
  22. I don't think I'll be working on props and helo's anymore. Instead I'll be focusing on this old love of mine. Piston engines. First iteration timing chain for a DOHC. The chain can't be much tighter because of the way it is closed: with a strut so one joint is rigid. This things runs pretty smooth at 100 rpm although the gif doesn't show it. In any case: the fastest chain I've seen yet.
  23. https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/77I--Turbo-Electric-Hybrid-Propulsion ;-)
  24. Full piston engines exist but they will always be a sort of hack because we don't have fluid dynamics. The 4-stroke variant is terribly complex with monstrous part count ... mine doesn't run yet on its own power. Glad you're on board and yes, you had the right idea. This topic is all about the concept you've described.
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